Iron Edge

Iron Edge => Other Games => General discussion (public) => Topic started by: Jazzba on September 26, 2011, 08:09:48 am

Title: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: Jazzba on September 26, 2011, 08:09:48 am
I've been waiting a long time for this, and finally, they announced the launch date for Star Wars: The Old Republic!  ;D

Confirmation link: (

I'm a HUGE fan of SW, so I'm interested if anyone in the guild is planning to play this once its released.  :)

Those who will play it, feel free to discuss about the classes you are thinking about playing and everything else regarding the next Bioware/Lucasarts MMO.
Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: Abyiss on September 26, 2011, 09:25:40 am
i was excited, but then i saw Wildstar, and Old republic looks so bland and generic now.
Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: Jazzba on September 26, 2011, 09:30:01 am
Hmmm yeah Wildstar looks neat indeed!  :) I must be honest, this is the first time I hear about this game, though..

As for SW, I've been waiting for years for it to be released, so I'm gonna at least try and give it a shot. Its Star Wars after all, and I'm a fanatic when it comes to it.
I can't wait to jump into my Smuggler boots and cause all kinds of trouble around the galaxy!  :P
Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: Goza on September 26, 2011, 09:43:20 am
Releasing 2 days before chrismas, they must have good faith in the servers. Oh dear.
Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: Chaosecho on September 26, 2011, 10:43:31 am

I'm a HUGE fan of SW, so I'm interested if anyone in the guild is planning to play this once its released.  :)

I ll be playing that aswell :)
Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: Archz on September 26, 2011, 10:49:07 am
Big SW fan but new to the games! I might try this one out though!
Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: Gaeios(Graxlos) on September 26, 2011, 10:54:02 am
I hope they manage to add some more content to it, if what I have heard from the people in beta is true its only going to be fun for the first month.
Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: Archz on September 26, 2011, 10:56:12 am
I hope they manage to add some more content to it, if what I have heard from the people in beta is true its only going to be fun for the first month.

Can't see that as a bad thing, as I don't have the time to play two mmorpgs really :p
Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: Jazzba on September 26, 2011, 11:04:01 am
Knights of The Old Republic (2003) and Knights of The Old Republic II (2005), the single player RPG's which were the prequel to The Old Republic MMO were absolutely awesome, and true classics of the genre. Also, they are in my top list of favourite games ever.

Apart from those, I haven't played many SW games either.

The work on SW: The Old Republic has begun five years ago (or more..), and Bioware, Lucasarts and Electronic Arts have said in many occasions that this will be the best and biggest game they ever made.

And taking in consideration the above mentioned companies credentials, I don't see this game failing at any level.  :)
Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: Gaeios(Graxlos) on September 26, 2011, 11:10:10 am
Well the problem is according to what I have heard that this game is too much like KOTOR and does not have good MMO properties.

Everything is narrated professionally which is awesome, but also makes the proces of making new content that much slower.

There is no large group multiplayer content.

The guy I talked about it with, that is playing beta(a guy who loved kotor), said that its an awesome "singleplayer" game but there is no endgame content when you have done all the quests once.

He even complained that you get XP too fast because you have to skip quests which sucks because the quests are awesome.

Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: Jazzba on September 26, 2011, 11:18:01 am
Yeah well I guess everything we can do at this point is wait and see what the game brings once it is released.  :)

It will surely have its flaws upon release, but I'm sure they will work hard on additional content if they want to have a game that will be able to stand side by side with WoW on a long run. They must be aware of that.

The interest for this game is HUGE (there were like 300 pages of posts on their forum an hour after the release date was announced.. O.o) so they better not let down all the SW fans that have been waiting for this for so long!
Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: Gaeios(Graxlos) on September 26, 2011, 11:20:46 am
Well the old starwars mmo more or less died, because of a single contentpatch that was trying to make the game more casual friendly :P
Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: Archz on September 26, 2011, 11:21:43 am
they better not let down all the SW fans that have been waiting for this for so long!

Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: Jazzba on September 26, 2011, 11:23:33 am
It did indeed, how I hope they've learned from their mistakes.  :(
Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: Grishnag on September 26, 2011, 12:27:09 pm
The interest for this game is HUGE (there were like 300 pages of posts on their forum an hour after the release date was announced.. O.o) so they better not let down all the SW fans that have been waiting for this for so long!
realy bioware fans were excited about the latest bioware game that bioware made for bioware fans

who woulda thunk

everything and i do mean everything from what i have seen, heard and scream to mean that it is not worth it to buy

one thing that realy annoys me is that you kill revan and hk-47 when you are around level 30-40
i mean killing off 2 characters that are pretty well liked by most people that played the other games seems a bit of a fuck up
Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: Sintrael on September 26, 2011, 01:06:36 pm
I'll be giving this a go for sure. How much i'll play i dont kno, so many uber games coming out this christmas season!
Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: Daekesh on September 26, 2011, 02:42:54 pm
From what I've heard from people I know in beta, it's just like WoW, but with lasers and more voice acting.  If that's your thing...!
Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: Abyiss on September 26, 2011, 02:51:02 pm
Its still all about Wildstar imo. (which i signed Iron Edge up for the beta.)
Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: Grishnag on September 26, 2011, 06:04:37 pm
Its still all about Wildstar imo. (which i signed Iron Edge up for the beta.)
TERA and GW2 would like to have a word with you
Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: Veilas on September 26, 2011, 09:44:07 pm
I fell in love with Tera the first time i saw it!
Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: Sidestep on September 26, 2011, 10:20:38 pm
Its still all about Wildstar imo. (which i signed Iron Edge up for the beta.)

The amount you are promoting this game, makes me suspicious... Benny has his fingers in many pies hmmms.
Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: Abyiss on September 26, 2011, 10:23:57 pm
hah lol!
Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: Slash on September 27, 2011, 11:37:25 am
I fell in love with Tera the first time i saw it!

i agree! looks fkkn epic!
Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: Archz on October 10, 2011, 03:08:25 am

Pretty epic cinematic with fight scenes that gives you boners. The first one is the opening, second is the Imperial cinematic and the last one is Sith Empire.

Got the beta and leveling is pretty well done, can tell that they took their sweet time ^^

It's pretty fun how evil you can be as Sith xD

Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: Skymunken on October 10, 2011, 07:20:06 am
Haven't read up much, but from what I've heard most of the game acts like a Single player game? Could someone in the beta give a wrap up how much interaction with other players there actually is?
Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: Gaeios(Graxlos) on October 10, 2011, 07:34:52 am
and if they recently implemented large group cooperation and useful pvp
Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: Daekesh on October 10, 2011, 12:57:01 pm
I've heard from somebody that's been in beta for a fairly long time that the 'single player' rumour is just a myth.  When asked about it, though, he said that the only thing detracting from that was that you simply had to group to level up, so not quite single player.
Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: Gaeios(Graxlos) on October 10, 2011, 01:10:16 pm
Well yeah there are multiplayer but its only like up to 3-5 people or so afaik.
Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: Archz on October 10, 2011, 01:28:25 pm
There's quite a lot of single player, and then there's these "heroic quests" that take place in something equivalent of a instance where you usually need a few more players.
Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: Skymunken on October 10, 2011, 01:34:40 pm
Are there raids n stuff? (Think they have like a super gay name)
Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: Jazzba on October 10, 2011, 02:03:36 pm
At the beggining, the PvE content will be based on "Flashpoints", which are like instances and dungeons in WoW, the only difference being that Flashpoints are for groups of 4 people.

At higher levels, Flashpoints can accomodate more people, and that is something like Heroic Dungeons.

I am sure there will be raids and stuff in the upcoming patches, though, when people get used to game mechanics and the classes they are playing.
Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: Abyiss on October 10, 2011, 04:43:39 pm
Are there raids n stuff? (Think they have like a super gay name)

The raids are called "operations" and I believe they are 15 person instances.
Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: Skymunken on October 11, 2011, 09:21:28 am
Ah yes! Operations! Sound like UBRS runnin'
Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: Goza on November 12, 2011, 03:19:24 pm
So, I'm in the weekend beta, and this is the game running on max settings:


Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: Huntresa on November 12, 2011, 03:22:41 pm
So, I'm in the weekend beta, and this is the game running on max settings:



Very brown guy, they got spraytan in space?
Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: Goza on November 14, 2011, 12:18:24 am
So, apparently most of the official screenshots are in fact photoshapped bullshots, so I'll post some actual ingame shots if anyone still cares about this game.

