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06 Jun 2015 - June 2015 Update

Iron Edge June 2015 Update

Greetings members or Iron Edge!

Edgefest 2015 was a great success and I wanted to thank everyone who made it out to London last week to help make it happen. The picture above was the group photo taken in front of a green screen at the London Zoo, and since nobody else wanted to buy it, Grax bought it later secretly to use for this forum. I especially like how Vorte's hand ended up floating because he was wearing a green jacket. From left to right: Grax, Me, Palmar, Narco, Vorte, Shiftey, Ino, Shimmar and of course Grishnag

I wanted to especially thank Delling and Sintrael for letting us use their apartment all weekend so we could play video games, get drunk and play real life mafia. If you're looking for some more pictures of the event, I would point you to this thread.

Now, let's get on with the WoW stuff, shall we.

I am proud to announce that as of this Thursday, the Iron Edge casual raid is 8/10 on Mythic difficulty in the Blackrock Foundry, putting us in a solid position on WoWProgress. We most likely will still have a few weeks to go until the next content patch hits the servers, and we'll be spending that time strengthening our roster and continuing to progress.

Holland Meetup in July

As mentioned in the GMotD, there will be a smaller meet up in Holland on the week of the 20th to the 26th of July. I will make a post later this month with more details about activities that will take place in that week, but everyone that wants to come is invited to join us. I'm very certain at least one of those days will include a visit to a theme park somewhere in the middle of that week, so you'll have that to look forward to.

Thanks for reading, see you all on IRC, on this forum or in WoW!
Happy Birthday!

According to that image, Iron Edge was founded on the 27th of February 2005. Which means that 10 years ago today, IE’s first guild leader Kaos trolled around Orgrimmar looking for people to sign his guild petition.

First Guild Leader: Kaos

Kaos was Iron Edge’s first guild leader and was in charge of the raid for most of vanilla WoW. It’s safe to say that he laid the foundation for what later became the core of Iron Edge’s raid team, as well as a lot of people who hang around IRC today. Kaos also created IE’s website, which was actually at the time (that domain is now being used for a company that sells workout equipment). Here’s a snapshot of what our website used to look like from the wayback machine (Credit to Cwave for digging this up!)

Somewhere in the period that Kaos was in charge, he was an employee of Blizzard Entertainment. He was able to secure alpha spots for TBC for many old guild members at the time. He only told a few people that he worked for Blizzard, as he had to keep it a secret. Unfortunately it didn’t take very long before some guildies found out and started abusing it:

[15:31] <Grishnag> And then smorisha went all like "you can't report me my guild leader works for blizzard" i think it was smorisha at least, it was definitely a serb

Kaos was forced to leave the guild after that. Some of the members tracked him down a few years later only to find out that he was now in a guild with other Blizzard employees. However, a long time before Kaos actually left, IE had already gotten a new raid leader..

Second Guild Leader: Delling.

Iron Edge under the leadership of Delling was the golden age of IE’s long PvE history. The Iron Edge A-raid was a force to be reckoned with, not just on a server-level, but worldwide as well. Throughout the later instances of Vanilla WoW, TBC and WotLK, the raid group was able to get a large number of Realm First’s. Unfortunately none of them made it through after the implementation of Guild Achievements and the later guild-migration to Kazzak.

I’ve had the privilege of raiding a few times under Delling with the A-raid during Ulduar and it was truly some of the most awe inspiring raiding I’ve done, and it has certainly had an impact on how I do things in raids even today.

Another development in IE’s long PvE history was the inception of the B-raid under the glorious leadership of Hugman. I’m sure even Hugman at that time did not know what level of disgusting casual raiding he had started, but what he started back then is now the Iron Edge Casual Raid.

Third Guild Leader: Gaeios
Delling was Iron Edge’s guild leader for the longest time in its history so far, but Gaeios is catching up. After Delling had a long period of inactivity, he finally handed Gaeios the reigns to the guild.

