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 Raider Application - Hunter (DPS) - Rales

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May 27, 2017, 02:35:10 am
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Raider Application - Hunter (DPS) - Rales
« on: May 27, 2017, 02:35:10 am »
Hello, Iron Edge!

I am applying for the main raid.

Character: Rales
Class/Spec: Hunter (DPS)
Member Type: raider

Personal Info:

My name is Roman, i am 23 years old and am currently living in Vienna - Austria. I study history and sports at our university and play basketball, volleyball and WoW in my spare time.


I am currently only playing BM because i got all BiS legendarys, but i spend all my emissary caches and nethershards on marksman to stock up on legendarys.

I would prefer to play BM but wouldnt mind changing to MM or even survival in the long run. BM is my favourite spec because it offers alot of different utility in m+ and is highly mobile in raids.

My current iLvl is 913 on BM with 53 traits and 43% to 54.
Survival iLvL is similar but i havent funneled that much ap into any of the other specs.

I currently sim for: Agility=24.29, CritRating=23.41, HasteRating=23.25, MasteryRating=24.04, Versatility=19.38

With the upcomming changes in ToS i might pursue more crit to synergize better with Wild Call.

I try to keep up 3 stacks of Dire Frenzy and use Bestial Wrath on cooldown if there are no high priority adds coming up in the next ~15 seconds. I hold on to Dire Frenzy if my CD on bestial wrath is <5 seconds.

If possible i focus on pure ST for the boss or adds because thats what BM excels at.
I switch to the Dire Stable/Stomp/Blinking Strikes build for fights like Tichondrius for better burst AoE and reliable pet uptime.


Currently only my 110 Blood DK (iLvL~890) i use to play with RL friends.


Alchemy and Engineering. Alchemy to be self-sufficent and for the 2h flasks.
Engineering for Jeeves/Reeves, nitro boots, loot-a-rang, Goblin gliders ect.

Raiding Experience:

Mythic progress in EN and NH. I fulfilled a dps role mostly but had an healing alt on raidlevel in EN.

Previous Guilds:

I started playing WoW 2 months before Legions release. My first hardcore raiding experience was with the realm-first guild "WGM" on Blackrock(done on my DH sehldris-blackrock).
But i couldnt keep up 4 raiding days because i joined university later that year. I got asked to return, but i cant keep 4 nights dedicated to WoW.

Everything after happened on my hunter.

I tried to fill my hunger for progress with a 2 day raiding guild called "Fel-Empire" on kazzak but people stopped showing up and the raidteam got disbanded.

Then i joined "Bloodlore", but i really disliked the raiding atmosphere there. People consistently show up 30 minutes late, ragequit mid raid and are generally unprepared or lack motivation.


Most of my lectures are during the day, but i can stream most of them and the ones at night are always streamable, so that will never interfere with raiding.

Basketball on Tuesday 19:00-23:00


Yes, i am. I got teamspeak and a working headset with a microphone.

I dont talk a lot during raids if there is no reason to. I try to keep it for breaks or 5 man content.

Computer / Connection:

I play on 2 screens with a gtx1080 and 16 gigs of ram.

My internet connection is: 75Mbps Down /10 Up with ~30-40 ping to Kazzak. I had no drops over the past 4 months.

My FPS drop down to ~35 on Skorpyron but thats still playable.


The major ones are:
ElvUi, Angry Assignments, DBM, GTFO, RCLootcouncil and EPGP, WA2.

Not so important: Scrolling battle text, VuhDo, Skada, Pawn, SimC, ElvUi custom tweaks, ElvUi Shadow&Light, AddonSkins.
This one is pretty recent. I only changed the location and size of scrolling battle text to be further on the side and added 2 weakauras to better track Bestial Wrath and Beast Cleave because the aura on my nameplate wasnt visible enough for my taste.
Some Keybinds change depending on which pet/talent i use. Like CR,BL, Volley ect.

Other Games:

Pretty much everything i can find players for.
Sc2, PuBg, LoL, Dota, CS:GO, Civ6 and much more.

Why Iron Edge?

Because i believe to find like minded players to consistently progress with in your guild. My own personal goal is to clear the highest aviable difficulty while its still relevant and to finally find a long lasting home for future tiers to come.

I put a lot of time into WoW and expect others to do the same. I dont want to be carried and i dont want to feel like i am way ahead of my fellow raiders.

