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General Discussion / Re: back after some short time.
« Last post by hemoroidtv on Today at 04:13:06 pm »
Hey man.

There's always a spot for veterans.

Ping an officer on discord for a guild invite
General Discussion / back after some short time.
« Last post by mattox on Today at 02:38:06 pm »
Most of you, if not all dont know me. I was part of this guild back on retail wotlk, in which group i cant remember, but the one that almost got realm 1st RS hc (wipe on 1%) as a ret paladin.
stopped pretty much playing wow after we got to the end of expansion with some comebacks (rated bg on wod, and cata on private server)

I'm 32, working in army
Atm playing mage and planing to keep it that way on cata classic (have no interest in retail atm but maybe once cata is over, who knows)
Hopefully theres a spot for a mage in main group still
Still missing gear since i was late for expansion but finally i'm hit capped with some prebis (normal version) items which sucks for a fire mage since we are dependant on gear atm too much so its still kinda RNG .
Cleared full cata p1 raids on normal

Hopefully theres still members from retail wotlk that are playing in cata classic atm.
but ye anyway, hopefully i'll be part of the team once again.
Hey Mario.

You supposed to make a post that you are coming back in the "Returning members" section.

Sorry i should've mention that first :)

Raider Recruitment / Social Application - Paladin (DPS) - Secio (XR)
« Last post by Applicant on Today at 01:23:00 pm »
Hello, Iron Edge!

I am applying to be a social member.

Character: Secio
Server: Gehennas
Class/Spec: Paladin (DPS)
Member Type: Social

Personal Info:

Ali, 24, Turkey, I was studying Russian Language and Literature at University but quit.


Paladin, Retribution.
I'm normally Druid and Paladin enjoyer main. I main tanked whole TBC until SWP as Guardian Druid -
I played this paladin as ''holy'' in WOTLK a bit but WOTLK was not for me then I quit -
Wanted to play this paladin Retribution this time for both PvE and I have some PvP intent too.


Don't have any alts at the moment, I didn't played in pre-patch so I started late a bit but I'm thinking to make one when I can afford professions.


Engi + will either pick bs/jc/tailoring, deciding at the moment then I'll max one of them.

Raiding/PVP Experience:

Don't have any PvP experience before but I hope this expansion will be first for it.
WOTLK Holy Paladin -
TBC Guardian Druid -

Previous Guilds:

Unit, Luminous from Firemaw
Illyrians from Gehennas


I'm unemployed at the moment so usually free, depends of work if I can find one.



Computer / Connection:

Everything is cool.


All basic things;
FojjiCore (for WA's)
WeakAuras and some accessory addons like TacoTip, Bagnon etc.

Other Games:

Darkest Dungeon sometimes.

Why Iron Edge?

I want to play in a competitive environment to improve my gameplay and I thought I can learn a lot in Iron Edge.

What can I offer Iron Edge?

I'm trying to push my gameplay higher all the time and open for criticism so I can offer increasing performance from start to end.

Where did I hear about Iron Edge?

Gehennas Discord.

Last Words?

I played some other versions of World of Warcraft too, SOD -
Tried Dragonflight, cleared HC raids with different specs and decided to not to play, I pushed m+ to +21-22 with 3 different spec as VDH/Holy Paladin/Arms Warrior
I'm not saying these things for ''I'm a good player'' since these sentences are not proof for it, I just tried to adapt different versions of this game and perform, I learned and did at some point, and now playing Cataclysm first time, everything is kinda new for me since I didn't played WOTLK, didn't keep up with the game last 2 year much, because of this I want to play some competitive and knit community to learn, improve and push each other, criticise and do better.

Raider Recruitment / Social Application - Mage (DPS) - Matoska (XR)
« Last post by Applicant on Today at 01:20:24 pm »
Hello, Iron Edge!

I am applying to be a social member.

