Iron Edge
Iron Edge => Recruitment => Friends and Family Recruitment => Topic started by: jambalaya on April 11, 2011, 08:54:48 pm
hey, again
Real life then, my RL name is Bjarni, 27 years old and currently living in Copenhagen Denmark, currently working at a company that makes fire "extinguishing" equipment for ships.
Found a couple of good bars here in Copenhagen so I'm keeping my biggest passion alive, and there are Casinos here hehehe :)
why I want to join IE again, basically looking for a "respectable" guild tag for my char. and I have had enough of "slummin" or what the term is, ghetto comes into mind as well.
be for IE I will refer to my old apply (if is still exists)
although not a huge backlog of old guilds I have been around the block now, after IE I ended up in So What, they had a hunter spot open and I was not getting raiding time in IE, fair nough imo. since I was not living up to standards.
Left So What for an ambitious project, the infamous all Faroese guild "placeholder" (cannot remember the name, maby I was drunk or someting), needless to say we had some success and it all ended terribly. Left that guild due to nothing at all happening there in any way, shape or form and ultimately some personale reasons.
Other gaming Exp. I refer to my old apply. and can add SC2 and Deathspank for PS3 ( I highly recommend it, funny as hell)
char. info: Orc Hunter lvl 85
armory link:
also got a 85 Pala and working on some other alts
all in all I'll say it as I said it befor: If you want me, you got me
that should do it
Good to hear from you again Jamba!
I allways like this drunk danish fellow
he gets a thumbs up from me
It comes down to one question:
Do you still have your anvil?
Thumbs up ;D
heeeeeeey man ;D
Denmark, eh? Do you prefer it to the Faroes?
Man with the epic voice!
Welcome back!
Denmark is doing the trick atm.... not sure if it?s better, wating for the summer to make a decision on that
sadly no the Anvil has gone to it?s rightfull owner, my cousin, he inherited it after grandad died
Now I HAVE to join Teamspeak more often just to hear this epic voice again :D
Hehey and he has gear!
no bad comments so far, usualy a good sign right?.... ;)
Nice to hear from you again.
Welcome back!
Poke an officer for an invite :)
sounds like a plan :)
I?ll do it Saterday, going out for a drink now :o
Officers that are not online and queuing up for inv. me to the guild on a Saturday morning 08:00+ are not really committed to the cause......
are they?.... ;)
The revolving door is only manned between the hours of 20:00 and 24:00.
I'm online a lot more than other officers I think, Waterpistol has officer rank