Notice the absolute fugly user interface, designed by Bioware's new intern (former janitor).
Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: Goza on November 14, 2011, 12:21:44 am
Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: Goza on November 14, 2011, 12:24:39 am
...and some moar, from Space Stations that seem to serve as hubs to fly to other planets.
Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: Gaeios(Graxlos) on November 14, 2011, 06:38:00 am
But is it fun?
Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: Goza on November 14, 2011, 10:15:39 am
But is it fun?

It's not a trainwreck, but it's a perfect example of "why should I play this" game as it's basically a WoW clone with lasers, but it completely lacks the polish that makes WoW a good game. Apart from the story missions, everything I saw is inferior to WoW. So, why play the lesser game?

I played ~6-8 hours as a Sith Inquisitor, got to level 8 or 9 (basically finished the story introduction and left the first planet/zone).

I assume it'll be an OK game for a month, until you have seen all the story content. It kinda plays like an ugly KOTOR.

I'm not gonna get it thou, it's just a too generic clone. There was absolutely nothing in the game that made me go "oh, nice!".
Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: Huntresa on November 14, 2011, 10:56:51 am
But is it fun?

It's not a trainwreck, but it's a perfect example of "why should I play this" game as it's basically a WoW clone with lasers, but it completely lacks the polish that makes WoW a good game. Apart from the story missions, everything I saw is inferior to WoW. So, why play the lesser game?

I played ~6-8 hours as a Sith Inquisitor, got to level 8 or 9 (basically finished the story introduction and left the first planet/zone).

  • Every dialogue in the game is voice acted. When you click a questgiver, the game goes into cutscene mode with the typical Bioware/MassEffect dialogue wheel.
  • Most of the dialogue options you have are a sham, they have no effect on the outcome of the dialogue. 2x I had a real choice regarding mission outcome. Sometimes your options can give you light/dark side points (seem to be a prerequisite to wear certain armor). However, those usually come kinda "wtf", as I thought I chose the dark side dialogue option but then the game rewarded me with light side points.
  • The user interface of the game is terrible and fugly. It's atrocious. It makes you wanna quit the game.
  • Quests are 99% "kill X things", "fetch X from Y and bring it to Z". Well, I can live with that. But don't expect something new. Quest rewards are apparently not shown before finishing the quest. UI makes it hard to see how difficult a quest is.
  • Mobs: So far I only encountered 08/15 mobs that don't have any special abilities at all. The UI makes it hard to see how dangerous a mob is. Mob placement is uninspiring, basically randomly thrown around maps.
  • The Sith Inquisitor starting zone is terrible. You basically are sent into ruin after ruin after ruin collecting some idiotic ruin items. You feel like Indiana Jones.
  • Grouping: OK, so I wanted to group with someone to finish a group quest. I get some "You cannot group with this person as he is in a different quest phase; please reset your quest phase" error. Didnt find reset button (thx horrible UI). As every story mission is phased, this might become a common problem.
  • The world design is bad. It has absolutely no sense of scale, as if the character designers didnt coordinate their work with the environmental designers. The major architectural feature of the Sith start hub town are some staircases. If you compare your char to the staircase, each stair would be like 50cm high. Bads like that kill immersion.
  • The game has serious texture and aliasing issues. Textures are low res and ugly. I have no clue why there are such terrible aliasing artifacts. Look at sw23.png I attached earlier. I havent seen stuff like that since PS1. The gfx options didnt let me activate AA, but I just read you can override it in your gfx driver.
  • Skills: I didn't get any interesting skills yet. Char specializations start at lvl10 which I didnt reach. I had 2 melee attacks (one uses force, my resource), a force nuke, a force channel, an AOE pushback stun, a force snare, a grp buff and dmg snare.
  • I experienced no lag at all. I don't know how crowded my server was thou.
  • You seem to be able to queue up attack commands, as in KOTOR. I however didn't see a UI element for that queue, it "just works".
  • Apparently every zone/planet in the game on a server can/will be instanced on demand. As in: You'll have Orgrimmar1, Orgrimmar2, OrgrimmarX and Barrens1, Barrens2, BarrensX etc. If you want to see your friends, you'll manually have to switch over to their BarrensX to play with them, like in Tabula Rasa. Wtf.