What can I offer Iron Edge?

My Raid experience is very limited as i said because i started with legion, but i have proven my previous raidleads that i am reliable and always try to perform at my best.

I come prepared to raids, not only with consumeables but also knowledge of the fights and i analyse my logs after raidnights aswell if i feel like my performance was not satisfactory.

I consistently get purple logs on most fights in Mythic NH and can show off some orange ones aswell. And i believe those parses will get even better with a guild that has a higher standard.

My personal logs:
And my WoWprogress:

Where did I hear about Iron Edge?

I checked Wowprogress and your killvideos and enjoyed what i saw.

Last Words?

I know that my lack of long term raiding experience may be off putting, but i learned and improved a lot in the relatively short time i played and hope to get a chance based on my current performance and dedication.

I clear several +15-19 m+ keys every week to push myself and i really look forward to every raidnight. Thats what i love the most in WoW and thats the reason i am looking for others with a similar mindset.

I understand the decisions officers have to make, and that i might be declined because i cant prove 100% that i ll keep playing for a longer period of time(because i lack history), but i really enjoy the game and hope to get a chance to prove myself in the current raidtier and the ones after.

For the question: "What was the name of the owner of the dog again?" I probably just failed a stupidity test, but the picture above is showing a mage in his order hall. If i did i hope for mercy because its 2:30 by now.

Feel free to add me on Bnet if you want to talk to me or to get to know me better.

May 29, 2017, 11:41:47 am
Reply #1

Offline Vejeta

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Re: Raider Application - Hunter (DPS) - Rales
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2017, 11:41:47 am »
Hi Roman,

Apologies it seems our officers are being slacky over the weekend, nice application decent progress in current tier of raid instance, maybe we can get our ranged officer moonslacklipse or our resident hr and all things hunter based Narco to go deeper into the apply.

I apologize for being the first person from Iron Edge you encounter, do not take me seriously no matter what I say.

As far as I'm concerned good application hopefully if your successful you will find what you're looking for here, my only concern so far is you have got through a lot of guilds in 10months of legion being what average 3months per guild, we do recruit for stability in our raid team so do not be surprised to be sometimes on the bench like others will do too, we are a team after all.

Good luck on the apply.

« Last Edit: May 30, 2017, 01:40:32 am by Mooneclipse »
You may have invaded my mind and my body...but there's one thing a Saiyin always keeps...his PRIDE!!!

Former angriest bastard on the internet.
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May 29, 2017, 09:06:33 pm
Reply #2

Offline Gletscher

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Re: Raider Application - Hunter (DPS) - Rales
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2017, 09:06:33 pm »
Hi and thx for your reply!

I know that my guild history is awful, but as i said one of those 3 guilds stopped raiding entirely but i stuck till the end and the guild i am currently in just doesnt share the same mindset and interests that i have.
My main goal is to raid afterall and one of the requirements for mythic raiding is a stable and dedicated guild.

I am fine with getting benched as long as i get to raid more often than sitting out, but i would like to know the criterias of it. Do you decide based on attendance, performance, encounter or a mix of everything? What weights the most if thats the case? And how many players average in your current roster?

Looking forward to hear from you soon!

May 30, 2017, 01:35:03 am
Reply #3

Offline Mooneclipse

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Re: Raider Application - Hunter (DPS) - Rales
« Reply #3 on: May 30, 2017, 01:35:03 am »
Hiyo, Rales!

I like your application, you seem to have put some effort into making it and I can really appreciate this. On your logs you seem to be scoring quite high in terms of rankings.

As has been stated here already, the one thing that stands out is the guild history, but I can also just chalk that down to the fact that none of your previous guilds has been Iron Edge. We do have a tendency of making people stick around.

I would like to give you a trial, so you can poke me or any officer ingame for an invite! Note that we are currently progressing on Gul'dan, and I would expect you to be up to date with what to do for the bosses up to this point.
"You smell so much nicer when you're awake"

June 07, 2017, 05:01:13 pm
Reply #4

Offline Rash

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Re: Raider Application - Hunter (DPS) - Rales
« Reply #4 on: June 07, 2017, 05:01:13 pm »
Rales seems to have decided on joining a 3-night guild called Predication.
Good luck to you!
Rash - Holy Priest
Rashuwu - Mistweaver Monk
Porkkebab - Holy Paladin


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