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 (Healer) Holy Priest Application

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January 19, 2013, 04:28:59 pm
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Offline Schumacher

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(Healer) Holy Priest Application
« on: January 19, 2013, 04:28:59 pm »
Personal Information

Hello I’m Ben, 25 years old and I live in the Netherlands, been playing WoW since vanilla with a long break from raiding @ Cataclysm. Addicted to gaming and music, Peter Gabriel / U2 / Phil Collins being my favourites and when they tour I’ve got to buy tickets for at least 5 shows traveling to countries closest to Holland with my friends (crazy fans here) I also play CoD4 in a clan I've been in for ~8 years now. What else, well, I love to watch football and F1, my favourites there being Arsenal and of course….. Schumacher.

Alright, on with the WoW stuff!

Character Information

Character: Schumacher
My Armory:
Will try to log out in healing gear, give me a whisper in case I forget.
Class/Spec: Holy Priest.
2 Maxed professions: Tailoring and Alchemy, healthy amount of raiding consumables in my bags.
Addons: Grid , AG_unitframes, bartender, SCT(D), Recount and some other UI/bag addons.
UI pics:
LFR (My only 25:man experience in MoP so far):

My character is a holy priest, I’m just going to be straight/honest with you right off the bat and say that I’m not willing to go discipline, shadow is however alright and with reforging/re-enchanting my holy gear adding to my shadow gear I could play a dps role should it be needed, sometimes, not as a main role.(Just saying since I see you asking about dps offspecs in other threads).  I also wouldn’t mind sitting out some/a lot of raids if there are too many healers online or if people need the gear more than me _at all_.  I’m available to raid and like to raid 2 days a week, but I don’t _have_ to raid at all costs, wouldn't even mind being backup.
The reason I won’t go discipline is that 1, I love holy too much, and 2, I don’t like disc at all and most importantly 3, I don’t feel confident/comfortable playing that spec. The worst feeling while raiding for me is if I don’t play well in my current role, which in this case would be as discipline. I just suck at a dps/healing hybrid nor do I like it.
Sounds a bit stubborn/harsh maybe but I think it’s good to be clear about this when I apply to a guild.

I know my class inside out, checking elitist jerks sometimes (or howtopriest these days) for new developments but trying to come up with stuff myself first,  using all of the tricks currently available, for example, spamming my mana away(Or when I’m oom already)when the boss is ~20sec from enrage/end of the kill, dying and continuing to heal in spirit of redemption often saving people I wouldn’t have had the mana for) Was called spirit of redemption priest in TBC because of that :(, I know when to use these kind of small things and will always look for some crazy personal tactic if it benefits, and doesn't hurt, the raid. So yeah, just some little things.

I would probably have to get used to 25mans again/change in tactics from 10mans a bit coming from a 10man guild, but that shouldn’t be a huge problem I hope.

Raiding times/Availability

I can raid every day of the week, any time, from what I understand you raid only 2 days a week, which is great because while I’m always available I’m a bit tired from all the long raid hours I’ve had in the past. Also having some time to watch the Champions League and sadly seeing Arsenal being knocked out all the time is what I like as well.

Gaming (optional) and World Of Warcraft history:
Played CoD1 competitively before WoW, when CoD2 came out I was forced to quit playing in my clan because I started playing World of Warcraft, which destroyed my aim. I do play some CoD4 wars ocasionally with the same people from back then.

Started WoW in vanilla ~2 months after it came out, worked my way up to the top guild on the realm which was always my goal after I saw my heroes stand in Orgrimmar with all their fancy gear.  I played CoD1 at a high level before WoW and my clanmate was the priest officer in the best guild back then. He got me in, you had to be a bit lucky in vanilla I guess to get into the good guilds.
Never missed a single raid in vanilla (7 days/week. even 14:00-22:00 on weekends), TBC and the start of WotLK, took my first break after clearing Ulduar25 on Normal because I didn’t see the point in doing the same stuff a bit harder. (And I was burned out I guess). Played Cataclysm very casually since my guild died and I didn’t like the thought of joining another one. That and my medicine study was taking it's toll. Oh well, here is my list plus some of our guild’s best achievements:

Vanilla: Cleared everything (Noth Horde EU first, ,

TBC: Cleared everything (Illidan world 9th, ,

WotLK: Cleared everything up until Ulduar HMs(World ~600 :sadface:, guild fell hard), took a break and returned as a backup to clear the rest. I only missed the LK HC25 kill. (and some standalone HM bosses in ICC/Ulduar).

Cataclysm: 3/5 BWD and normal Dragonsoul.

This was all done in the same guild bar cataclysm: In Excelsis on Frostmane_EU. This guild died at the end of WotLK. Was called Outofmana back then, name was already taken by a level 3 on Dunemaul though....