I assume it'll be an OK game for a month, until you have seen all the story content. It kinda plays like an ugly KOTOR.

I'm not gonna get it thou, it's just a too generic clone. There was absolutely nothing in the game that made me go "oh, nice!".

Havent they been developing this game some time, like years, and the cost have been huge... How can they fail so then ?
Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: Abyiss on November 14, 2011, 10:58:37 am
Thanks for that Goza, this just reaferms my dession that TOR looks very generic, and if you want to play a mmo thats not WOW, try WildStar. Looks much more orignal and challenging.
Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: Goza on November 14, 2011, 11:04:40 am
Havent they been developing this game some time, like years, and the cost have been huge... How can they fail so then ?

Yes, I wondered, too. One should assume with time & money like that, a simple "copy WoW but put Darth Vader in it" should look more polished than that.
Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: Abyiss on November 14, 2011, 11:06:02 am
Allthe money went on voice acting and quest NPC interaction.
Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: delling on November 15, 2011, 03:01:09 am
Well, let's not forget that WoW was in development for years too! MMOs take years to make, full stop.

It looks really, really bad though. Wonder how they fucked up that badly with the textures. Hard to believe they didn't have the man hours/money to do it correctly, but maybe they've been slapped with the famous 'you gotta launch this now or we're pulling the plug' card. Happens to most MMOs because it's simply infeasible to develop a game for 5 years without any kind of return. Ironically, it's the same card that usually ends up making an MMO shit and unmemorable.
Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: Grishnag on November 15, 2011, 12:02:21 pm
Thanks for that Goza, this just reaferms my dession that TOR looks very generic, and if you want to play a mmo thats not WOW, try WildStar. Looks much more orignal and challenging.
are you sure tour not a dev for wildstar? I mean Holy fuck every time a mmo comes up you mention that thing which to be honest doesn't really look that good, Guild Wars 2 on the other hand ( slighly ironic I know )
Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: Abyiss on November 15, 2011, 12:47:29 pm
hehhe im just excited about it. Breath of fresh air in the mmo stank.
Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: Gaeios(Graxlos) on November 15, 2011, 01:28:03 pm
It seems betakeys are up for grabs from

I just took mine,
Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: Huntresa on November 15, 2011, 02:18:20 pm
It seems betakeys are up for grabs from

I just took mine,

Yeah but i havent gotten a mail or anything yet Graxlos, i did that this morning.
Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: Gaeios(Graxlos) on November 15, 2011, 02:21:29 pm
Their site is currently down, they say that they will be sending them later.
Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: kawe on November 15, 2011, 06:27:47 pm
I got an email saying I got into a beta weekend thing, for one 'soon', maybe next weekend? Either way, while I'm kinda not that excited at all about this game anymore, I might give it a go, and will stream if I do.
Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: Jazzba on November 29, 2011, 08:46:10 am
I've been playing the BETA for the last few days, leveling a Smuggler on the Galactic Republic side.

I'm loving absolutely everything about this game, the storyline is awesome, graphics are insanely good for an MMO and all in all I feel very, very satisfied with the game, and will definitely play it hard-core once the official release is up.  ;D
Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: Gaeios(Graxlos) on November 29, 2011, 10:50:00 am
Pretty funny how differently people can perceive this game.

WHen you say insane graphics compared to MMO's, do you then mean compared to WOWs ancient engine and graphics?

