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 Weekend Raider Application - Druid (DPS/Healer) - Cthúlhú

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June 27, 2017, 01:57:27 pm
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Hello, Iron Edge!

I am applying for the Weekend Raid.

Character: Cthúlhú
Class/Spec: Druid (DPS/Healer)
Member Type: wraider

Personal Info:

Hey my name is Adam and I'm currently 27 and live in England working a full time job and I have a girlfriend so hardcore 4 day a week raiding is impossible for me :)


I have been playing my Druid since late Cata and since then i have always been main spec Resto as i love the mobile playstyle to bits, gonna wear out that space bar sooner or later, but can also play balance and feral though in this expansion i have mainly been sticking to boomkin as finally it doesnt have an aids resource mechainc.

My gear level is around the same on all specs (910) but my legendaries are mostly healing ones with only Prydaz and Cinidaria for dps since im still waiting for that damm legendary healing trinket before i switch to trying to get some Balance legedaries.

Best way for me to show my understanding is to first link my logs.

Druid healing is very simple at first glance since it is mostly spam rejuv and wild growth when 3+ people are damaged but to get the most out of it its requires a lot of planning and knowledge since you have to know when mechanics are about to happen so you can pre hot the raid then time a Wild Growth to land right as damge goes out then Flourish to extend hots and Essence to make them all tick faster.

Druid is all about cooldown planning and usage as it is a hot based class and it can be very easy for other burst classes to snipe heals. When the content has been cleared though and on farm i also like to switch to Soul of the Forest spec which allows Druids to get some burst back but isnt as good on progression fights as you only get that healing with a Swiftmend > Wild Growth combo.

Stat wise druid likes a bit of everything with the main idea of trying to keep all stats close but haste does tend to fall behind by bit. That is only true for raiding in big groups though, in mythic + and small raids i take the Germination talent which lets you have 2 Rejuvs on one person and that increases Masterys value by a lot, so much so that often times i see Mastery valued the same as Intellect on RDSW which is a weak aura that the guys on the druid discord created to monitor your stat weights.


At the start of Legion i leveled up a mage and enjoyed playing fire but when they gutted the spec i didnt really have the urge to play it anymore. Recently i have leveled a Demon Hunter though, called Hisokamorrow, that I'm enjoying playing which is DPS/Tank but that is only just starting to gear up at ilevel 880.


I'm a Druid so of course I have Herb and Alc, pretty sure its a rule that all druids have that lol

Raiding Experience:

I have been raiding since ToC in Wrath of the Lich King but didnt start hardcore raiding till Cata and then experienced all of the raids on their hardest dificulty up untill the end on Mists where i took a step back from hardcore raiding and went casual and since then i have been still experiencing all the latest raids but at a Heroic level.

In Legion i have:
9/9NM Tos
3/9HC Tos

10/10 HC NH

3/3NM ToV

7/7HC EN

Previous Guilds:

I am currently in Order of Sargeras as a social member and have been for about 3 years but recently in Nighthold their main raiders left and now the guild doesnt have that many people about and also i am looking for a guild to clear Heroic with.


I'm applying for the weekend raider spot and I should be able to make that raid every week as i do not work on Sundays but other than that the times i play are random since sometimes when i get off work i just go to my gf's


Yes i am fluent in English and have TS3 and all other communication platforms as well as a headset and a mic with push to talk :)

Computer / Connection:

My computer is pretty decent and i have been putting new parts into it every so often ever since i got it 5 years ago. It allows me to get a steady 60fps on high settings in raids and i have no trouble with my internet or lag and my ms is like 20.


I currently have a lot of addons as i feel they make the game just so much better but the big ones are of course Elv UI, Vuhdo, Big Wigs, Weak Auras.

Other Games:

Currently I am not playing any other games but I am looking forward to Destiny 2 coming out on pc.

Why Iron Edge?

I want to join your guild because i am looking for a stable guild with lots of people in playing the game and having fun while also taking it seriously and trying their best to clear content.

What can I offer Iron Edge?

I can offer a very relaxed and experienced player that puts in the time and effort to better myself while also having fun.

Where did I hear about Iron Edge?

Kazzak realm forums

Last Words?

Thanks for taking the time to read my ramblings and i'm happy to answer any questions you might have.

June 27, 2017, 02:48:09 pm
Reply #1

Offline Xormn

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Re: Weekend Raider Application - Druid (DPS/Healer) - Cthúlhú
« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2017, 02:48:09 pm »
Hello Adam.

This is a pretty fancy application. I do, however, have a question for you. Will you be comfortable switching to an off spec, if we're stacked on healers? And if so, what would you like to play?
Ba dun tss!

June 27, 2017, 04:55:11 pm
Reply #2

Offline Cthulhu

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Re: Weekend Raider Application - Druid (DPS/Healer) - Cthúlhú
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2017, 04:55:11 pm »
I would be fine with playing boomkin as i do enjoy it a lot as well.

June 27, 2017, 07:34:20 pm
Reply #3

Offline Xormn

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Re: Weekend Raider Application - Druid (DPS/Healer) - Cthúlhú
« Reply #3 on: June 27, 2017, 07:34:20 pm »

You can poke any officer for an invite. Welcome aboard.
Ba dun tss!


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