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 Social Application - Death Knight (Tank) - Oatsosimple

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January 03, 2018, 06:20:57 am
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Social Application - Death Knight (Tank) - Oatsosimple
« on: January 03, 2018, 06:20:57 am »
Hello, Iron Edge!

I am applying to be a social member.

Character: Oatsosimple
Class/Spec: Death Knight (Tank)
Member Type: social

Personal Info:


My names Sam and I'm from the UK, 27 and currently working 4-on 4-off shifts working in a datacenter.


I've pretty much always been a ranged DPS playing warlock in vanilla and shadow priest throughout the majority of Wotlk, Cata and some of MoP. However in WoD I decided to switch to DK dps have ended up tanking due to my old guilds needs.

I love playing multiple classes and attempt to keep several fully up to date so I have a choice between tiers and guild needs.

Currently I have 3 tanks at 75 traits and 3 dps specs at 70'ish+


I have every class at 110 with at least 870 ilevel and most relevent quest lines completed.


I have pretty much every relevent profession at 700+ apart from Blacksmith and Archaeology.

Raiding/PVP Experience:

Due to real life I've struggled to maintain a steady reading schedule over the last 3-5 years playing a few tiers on and off with friends.

Guilds I've raided with were;
Order of Sargeras - Vanilla during MC and BWL
Heretic (Nangrand & Al'Akir post migration) WotlK - MoP on and off as a core raider/social. While I was here we earn't LK25hc server first and multiple servers 2nds across both servesr.
Envy - Briefly during Cata as I decided to try playing to top 100, I got pretty burnt out raiding 4+ nights a week and decided I wanted to play more casualy.

I only raided very casually in WoD with a few old friends in the first Tier and then came back with them all at the start of Legion where we cleared 8/8 Mythic EN.

Throughout all of this I've played every role between main and alt raids, I've always been happy to switch roles depending on guild needs.

Previous Guilds:

See above.


I do a 4-on 4-off shift pattern which is why I'm looking for a guild where I can be around socially while still raid relevent content when I'm on, Looking at your wow progress you seem to have multiple raid teams where this may be suitable.

I work 2day and 2night shifts each week so my availability will change, but I'm pretty much around when i'm not at work (and often when I'm at work on my laptop)


English is my first langauge and I have a pretty decent mic setup.

I mostly use discord but i'm not bothered about using anything else.

Computer / Connection:

My machine is an 8700k with 980ti and I have a pretty stable 80/20 line.


I have a hidden action bar with pots/raid macro's/opie bindings etc on too which wasn't included in the picture.

Other Games:

I play most new multiplayer titles, I've been an avid gamer since I could pick up a controller.

WoW, R6:S, Hots, Pubg, Destiny, Hz:D are the games I've played the most lately.

I'm also a huge fan of smaller indie games like FTL etc.

Why Iron Edge?

Looking at your wowprogress and forum you seem to be offerening a nice laid back social element with an opertunity to join a more involved raiding team if life allows.

I've struggled to find a guild where my sporadic shifts allow me to raid relevent content with a regular group of people. While I always loved progression raiding I've also recently found myself just enjoying the heroic scene and running M+ when I'm online.

What can I offer Iron Edge?

I'm an active and social player when I'm not working with quite a few years experience raiding.

Where did I hear about Iron Edge?


Last Words?

If there's something you think I missed or anything else you wish to speak to me about please drop me a message on

Regards, Sam.

January 03, 2018, 09:29:04 pm
Reply #1

Offline Rash

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Re: Social Application - Death Knight (Tank) - Oatsosimple
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2018, 09:29:04 pm »
Hi Sam!

You're welcome to join Iron Edge as a social member.

You can poke an officer for an invite. Welcome!
Rash - Holy Priest
Rashuwu - Mistweaver Monk
Porkkebab - Holy Paladin

January 04, 2018, 08:33:24 am
Reply #2

Offline Abyiss

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Re: Social Application - Death Knight (Tank) - Oatsosimple
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2018, 08:33:24 am »
Sounds like ToT raid material ;)

7:30-10:30 uk Wednesdays (attendance is pretty loose and maluable)
The only man foolish enough to roll a DK tank.

(Shannaro 2010)

January 04, 2018, 07:11:51 pm
Reply #3

Offline kodin

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Re: Social Application - Death Knight (Tank) - Oatsosimple
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2018, 07:11:51 pm »
What abyiss means is that the  ToT raid could suit you,
Feel free to message abyiss, gaeios or kodín for more information :P

January 04, 2018, 09:02:50 pm
Reply #4

Offline Skinkelinke

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Re: Social Application - Death Knight (Tank) - Oatsosimple
« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2018, 09:02:50 pm »
I agree with Abyiss, we been searching for a good DK tank since legion started


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