Or stuff like Everquest, Guild wars, Age of Conan, Rift or Warhammer?
Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: Huntresa on November 29, 2011, 11:51:05 am
Awesome graphics ? Where ?
Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: Grishnag on November 29, 2011, 11:54:50 am
Oh boy thinking those are great graphics... You should look at guild wars 2 and then tell me that ToR has good graphics

I mean wow has better graphics
Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: Huntresa on November 29, 2011, 12:15:56 pm
Oh boy thinking those are great graphics... You should look at guild wars 2 and then tell me that ToR has good graphics

I mean wow has better graphics

Exactly, WoW has better graphics.
Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: Decay on November 29, 2011, 12:18:24 pm
So, many of you been playing over the weekend Beta Stress Test? I did and here are some of my unorganized and unedited thoughts on it. I'd like to know what you guys think and if any of you are gonna play it.

After playing it through the weekend, I have to say that despite the many flaws I found it surprisingly fun.
The controls/animations worked in a way that made PvP clunky, and the GCD is slow and as Goza pointed out there is some sort of hidden system in which you queue up spells which "just works", which needless to say is incredibly stupid. Spells with cast times are often hard to get off because of all the stuns and push/pulls in the game, and there are no Diminishing Returns on stuns which makes it very easy to get zerged down if you meet more than one person.

One thing that I found to my liking however, is that for Warzones they have a system called "Bolstering". Bolstering ensures that any other player in a Warzone will only ever be 20% more powerful than you, even if he's 15 levels higher. The way it works is that the stats of the lower levelled/geared people are buffed up to a level closer to the higher levelled/geared people. Some might dislike this, but those people are fucktards.

I played a Sith Inquisitor as well (yay Goza), got to level 22 and specced into the Sorceror advanced class which honestly felt very OP, but then again PvP balance is probably WAY off at the moment.

I don't agree with Goza on the UI at all, I found it intuitive and easy to use. Some minor issues like being unable to select enemy NPCs by Tab targetting and other silly things like that annoyed the hell out of me though.

Warzones weren't bad at all. I even found Huttball to my liking, which I thought I would hate. Warzones have a kind of reward system for doing the right things like defending, healing, doing a lot of damage and things like that. Obviously that can be abused, but if they make it fool-proof and improve it a bit it could be very rewarding I think. MVP which stands for Most Valuable Player allows you to vote for a person on your team(I often wanted to vote on a person on the other team) who you think was the MVP, which is cool too I guess, but often fails due to being subjected to the moronic majority.

TL;DR The game is good in general, but lacks fluidity -- especially in PvP.

Attachment is me owning it up in a Warzone!
Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: Huntresa on November 29, 2011, 12:20:44 pm

One thing that I found to my liking however, is that for Warzones they have a system called "Bolstering". Bolstering ensures that any other player in a Warzone will only ever be 20% more powerful than you, even if he's 15 levels higher. The way it works is that the stats of the lower levelled/geared people are buffed up to a level closer to the higher levelled/geared people. Some might dislike this, but those people are fucktards.

One bad thing there tho is you lack the higher lvl skills that the other players have, even if you have same HP he has cooler attacks :D
Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: Decay on November 29, 2011, 12:22:41 pm

One thing that I found to my liking however, is that for Warzones they have a system called "Bolstering". Bolstering ensures that any other player in a Warzone will only ever be 20% more powerful than you, even if he's 15 levels higher. The way it works is that the stats of the lower levelled/geared people are buffed up to a level closer to the higher levelled/geared people. Some might dislike this, but those people are fucktards.

One bad thing there tho is you lack the higher lvl skills that the other players have, even if you have same HP he has cooler attacks :D
True, but at least you won't get oneshot then, and it makes it all the more rewarding when you own his ass, even without the spells :P
Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: Huntresa on November 29, 2011, 12:23:58 pm

One thing that I found to my liking however, is that for Warzones they have a system called "Bolstering". Bolstering ensures that any other player in a Warzone will only ever be 20% more powerful than you, even if he's 15 levels higher. The way it works is that the stats of the lower levelled/geared people are buffed up to a level closer to the higher levelled/geared people. Some might dislike this, but those people are fucktards.

