Iron Edge

Iron Edge => Recruitment => Friends and Family Recruitment => Topic started by: Inphyy on November 18, 2007, 10:06:44 pm

Title: Inphyy - F&F
Post by: Inphyy on November 18, 2007, 10:06:44 pm
Hi there, ingame I'm known as Inphyy, some might know me others might not. I'll formly introduce myself once again to freshen up your minds.

I'm Alex, nearly 21 years old of age, living in Holland and studying Desktop Publishing/Graphical designing of printmedia.
At the start op TBC I raced my Paladin to 70, being the first BE to hit lvl 70 on Dunemaul. Halfway through this progress I applied to Iron Edge to offer my services as the first BE raiding paladin on Dunemaul. With succes I've been raiding quite a bit, starting in Karazhan and working our way through it towards Gruul + Magtheridon. It's at the progress with Magtheridon where I had to leave the game for work and college. I've tried to come back to the game before on a hunter whom I leveled on a second account to avoid the seductive looks on Inphyy in my characterslist. This didn't work out too well and I stopped playing wow for a couple of months untill I reactivated my main account again to log in from time to time do some pvp and run around looking sexy. Which has been a succes untill today.

As some might have noticed, I've been online quite a bit last few weeks, and longer than a mere hour a day. I'm trying to get back into doing instances, upgrading my gear, doing some daily pvp and ofcourse raiding Zul'Aman as of late. As for this I was wondering if I could get a spot as an F&F.

My intentions as of now are to get back into the game a bit more, hoping to become a raider at some point. Ofcourse I will re-apply as a raider when it comes that far.

Although I never really felt I left the Iron Edge community, I'm asking for a guildinvite so I can have a friendly chat and ofcourse know when I'm needed.

That's it for now, hope to get a word from any of you soon!

Title: Re: Inphyy - F&F
Post by: Bombardi on November 18, 2007, 10:12:52 pm
Vouch...  ;D

great guy, great healer, very helpfull..

Would love to see him in again

Title: Re: Inphyy - F&F
Post by: Shannaro on November 18, 2007, 10:25:16 pm
Its inphyy! I leik him! Gief invite!!
Title: Re: Inphyy - F&F
Post by: Blaine on November 19, 2007, 12:19:47 am
 :D Imphyy Ownes In za ^.^
Gib Healadinz !
Title: Re: Inphyy - F&F
Post by: delling on November 19, 2007, 01:12:35 am
The eternal revolving door of Iron Edge!
Title: Re: Inphyy - F&F
Post by: kawe on November 19, 2007, 02:45:02 am
Well, it's not like Inph left in a situation of animosity or any kind of debacle... so I think it's a bit different to the usual reason that that term came to be used in a way that wasn't implying it was a good thing.

I really like Inph, great friendly, helpful player, just all-round win. Can't say there's a lot of players who I could so fully recommend.

Of course, it'd be best if he can regulate himself so that he doesn't go over the top HC and then have to leave the game again... ;)

Title: Re: Inphyy - F&F
Post by: Daekesh on November 19, 2007, 08:47:56 am
Give Inphyy!
Title: Re: Inphyy - F&F
Post by: Lobby on November 19, 2007, 10:52:15 am
Well you know my opinion about you Alex. Nothing much to say then throw me a whisper in-game when you see my next time and I'll give you an invite.

Welcome back mate...