Gaeios is (as far as I know) the only person to have signed the original IE guild petition that is still active in WoW today. Gaeios was never a raid leader, but he had Yoica to fall back on, who did an excellent job leading the B-raid from Cataclysm into Mists of Pandaria. These days he has entrusted that responsibility to me. Gaeios has managed to keep Iron Edge going and doing a great job at it, even while his real life situation has gotten pretty insane. Recently he was finishing up his masters degree, working a job and having a child, all while leading Iron Edge and keeping it the great community that it is today.

I’d like to personally thank all friends who might stumble upon this forum who have been with Iron Edge in these great 10 years, and a special thanks to those who have gone out their way to be a leader in the community throughout these years.

- Yoica, for being an amazing raid leader of the B-raid
- Hugman, for being responsible for the creation of the B-raid and leading it as well
- Daekesh, for leading the A-raid and putting up with the Serbians for as long as you did
- Goza, for being the Queen of Silvermoon (I still don't know why his note says that)
- All of the class and guild officers we’ve had, including those we have today; Aretum, Valkyrie, Mooneclipse, Saffie and of course Narcotics.

I’ve collected some screenshots in no particular order that were sufficiently old enough to perhaps get some nostalgia going, obviously if you have any screenshots to share, please do.



Thanks for a great 10 years and hopefully many more years to come!

26 Jan 2015 - Blackrock Foundry update

Updates and Preparation for Blackrock Foundry
Welp, it’s been a while since I’ve made a new post on here, apologies!

The PvP Team
Due to a small amount of people still interested in playing Rated BG’s and a lack of recruitment, the IE PvP team has been (once again) been put on hold for a while until the interest returns or when we have more time to invite new players that want to play RBG’S.

The Porkchop Warriors
The Porkchop Warriors have been progressing steadily and impressively for the past couple of months, almost having cleared all of the current heroic content. Congratulations to them! Xormn has since acquired officer status and I guess that means it’s official that The Porkchop Warriors aren’t going anywhere! I’m looking forward to seeing how they do in the new wave of content in the upcoming weeks.

The Casual Raid
The Casual Raid has gone through a couple of pretty significant changes over the past few months. Here’s a list:

Implementation of the EPGP System
The Casual Raid has successfully switched to the EPGP lootsystem. The system takes into account what your raid attendance has been, how much loot you’ve gotten and even has a decay system in place to prevent DKP hoarding. Because of this system everyone in the raid is now required to have the EPG LootMaster addon installed. Your DKP can be seen on the updated

Change in leadership, welcome Mooneclipse!
Unfortunately the circumstances of Narcotics’ real life have caused him to still be available for raiding, but no longer able to effectively manage the largest squad of our current raid. Narcotics will remain an important part of the guild leadership, but his duties as squad officer will be taken over by Mooneclipse. Mooneclipse is in charge of the Delta Squad and has to deal with all those nasty hunters and mages. Good luck to him!

Preparations for Blackrock Foundry
So now that Highmaul is almost behind us, let’s start preparing for the (much larger) instance of Blackrock Foundry. BRF will have 10 bosses, and to familiarize ourselves with all of them we will be clearing the instance on normal difficulty in the first week. Obviously this means that you will all need to know the tactics and strategies for all of the fights in the instance. You can expect video’s and guides in your respective squad threads and what else will be expected of you.’
Looking forward to seeing you all in Blackrock Foundry!

29 Sep 2014 - Iron Edge in WoD!

Prepare yourself
The wait is finally over. It's time to get back to raiding some new content.
Lot's of exciting changes are coming to WoW in Warlords of Draenor. But obviously I'm most excited about finally getting back to raiding with you guys.
Every raid up until the hardest difficulty is going to have a flexible amount of players. But that doesn't stop IE from doing it's usual 25-man raiding! We'll need you guys to be ready and geared when the instances open, so make sure you level up to 100 quickly!

Challenges Ahead
It's going to be harder for Iron Edge to position itself in the market now that 10-man heroic raiding is gone. It's going to be more difficult to prove how great we are and attract some of the best players on the server. That's why we need to be even better than we were in this last tier, but I have every confidence that we will be.

More Raids!
I'm insanely excited for this. For the first time in a couple of years, Iron Edge will finally go back to having more than one raid as well! You guys will now have the option of raiding with two different raiding teams this expansion:

The Iron Edge 25-man Casual Raid
As usual this raid will be fighting evil game mechanics on Monday and Thursday. The priority will be the same since its inception four years ago; Getting the most out of the limited raiding time we have, and having fun doing it. Sign up here.