One bad thing there tho is you lack the higher lvl skills that the other players have, even if you have same HP he has cooler attacks :D
True, but at least you won't get oneshot then, and it makes it all the more rewarding when you own his ass, even without the spells :P

Idd :D
Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: Goza on November 29, 2011, 12:29:44 pm
My main concern with the UI is that it's so terribly fugly, not that it's unusable. It gives me eye cancer looking at it.

The font is terrible. The various overlays are terrible. Most icons are bad. Like it's been painted by a programmer and not a graphic artist.
Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: Decay on November 29, 2011, 12:43:37 pm
My main concern with the UI is that it's so terribly fugly, not that it's unusable. It gives me eye cancer looking at it.

The font is terrible. The various overlays are terrible. Most icons are bad. Like it's been painted by a programmer and not a graphic artist.

Yeah, I'm not too concerned about those things, personal preference I guess. I happen to heavily modify my UI when I can anyway, which I'm hoping will be possible in ToR too.
Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: Decay on November 29, 2011, 03:14:23 pm
Oh yeah, another thing I forgot to add, is that in most cases of being subjected to CCs or stuns, it is very hard to tell what exactly it is that is incapacitating you. The reason is that when you gain a debuff, there is no distinctive sign telling you that you've been afflicted. The only thing informing you of this is an extremely small debuff icon on top of your health bar, which by the way also gives no real information when you mouse over it, except for saying that you are stunned.
This also reminds me of how poorly designed the nameplates/healthbars are, but I won't get into details with that just now.

So there's another thing which needs to be fixed for PvP. Spells need to be more distinctive and recognizable, like in WoW you always know instantly whether you're polymorphed, feared or whatever, though the difference between most stuns in WoW is also minimal, which is the reason that I use the LoseControl addon.

How information is fed to the player is extremely important, and it seems like nobody has got to the point yet, where they can afford to put resources into it, and actually get it right. Which is a terrible shame! Just imagine how much better even WoW could be if you were only ever fed the most relevant information on your UI at any one point, perhaps a UI that adapted to your environment.

But I digress, these are just some of my thoughts. It's nice to write these things down so that I don't forget to spam BioWare with them, hoping that they'll listen.

Here's a random video I just watched, take a look at this and see if you can tell what I'm talking about.
[ Invalid YouTube link ]
Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: Intrinsic on November 29, 2011, 07:31:18 pm
Unorganized thoughts incoming.

I found the beta weekend extremely enjoyable. Went a Sith Inquisitor(Assassin) and found the questing, heroic areas and flashpoints to be awesome. The levelling experience is by far greater than it is in WoW, the fact that each quest has its own voice animated storyline is superb. I love how some areas (mostly class based) are 'instance' zones, where only yourself or group members(if available) are available to quest. Even the zone you are in is dedicated to multiple mini servers to reduce overpopulation, although this was annoying at times when I was questing with Chris. If either of us logged out and in we were now in seperate zones and had to teleport to join back up.

The combat is a tad clunky, gcd is too slow and you can't see debuffs for the life of you. However, the combat animations for melee are awesome, especially for the assassin. Overload kicks ass. Some abilities are even retard proof, if a mob is behind you and you're obviously facing the wrong way to attack, the system turns you around for you.

Doing quests, flashpoints and heroic areas is a lot of fun as a group, the conversations have a voting system where you choose which option you want to pick and you roll on it, highest wins. This brought up a funny moment on the first Sith flashpoint where 3 of us voted to kill some science captain dude and the guy that won the roll spared his life because he claimed to be a mormon.

The companion system is great, conversation choices during quests can alter your relationship with your companion. You don't learn the professions yourself but instead have your companion learn them. Profs such as treasure Hunting and Diplomacy have missions available to them in which the companion undergoes for you and returns within a stated time with rewards should he/she be successful. However crafting prof wait times are annoying, took my bitch companion 5 minutes to make 5 hilts for a lightsaber and during that time you don't have a companion so questing is more difficult. That is until you get a 2nd companion, then all is well. There is one bug atm where I can hear the voices of other peoples companions form 14312524623 miles away clear as day. Annoying.

