Iron Edge

Iron Edge => Recruitment => Raider Recruitment => Topic started by: Applicant on July 25, 2016, 09:32:04 pm

Title: Weekend Raider Application - Druid (Healer) - Tahsou
Post by: Applicant on July 25, 2016, 09:32:04 pm
Hello, Iron Edge!

I am applying for the Weekend Raid.

Character: Tahsou
Class/Spec: Druid (Healer)
Member Type: wraider

Personal Info:

Name: Sarah
Age: 29
Location: UK/Norway
Work: Finance


Restoration is my preferred spec. Healing in general is a very fun role for me because even on farm content the experience is a little bit different every time and that keeps me engaged and provides a challenge. My experiences from tanking on different classes over several years have also contributed to my enjoyment of healing because I know what challenges a tank can face and use that to my advantage when healing.

My primary off spec is Guardian. I have tanked as a Bear Druid from Wrath of the Lich King until the end of Pandaria. At that point I changed to blood DK. I like Guardian Druids because I always feel like they have been "the constant" of the tanks. Other tanks can be buffed and nerfed but bears were always stable and could deal with any challenge. Based on the Legion changes it seems as if they will continue to be a solid pick for a tanking role.

I also enjoy playing Feral as a third spec because it has always been quite a challenge to master a cat and output high DPS consistently and it is a challenge that I embrace and enjoy working toward.

My current talent build is:

15: Prosperity
30: Displacer Beast
45: Balance Affinity
60: Typhoon
75: Soul of the Forest
90: Inner Peace
100: Stonebark
I use Prosperity for some extra single target burst healing. It’s also great for when I need to move a lot. Displacer Beast is nice for some extra mobility but I do change between this and Renewal depending on the boss. Balance Affinity just provides some extra range to my heals which is great on bosses that needs everyone to spread out.

Soul of the Forest has great synergy with Prosperity. The extra Swiftmend charge and shorter cooldown means I can use empowered healing spells more often. Inner Peace makes a strong raid cooldown even stronger. I swap between my level 100 talents often. I currently use Stonebark because it makes it easier to keep the tank alive. I may try to use Flourish in the future because it has good synergy with the Resto Druid artifact ability. Moment of Clarity can be useful in long fights when mana can become a problem but i’ve yet to encounter that.

For stats I am aiming for the following priority based on current theory crafting: Int > Haste > Crit > Mastery > Vers.

Haste allows me to cast faster but more importantly it lowers my GCD so I can spread HOTs quicker to blanket the group.


I have two noteworthy alts. One is my Blood DK Zephì. I made her my main at the start of WoD to try something different and tanked with her throughout Highmaul and Blackrock Foundry.

Here armory is here:

My other alt is Zerahphem. She is a Holy Priest that I enjoy playing, especially after the new changes brought it back to the old play style.

Here armory:


My professions are Engineering because it has a lot of useful gadgets like Jeeves and the gear tinkers. My secondary profession is Jewelcrafting because making gems is a lot cheaper and easier. It means I can also craft the new rings and necklaces quite cheaply since I am not paying for somebody else's materials.

Raiding Experience:

I originally raided as a Priest when I was raiding back in Vanilla and Burning Crusade. In Lich King I made the change to Druid during ICC in WotLK.

WotLK (Disc Priest / Guardian Druid):

Naxx 10/25: Cleared
Ulduar 25: Cleared
OS 10/25: Cleared
EoE 10/25: Cleared
ICC 10: Cleared normal + heroic up to LK
RS 10: Cleared normal + heroic

Cataclysm (Guardian Druid):

BWD: Cleared normal + 3/6 heroic
BoT: Cleared normal + 1/4 heroic
TotFW: Cleared normal
Firelands: Cleared normal + 6/7 heroic
Dragon Soul: Cleared normal + heroic

Mists of Pandaria (Guardian Druid):

Mogu'Shan Vaults: Cleared normal + 3/6 heroic
HoF: Cleared normal
ToES: Cleared normal
ToT: Cleared normal + 9/12 heroic
SoO: Cleared normal, heroic + 4/14 mythic

Warlords of Draenor (Blood DK):

Highmaul: Cleared normal, heroic + 4/7 mythic
BRF: Cleared normal + 8/10 heroic
HFC: Nothing

Previous Guilds:


Attendance was a real problem to the point were we could go weeks without a raid. It was around this time I was starting to get tired of WoW so I decided to leave and take a break.