                             Xormn's Dorito Raid: The Weekend Porkchop Warriors (Working title, but I like it a lot)
Xormn and his friends will be hosting a weekend raid. We don't have the exact details of this yet, but it will be a raid that only plays on the weekends. If you want to see all that WoW-raiding has to offer but can't do it during the week, make sure you keep an eye out for more details about this raid. Sign up here.

I hope you guys are as hyped as I am. I'm looking forward to playing with all of you in WoD. If you have any ideas that you'd like to talk about or pursue in WoD, please post them here or contact the guild leadership!
Iron Edge Summer Meetup 2014

Bendiee getting ready to pop defensive cooldowns

Aretum and I have decided to go over and meet some of our Norwegian members in the great city of Stavanger! I was there for a full week and Aretum came over for the last four days (which ended up being great because I felt like shit for the first three days!).

If I had any advice for you guys about going to Norway, it would be that you make sure you bring enough cash. For example, buying a Whopper at Burger King will cost you 79 Norwegian kroner (€9.37 or £7.41). I haven't asked if they accept a kidney as payment, but I imagine they would.

I’ve learned a couple of things about my fellow guildies while I was in Norway:

- When Mooneclipse decides to commit to something, he goes ham. I don’t remember seeing anyone play as much arena as he did in that week, but he got pretty fucking good at it!
- Bendiee’s shower is not in any way designed to prevent water from getting out, so we had to rely on everyone’s waterbending skills to keep the water as contained as possible. I am ashamed to say that I’m not very good at waterbending.
- Bendiee gets very touchy when he’s drunk, but in a good way ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
- Glacio might be the most attractive human being I’ve ever seen, unfortunately he got completely rekt by glutens. He also makes some fantastic sandwiches.
- Bendiee’s sister brought home a really nice (drunk) guy that I was able to give some tech advice to. She then presumably had sex with him in the room next to us.
- The Norwegian healthcare system will not hesitate to give you any kind of drugs you want.
- Bendiee’s roommate Olav is the hero Iron Edge needs and deserves. We’re working on getting him into WoW and Iron Edge as soon as possible.
- Emopuff was sitting directly across from Mooneclipse. Surprisingly they're not as hard to tell apart IRL as they are on TeamSpeak.
- They have a softdrink called Solo (Often referred to as 8olo). It's one of those strangely disgusting drinks that you just can't get enough of. I'm still detoxing from that shit.
- We also had another guy there called Øyvind, he'll be joining the guild soon too.
- ༼つ ◕_◕༽つ AMENO ༼ つ ◕_◕༽つ

Here are some more pictures from the trip (click on images for higher res):

The setup

Downtown Stavanger

Princess Mooneclipse

Spotting a real life doge was obviously the highlight of my week

Standing afk at the IE cart and drinking my last 8olo at the airport before I leave Norwegia

I'd like to thank everyone that was able to make it to the meetup and for making it possible. I hope to see you all again soon!

Iron Edge will be turning 10 years old in February. We haven't made any plans for how we might celebrate this occasion, but make sure to check the forum regularly in case we make announcements regarding this historic moment!

27 Jun 2014 - Iron Edge Summer Update

Garrosh Heroic Down!
After months of struggling in 25-man, then switching to 10-man, the Iron Edge raiding team has finally slain the final boss of the game in Mists of Pandaria. Garrosh was definitely a challenge, not because of how hard the mechanics were, but because the fight had a lot of random shit and was over 12 minutes long, it took us over 200 tries to get him.

Iron Edge has also made some changes on the PvP team. We tragically had to say goodbye to some of the guild leadership, but I’m confident the PvP team has pulled through and is strong.

The Iron Edge 25-man raiding team will be pulling itself back together for Warlords of Draenor. Recruiting will start immediately and I expect the raiding to start as soon as the content becomes available. Make sure to check up on the forums when the pre-patch hits, if you want to secure a spot on the new raiding team.

13 May 2014 - Iron Edge Spring Update!

Iron Edge Spring Update!