So far I rate this game highly, the graphics grow on you and the questing environment more than handidly makes up for it.

P.S Fuck pvp
Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: Gaeios(Graxlos) on November 29, 2011, 07:37:50 pm
Has anyone got a clue about the endgame?

I have heard from several people that the lvling/question experience is awesome, but I still havent heard of anything in the game that can keep it alive when you have completed the quests?

Is this an mmo that ends with the quests?

Its pretty clever that they only allow people to play beta for a weekend, so people dont get far enough to see if the game gets stale fast.

The guys I know in the original beta hasnt really found any endgame content.
Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: Huntresa on November 29, 2011, 07:38:47 pm
Has anyone got a clue about the endgame?

I have heard from several people that the lvling/question experience is awesome, but I still havent heard of anything in the game that can keep it alive when you have completed the quests?

Is this an mmo that ends with the quests?

There is some raid footage on youtuibe i think
Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: Gaeios(Graxlos) on November 29, 2011, 07:39:27 pm
as in the 5 man flashpoints?
Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: Huntresa on November 29, 2011, 07:41:31 pm

2nd seems to be 10man i think.
Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: Decay on November 29, 2011, 09:46:43 pm
Seems like opinions vary greatly on this game, regardless it might be an idea for the IE leadership to consider creating a ToR sister guild, eh? :P

Also agree mostly with what you said Intrinsic, except for the last sentence!

The companions make life a lot easier, another thing which on first look I thought I would hate, but ended up loving.
Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: Gaeios(Graxlos) on November 29, 2011, 09:53:11 pm
There is fears of the guild dying with each new game, Rift didnt kill it, and I doubt this will.
Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: kawe on November 29, 2011, 10:27:58 pm
One thing I'd disagree with Intrinsic on would be about the questing/levelling, at least the early stuff, being better than WoW's. The chatscenes a la Bioware are cool (I'm one of the people who enjoys those in all the bioware things, at least most of the time), but the questing itself lacked entirely any kind of the more inventive quests you'd get in wow like "you are now huge! stomp armies!", or any of the cool phased stuff - I don't think phasing exists in swtor aside from little mini, walled-off-if-you're-the-wrong-class instances. It's just all 'go here kill these' and 'go there click that object'. The chat scenes definitely help out and make things more interesting, but the act of questing itself is the same as in vanilla wow - for the 10 levels I experienced.

Out-of-fucking-nowhere award goes to Graxlos for:
There is fears of the guild dying with each new game, Rift didnt kill it, and I doubt this will.

Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: Gaeios(Graxlos) on November 29, 2011, 10:39:15 pm
It was directed at Decayus SWTOR GUILD comment, and yeah it might have been a bit OT, we could surely have a Swtor branch.
Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: Decay on November 29, 2011, 11:30:02 pm
Intrinsic mentioned the animations being cool, which I do agree with on the most part, but again, in PvP the jumping is an extremely important aspect, both mechanic and animation-wise and I think it fails in both of those aspects. At least for the Sith Inquisitor, and I imagine the jump is mechanically the same for all classes, as in WoW. The animation itself might look better on some than others, but it just didn't feel fluid to me at all.
Most other animations like running and character/gear models are awesome however, and I often found myself thinking "Yeah, I look badass!", which can only be a good thing.

Yeah Kawe that's a good point, but if I recall correctly WoW didn't have any of those kinds of quests in vanilla either. I imagine it's just a luxury that Blizzard was able to afford only after the huge success of the original game.
It is possible that BioWare don't want to put resources into stuff like that just yet, or possibly the engine itself along with the word just make it unfeasible.

Also, just pre-ordered my copy, so I'm hoping to see some of you guys online on release!
Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: Gaeios(Graxlos) on November 29, 2011, 11:35:21 pm
More like it was something they came up with after years of development, but SWTOR should be standing on the shoulders of WOW and elaborating on the things that worked well in wow.