Mists of Pandaria:

When MoP came out I wanted to pick up raiding again, not hardcore but a few nights a week pushing some casual progress was what I had in mind and that is what I got in the end. Realm transferred to a random realm on free transfer because the Frostmane Horde side died (<1%) and got picked up by a guild while leveling. Eventually we started raiding,  tried a bit too hard sometimes (In my old guild we as healers were always pushing ourselves to win healing meters, betting 100g before the boss etc, took a while to get that out of my system), but as time moved on I started to take myself less serious and blended in (In my personal view). Right, progress:
MSV: 6/6
HoF 4/6
Terrace 0/4

This was all done 10man in a guild called Origins (Original name: Synergy). If you want to do a background check so to speak, the raidleader’s name is Recklol (You might know him from the Babydragon thread some threads below mine, let’s hope he doesn’t show up here!<3) and the guildleader is called Leliel.
Last few weeks there have been ~5 signups for raids and there hasn’t been any progress (more like, we are back to Garalon DPS problems now, if we even get 10 people and even get to Garalon), having to semi-pug is a bit too casual at this point, even for me. Loads of people fail to show up and everyone doesn’t seem to care anymore. I can take all that and be patient, but the final straw for me was the leaders not logging for 4 days while there was a raid planned. Time for me to get out. I made it clear I am looking for another guild now. More than 1 guild during a single expansion would be a first for me.

What I’ve also come to realize is that I don’t really like 10man raiding. 25man was pushing it for me after the 40 man deletion already but doing 10s feels a bit too empty. This is why I am applying to a 25man guild.

I don’t have a subscription to WoL hence why I cannot link you any logs since we didn’t raid since before Christmas ( WoL deletes unsubbed reports after 2/4 weeks)
This log is the only log that has not been deleted yet but is flagged for deletion(And has only 4 of the easiest bosses) but incase it does get deleted before you read this, consider this 10seconds of your life wasted by reading these sentences , I’m sorry.

Why do you want to join Iron Edge?
My knowledge of this realm is limited, having transferred here at the start of Pandaland because a free transfer was up and the horde side of Frostmane died (<1%). I did remember a lot of stories my younger brother told me back in vanilla (He always played on Dunemaul) about Iron Edge being a good guild on his realm (Or he was even in IE I don't remember, if the IE guildleader's girlfriend at the time was also raiding MC, he was, if not then I'm mistaken). I figure a vanilla guild still around these days must be run well and have a great core of people,  extra hard to fit in of course but that’s a challenge when joining any guild. I also never had any problems with anyone I’ve come across be it in dungeons or the world itself. I also was trying to find a 25man guild so all in all, it felt like a logical thing to make an application. Also, the best time (and possibly the only time) to switch guilds for me is before a new major patch hits, before you are way behind in progression compared to the guild you want to join.

What can I offer to Iron Edge?

A very dedicated raider who is always trying his best to get everything out of his class, in every fight. Someone who is always in for a joke, willing to help anyone with anything since he is a wow addict with nothing else to do anyway.  Knows when to speak up during a raid and when not to. I can take constructive criticism while I won’t hide from my own mistakes made during an encounter. Someone who always comes prepared and will pick up fights in 2 to 3 tries. I will always try getting the best gear available outside raids should my gold amount allow, not shy of repgrinding etc, or should I say daily grind now.  And last but not least understands that sometimes, even after 100 or 500 tries, it is always possible to get very unlucky and die to a random fire on the floor or a lagspike on HoF’s discs,  I won’t start whining and bitching about that sort of stuff, if anything, it’s the raidleaders choice and job if he feels he must, not mine.

Technical stuff:
Proper PC, stable internet connection which hasn’t faltered to this date.

Last words?
Oh boy…….I’ve written way too much already it seems and went on a nostalgia trip, my apologies, bye bye for now
Right one tip then,  never ever accept duels from lower levels, they can only make you look bad..

January 19, 2013, 05:05:36 pm
Reply #1

Offline kagemoth

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Re: (Healer) Holy Priest Application
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2013, 05:05:36 pm »
Haven't seen an app this cool in a long time :D
Insanity doesn't run in my family. Rather, it strolls through, taking its time, getting to know everyone personally.

January 19, 2013, 05:06:17 pm
Reply #2

Offline Ezzardo

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Re: (Healer) Holy Priest Application
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2013, 05:06:17 pm »
Nice application. I like your name, Schumacher is a living legend!

You seem to be a friendly and dedicated player.

Hope to see you soon, Ben!
все знают, обезьяну, но обезьяна не знает ни один из них

January 19, 2013, 10:39:42 pm
Reply #3

Offline Doomslay

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Re: (Healer) Holy Priest Application
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2013, 10:39:42 pm »
Awesome application! I'll contact you soon as i'd like to discuss a few things with you.

January 19, 2013, 11:14:56 pm
Reply #4


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Re: (Healer) Holy Priest Application
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2013, 11:14:56 pm »
Very nice application.

To me everything looks great!
Goodluck :)

January 19, 2013, 11:20:31 pm
Reply #5

Offline Gaeios(Graxlos)

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Re: (Healer) Holy Priest Application
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2013, 11:20:31 pm »
Awesome application. If you know others in search of a place to raid we could use some more good applicants.

Bears like alts!

January 20, 2013, 12:57:18 am
Reply #6

Offline Tanispaxos

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Re: (Healer) Holy Priest Application
« Reply #6 on: January 20, 2013, 12:57:18 am »
Hope to see more people like this application,rly nice see you soon :)

January 20, 2013, 12:44:09 pm
Reply #7

Offline Schumacher

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Re: (Healer) Holy Priest Application
« Reply #7 on: January 20, 2013, 12:44:09 pm »
I'm flattered guys!
Just wanted to let you know Doomslay that during the day, I might be playing on my alt which is called Lickr.


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