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 [Ravencrest Raid] Paladin (Tank) - Varsity (XR)

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December 13, 2011, 11:23:22 pm
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[Ravencrest Raid] Paladin (Tank) - Varsity (XR)
« on: December 13, 2011, 11:23:22 pm »
Hello, Iron Edge!

Character: Varsity
Server: Khadgar
Class/Spec: Paladin (Tank)
Raid: Ravencrest Raid

Personal Info:

Name, age, location, work/school, etc.

Name: Jordan, 20, Uk.
Currently studying Journalism at university, writer of my own blog!


Currently using Protection spec, did dabble in Retri for switching me out etc in raids but really don't like it therefore it remains my main spec because I love tanking! Spent too long dps'ing up until cata, good to be at the front of the damage for once. Ilvl is 384.


Can you show us that you understand your class?  What stats do you go for with your spec?  What rotation/priority system do you use?

Not sure what you want me to show here! I've respecced a few times for certain fights. For example in Firelands going for talents that increase dps slightly for the hatchlings on Alysrazor or going for more defensive block, parry, dodge abilities for Baleroc.

More recently I've respecced again for the Madness of DW fight so that I can solo tank. I've put points into Reduced Hand of Protection so I have it available twice during the fight for the second impale, very handy!

Rotation wise its normally pull with avengers shield --> Crusader Strike --> Judgement --> CS --> CS --> Shield of the Righteous (+ Engineering glove tinker that increases strength).


Mining 525- Always take  mining for the money whilst levelling, also this time to go with engineering.

Engi 525- Took this at the start of cata in order to get the tanking helm as it was one of the best at the time. Kept it mainly for the tinkers such as gloves and rocket belt, very fun and actually quite useful when dashing around to pick up adds etc!

Raid Experience:

Raiding experience this expansion:

Cleared totfw/bot/bwd. Cleared FL normal (before nerf) and FL heroic 5/7. Dragon Soul is currently 6/8 with experience on spine and extensive experience on Madness.  - Taken from first attempts at Dragon Soul on secon day of patch.

Previous Guilds:

Imperium (Current) : Started off well but a massive gap occurred between the two teams. People stopped being rotated around and it instead turned into officers and class advisor team + the other team being leftovers (including me) mixed with socials.

Angry Pirates: A small 10 man raid guild made up of friends. Very small roster leaving us relying on people that werent always there and not making much progress.

Perditus Ignis: My first raiding guild, got me into the scene and improved me, unfortunately broke up because of the same problem Imperium now has with teams.

The Layer Cake: Purely for levelling to 85, spent a few weeks raiding with them but really wasnt very organised.


Mostly available every day at some stage. January onwards will be timetable dependent but since most raids are in the evening Im normally very flexbile with my timetable. At home Im on literally 24/7 anyway.


Yep, I enjoy banter etc on vent atm but am also good at explaining tactics and shouting out things that should be noted to the rest of the raid.

Computer / Connection:

My computer is rather old but good. My connection is wired meaning few if any dcs apart from the ocassional need to reset the router. I tend to lag out in 25 mans which should be noted but other than that not at all.


First of all I play with a standard blizzard UI, not amazing I know but it does the job for my computer and low resolution. Addon wise I use DBM, recount and Omen, the 3 bare necessities!

Other Games:

I used to play a lot of Xbox and have an extensive collection but recently I have just been a solid raider.

Why Iron Edge?

I feel the need to change server and escape from Khadgar for a bit, ive met some amazing people there but the raiding scene isnt the best and I want to join people that more suit my needs of progress and aspirations.

What can I offer Iron Edge?

Im a friendly social person who you can rely on. I turn up on time with all relevant repairs and can inform other players in the raid and guild of anything they need. Ive been playing WoW since launch, love it to bits and have a good knowledge of all encounters, Im very sarcastic though, a humor which you either appreciate or dont :D

Where did I hear about Iron Edge??


Last Words?

Nooo. Other than thank you for your time reading my application!

December 14, 2011, 03:37:16 am
Reply #1

Offline Daekesh

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Re: [Ravencrest Raid] Paladin (Tank) - Varsity (XR)
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2011, 03:37:16 am »
Hey. Thanks for the app!  A few things:

I see you've got some funky talents for DS.  Interesting that you went for Guarded by the Light instead of Hallowed Ground.  Do you not use Consecration?

Your major glyphs are a bit weird.  Do you find you get much use out of dazing shield, in raids?  And why use Ascetic Crusader? Much more effective glyphs are Lay on Hands (-cd), Divine Guardian (depends on fight) and Consecration.  Focused shield is great for dps, too.

Also, your gems and reforging.  I notice that you've gemmed some dodge, you're not using the block meta and you've not reforged some of your gear to mastery.  You're over 8% below the avoidance cap.  You really need to stack mastery over all other stats to reach that cap (102.4% - 5% miss.)  You can't be having 8% chance to be hit in the face for full damage!  Any reason you've not reforged to mastery?

When looking at your log (the Zon'ozz kill) I notice that you haven't used consecration at all, or holy wrath and your shield of the righteous is only 5% of your damage?  Do you really need to spam word of glory to stay alive, in normals?  I think your rotation/priority needs a lot of work.  You should check out the prot ej thread.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2011, 03:52:56 am by TTaM »



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