No point starting over.
Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: kawe on November 30, 2011, 12:11:51 am
You really should avoid the urge to compare to vanilla WoW 'because that's how WoW was at release', because vanilla wow doesn't exist anymore. SWTOR isn't competing with vanilla, it's competing with Mists of Pandaria. Standing on the shoulders of WoW is a good way to put what any new mmo release of the same style should be doing. That's what WoW did with EQ - took what was there, and improved upon it, and released a product that was ahead of the existing offering.

Of course, WoW had the luxury of being the only thing doing that at the time, and for whatever combined set of reasons Blizz managed to get their 5 years to develop it whilst also not falling behind the curve of EQ's own improvements/additions. Blizzard have shown they are acutely aware of the desire of other developers and publishers to do to WoW what WoW did to EQ, probably a great deal more so than SOE was of Blizzard. This awareness, combined with the huge success of WoW, the money from that and their merger with Activision, means the situation that existed that allowed Blizzard to create a product that didn't get leapfrogged by the incumbent during development is either very difficult to replicate or just can't happen - at least while Blizzard doesn't run into something that due to aging tech is simply impossible.

The result of this is what we see time and again with new MMO releases since WoW - that by the time they release, WoW has iterated its game mechanics, features and its general style of play enough that it has leapfrogged the new MMO's own innovations. Those that it hasn't, tend to either then be added in afterwards - like queueing battlegrounds from anywhere, from Warhammer online - or skipped, in either case letting the new MMO just act as a guinea pig for new ideas that seemed riskier.

SWTOR clearly falls into this pattern pretty neatly, too - similar mechanics, but lacking some of the newer additions to WoW that are made more easily possible by having an existing already working game and playerbase, such as LFD. Quest design, too, fits the usual thing of being the same as the WoW of a couple of years ago, e.g. when SWTOR was developing them. What makes SWTOR interesting to follow is that the huge license, budget, big name developer and marketing should see it through to perhaps a better measure of success than has been enjoyed by other releases.
Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: Sidestep on November 30, 2011, 12:17:51 am
Ah EQ... now there was a fucking awesome MMO.
Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: Intrinsic on November 30, 2011, 12:23:00 am
I care not for pvp.

When I first came into wow, I never felt the need or ever wanted to read the quest about why I was doing it or what the ramifications were. In The Old Republic I enjoy it immensely.

Not including subscription fees I would even just buy this game to quest to 50 because of the experience.
Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: Monstar on November 30, 2011, 12:46:54 am
I played to level 16 as both Sith Marauder and Sith Inquisitor but didn't get around to testing PvP so can't comment on that.

- great class story lines, I found the Inquisitor one to be captivating and always had me wondering what happens next. Loved it.
- voice acting is just amazing, such a breath of fresh air.
- quests I found pretty enjoyable. Sure there is kill X amount of mob_type but it feels to me like a byproduct of your quest most of the time and is disguised as bonus objectives a lot of the time.
- group quests were great. I was playing with Steve most of the time which helped but I could always find someone nearby to invite to do these quests.
- lightsabers fuck yeah!

- most of the cons I've thought of and read are little things that can easily be fixed and tweaked. One thing was the Marauder did feel much weaker than the Inquisitor and didn't feel quite as 'epic' and maybe lacked that one signature move. I just hope that the developers listen to the player base and their criticisms and provide adequate fixes.
- no DX11 support atm and I don't know if they said this would be implemented in the future or not.

I don't know how well end game will be, I read that there is a fair amount to do at 50 currently. All level Flashpoints have a lvl 50 mode, there is 2 Operations(raids) and I think every world/planet has a raid World Boss.

If Bioware/LucasArts/EA continue putting money and effort into TOR then I see no reason why it wont be hugely successful, it already has a large amount of pre-orders.

I think I will probably be pre-Ordering and Steve seems pretty pumped to play it.
Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: Goza on November 30, 2011, 09:25:30 am
- no DX11 support atm and I don't know if they said this would be implemented in the future or not.

For which effects would you like DX11 support?
Title: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic release date announced!
Post by: Intrinsic on December 02, 2011, 01:11:40 am
Another beta weekend starting Friday(final one before release). Didn't get an invite but Chris did so we'll be chopping and changing a bit, playing the rest of the classes we didn't get to.