Sanctified Insight:

I was the Co-Guild Master in this guild along with Imensity, my partner who is also applying. We ran this guild together from Wrath of the Lich King until Throne of Thunder in Mists of Pandaria. At that point our core raid team began getting bored of the game and quit playing. After attempts to replace them and continue it just didn't work out so we all added each other as real ID friends and went our separate ways.


I am available a lot of the time but I am applying for the Sunday raiding team because I want to enjoy raiding again. I don't want to go down the road of 3-5 raid days a week because I did that already for too many years. I now want to enjoy the game and have fun with the other aspects of Legion such as achievements.

Since the weekend team only raids on Sundays that allows me to have the time I want to enjoy other parts of the game and not have raiding feel like a job so attendance should not be a problem for me at all.


I speak English really well and I do have Teamspeak 3 installed from previous guilds. I have a microphone and I have no problems using it when needed in raids or when socializing with the guild.

Computer / Connection:

OS: Windows 10
CPU: i5 2500k @ 3.3GHz
GPU: GTX 660

I have no issues with lag or FPS while playing WoW. My ping is around 15-40ms.


I try to have a very minimalist UI with as much space on the screen as possible. I use the following addons:

ElvUI - Clean UI with some nice built in settings
Recount  - Check my performance
Vuhdo - Use these as raid frames and for healing when I am Resto
Weak Auras - Keep a track of timers, procs or important boss debuffs
DBM / BigWigs - Standard boss mods for boss timers. I swap between DBM and BigWigs because sometimes one is better than the other on certain bosses.
I use a Razer Naga with the 12 side buttons which allow me to use the 7, 8, 9, 10, -, and = bindings easily.

Other Games:

I don't play very many games. The only other games I play regularly are Heroes of the Storm and very occasionally I will play Black Desert Online.

Why Iron Edge?

After raiding for so many years on a full time schedule and I want to take a more casual approach to Legion so that I can enjoy the game again. I still want to raid but not at the level I did previously. Iron Edge seems to understand that very well and offer a solution for people like me who still want to progress in raiding but not make it feel like a job.

What can I offer Iron Edge?

I am a very experienced raider and player. I have played and raided since Vanilla so I have seen it all in regards to WoW. I am a fast learner and give every raid my full focus and concentration. Just like Imensity who is also applying I too am looking to meet new people and get involved in guild activities like dungeons, raids, world quests, and the occasional pvp.

Where did I hear about Iron Edge?

Official Kazzak forums

Last Words?

My partner, Imensity, is also applying on his Shaman so this can be considered a joint application in a way but he has submitted his application separately. We have played and raided together since Wrath of the Lich King so we have a synergy in raids after all this time, we know how the other person plays which is a great asset in a raid team.

He did mention it in his application but we are just coming back to the game after 18 months away and are taking our time to get acquainted with the game again. It is because of this reason that we respectfully request that we can postpone our first raid until Legion so we can start out on an even footing with the rest of the team in regards to gear. If this isn't really a possibility and results in us having to join as socials until that time then that is okay with us as well.

Thank you for considering our applications.

Title: Re: Weekend Raider Application - Druid (Healer) - Tahsou
Post by: Vejeta on July 25, 2016, 10:21:53 pm

I like the apply, good luck and hopefully xorm can find a way to get you both in, nothing beter than a busy g chat too for the social side :)

Good job on the application anywho.


Title: Re: Weekend Raider Application - Druid (Healer) - Tahsou
Post by: Rash on July 25, 2016, 11:17:17 pm
Hi there!

Very nice application, I think you and Imensity will not have a problem fitting in with us at all.

As Vejeta mentioned, Xormn is in charge of the weekend raid and he'll get back to you shortly!
Title: Re: Weekend Raider Application - Druid (Healer) - Tahsou
Post by: Xormn on July 26, 2016, 03:51:32 am
I am quite pleased with both your applications. You have more than enough experience to join our team :D

There are no more official raids until Legion, so don't worry about your gear and whatnots.

That being said, please /w an officer for invite.