Character: Matoska
Server: gehenas
Class/Spec: Mage (DPS)
Member Type: Social

Personal Info:

Mario, 32 years old, from Croatia and working as a sergeant in army/tank commander


playing mage since retail cata with a lot of pause (skipped some complete expansions) but played it trough whole cata, WoD, classic wotlk.. Its fun when played correctly, was missing this combustion in wotlk, now we can play with it again.. once this RNG cous of gear in p1 stops.


balance druid, warlock, ret paladin all on 80, should be lvled soon enough, even though survival hunter should be next char i'll level up to 85


tailoring and eng (best dps profesions) and on other alts all eng with jc/enchanting/BS

Raiding/PVP Experience:

full WOTLK with 95+ parse i think, and completed cata p1 raids on normal 10 and 25man

Previous Guilds:

Sankari, that horse is dead lookslike.. no big plans for cata and keeping it on 10man raid with 2nd group full of alts with no recruiting


cant say that in advance.. i always know that 1week in advance lets say cous of my work. but i should be able to join most of the raids with exception when i have to go on field duty which is rare.


yes to all of that

Computer / Connection:

bought new pc 2 weeks ago, running smooth, internet is stable..

addons: dbm
Weak auras: Fojji and some other for mage, like for combustion (ignite tracker)

Other Games:

atm none, but was always a fan of some realistic shooters like squad, escape from tarkov etc and probably will start playing such game

Why Iron Edge?

was in this guild long time ago, back on retail wotlk and liked atmosphere and raids.

What can I offer Iron Edge?


Where did I hear about Iron Edge?

as mentioned above

Last Words?

hope these arent last words.

Raider Recruitment / Social Application - Druid (Healer) - Nightnìght (XR)
« Last post by Applicant on June 07, 2024, 11:01:43 pm »
Hello, Iron Edge!

I am applying to be a social member.

Character: Nightnìght
Server: Gehennas
Class/Spec: Druid (Healer)
Member Type: Social

Personal Info:

Nicolas, 31, Belgium, Project Manager in IT

Email is a throwaway - I prefer to keep it private. Contact me ingame - or via bnet at Avalanche#21338. Discord is avalanche7525


I've been playing druid since cata (retail). I like the diversity of the class.

I've always been DPS but since a few months ago I've really been liking healing.




Have to level them, I was thinking about herbing/alch or tailoring/ench, TBD

Raiding/PVP Experience:

I've been raiding in retail from Cata to WOD - since then I took a break and I've been playing retail /SOD on and of

Previous Guilds:

Nothing relevant really.


Pretty flexible on weekdays (except friday and saturday - I usually have social stuff going on then).

Raid days (Wednesday  & Tuesday from 20:00 to 00:00 are no issue)


Yes yes and yes

Computer / Connection:

Good here


Other Games:


Why Iron Edge?

I'm looking for a mature 25 man guild on cata classic, and who knows - if things click even retail when the new expansion comes out.

What can I offer Iron Edge?

A nice, chill friendly guy. I also love progresion raiding, but on a more casual level.

Next to my elite gaming healing - I can also make a nice carbonara.

Where did I hear about Iron Edge?


Last Words?

This application form reminds me of how it was back in the day :D

Raider Recruitment / Re: Raider Application - Demon Hunter (Healer) - peezey
« Last post by Shimmar on June 07, 2024, 08:09:06 pm »
Hi Victor,

Thanks for applying. Unfortunately we'll be declining this application. I'm not convinced you would be the best fit for the team.

Good luck on your search!
Raider Recruitment / Re: Social Application - Hunter (DPS) - Broteus (XR)
« Last post by Shimmar on June 07, 2024, 08:08:19 pm »
Hi Broteus

Thanks for applying but unfortunately at this time you're not what we would be looking for.

Good luck on your search
Raider Recruitment / Re: Social Application - Hunter (DPS) - Ruarua (XR)
« Last post by hemoroidtv on June 07, 2024, 04:11:16 pm »

Raider Recruitment / Re: Social Application - Hunter (DPS) - Ruarua (XR)
« Last post by Tyssar on June 07, 2024, 03:13:27 pm »
Personal Info:


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