As most of you already know, the raid has gone on break for the remainder of Mists of Pandaria. There had been a steady decline in the amount of active players in the group, and that eventually ended up forcing us to go on break before being able to kill Garrosh heroic. Only a small group of dedicated players have picked up 10-man raiding to finish the content, and we’ve just killed off Siegecrafter (12/14HC).
Of course the guild is already preparing for the upcoming changes in Warlords of Draenor, and the 25man raid will make a strong return once the expansion hits.

Meanwhile, Hearthstone has already launched and some much needed balance changes are being put in. After the overwhelming success of the first tournament, I’ve already begun planning for the second one! I’ll post an update and more details about that once we’ve killed Garrosh heroic.

Enjoy this screenshot of the 10man finally killing off Siegecrafter:

Iron Edge Hearthstone Tournament February 2014

The first Iron Edge Hearthstone tournament will be on the weekend of 14-15-16 February, depending on the amount of players that attend the tournament.

The Time
All times are in CET
Friday February 14th 20:00-24:00
Saturday February 15th 19:00-24:00
Sunday February 16th 19:00-24:00

Obviously if the tournament takes shorter than expected, it might already be over on Saturday.

The Rules
- You are allowed to use any deck you want throughout the tournament. Cheesy decks are also allowed, but not appreciated. Murloc/warlock decks, warrior OTK decks and all that shit is frowned upon.
- Streaming is encouraged, but set your stream delay to one minute. Please do not look at other players' streams if you're playing that person (obviously). If we find out, you are disqualified.
- You need to be on TeamSpeak with your opponent while you play him/her. After you're done playing your games, both of you join the main TeamSpeak channel and share the result with us.

The Bracket

Signing Up
You can sign up in this thread. Please make sure that you are available during that weekend. You will need guild member rank to be able to post in the thread, if you don't have that yet, please send me or another forum mod a PM, or ask on IRC or WoW.

The Stream
The entire event will be streamed on You can tune in to watch matches, and you can hang out in the main TeamSpeak channel to talk about it. Everyone is welcome!

The Prize
The prize for the winner of the tournament will be 50.000 WoW gold. If the winner is not currently playing WoW, they can elect someone else to get the prize.
In addiction to the 50.000 gold, you will also get a unique forum title as the winner of the first Iron Edge Hearthstone Tournament!

Second place will get 20.000 gold
Third place will get 10.000 gold
The Iron Edge Rated Battleground Team is back in business.

After one of the longer breaks in the history of the team, Anarawen has taken it upon herself to get it back on track. Tuesday was the first time the team came together again, and it already got a very nice positive win-loss ratio. I've decided to make a screenshot in the same location as I did with the original RBG team for nostalgia reasons. Unfortunately the current RBG system doesn't support 15-player RBG's anymore, but it's the thought that counts, right?

Second wing in The Siege of Orgrimmar Heroic down!
The Iron Edge Casual raid is completely unstoppable at the moment. Only a short while after we've cleared the first wing, the second wing has also gone down.

The second wing in the Siege of Orgrimmar is arguably one of the more easy wings in the instance, with only Dark Shamans being commonly known as a challenge. To give you an insight of how hard Dark Shamans is; Midwinter, the best alliance guild in the world, wiped several times on this fight during the Live Raid event at Blizzcon. It took Iron Edge about five hours of wiping to get them down, and it ended up in a glorious kill, with only two people dying in the entire 10-minute fight.

Shortly after the Dark Shamans kill, on the same night, we killed the last boss in the second wing; General Nazgrim. I didn't take a screenshot because, well, to be honest, the kill felt pretty underwhelming considering how easy it was compared to Dark Shamans. But it's an impressive achievement nonetheless!

Changes to Recruitment
You'll see the website undergo a few changes in the coming days, as we're gearing up to make some adjustments to the current recruitment system. We're also changing our direction with our recruitment a bit. We're about to go into a period with barely any new content, so we need to have the guild nice and strong before then. So we're going to focus on recruiting PvPers and social members. Any suggestions you might have to improve recruitment you can post in this thread. As a preview this is what the information image will look like for our new PvP members.

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