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 Weekend Raider Application - Monk (DPS/Healer/Tank) - Vechmes

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July 24, 2018, 05:43:03 pm
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Hello, Iron Edge!

I am applying for the Weekend Raid.

Character: Vechmes
Class/Spec: Monk (DPS/Healer/Tank)
Member Type: wraider

Personal Info:

My name is Yoni, I'm 24 years old, live in Israel, and currently signed up for colleges/universities to begin studying in the upcoming semester. Me and 2 friends decided to come back to play WoW recently, with the intention of raiding. We have been offline for a long time but are getting prepared for raiding in BfA and maybe some exercise on existing Legion raids once we get geared to enter.


I prefer to play Brewmaster first, Mistweaver second and Windwalker last.
I will play whichever spec you ask me to and offspec the other two, since I don't have strong preferences.

My current gear is garbage since I didn't play for the past year and haven't caught up yet, but that won't be very relevant once BfA comes out. This is also a part of the reason I apply for the weekend, less hard-core raid team - I will need some time to improve again.

I don't know the current meta for best stats for every spec yet, but I do focus on stats that benefit my role directly. For instance as a Brewmaster tank, I will prefer parry/dodge/versatility/avoidance over haste/crit chance, and as mistweaver haste/crit/vers/mastery(depending on research if it's any good) over avoidance/parry/etc.

As tank I prioritize pinging every relevant enemy first(so healers won't take aggro), applying ironskin/damage reduction, and then reducing the cd on the brews and applying secondary damage reductions such as blackout-combo ironskin or blackout-combo kegs etc.
As healer I prioritize the efficient HoT effects (Renewing mist, Soothing mist) and apply greater heals to targets who actually take some damage. I ignore self healing allies over 80% hp for the most part since they are self-reliant(DKs, warlocks, etc)


I have a Shaman(level 110)[any spec], Priest(level 110)[disc only], and a druid(level 110)[balance/feral only]. The rest are not relevant. I can reroll into any of those if asked to.


Nothing worthy of noting, only semi-leveled professions across the 4 maxed level characters. (mining, skinning, leatherworking, engineering)

Raiding Experience:

WOTLK all raids as a DPS DK and a resto shaman.
During the launch of Legion I played Mistweaver monk and Disc priest in the Emerald Nightmare and in mythic+ dungeons when they started up. After that I left the game for a year.

Previous Guilds:

After I left the game for intense studying in the past year, my old guild was closed and so was the guild I was keeping an eye on as the next-in-line, since they were Israel-based guilds.
With all of the Israeli guilds crashed on Kazzak, I'm searching a reasonable raiding guild for me and my 2 mates.


At the moment I choose shifts for myself on a weekly basis, so if a guild event/raid is scheduled regularly, I will always be available.


Yes to all. This is also true to my 2 friends. We do have a varying Hebrew accent though.

Computer / Connection:

Last year I was able to raid properly with my current internet configuration, and was able to play DotA2 with very few problems in the past few months. I believe my internet will be fine during raids and if not I will accept demotion to a social rank.


I use the following addons:
elvui (unit frames)
BigWigs bossmods
Clique (mouse-over targeting)
Details! (damage meter)
TradeSkillMaster (professions)
World Quest Tracker
Exorsus Raid Tools

Other Games:

DotA2 casually.
Warframe every several months.

Why Iron Edge?

I'm looking for a raiding guild for me and my 2 mates. I find comfort in having an option to back off in case of technical instabilities on my end - if I can't raid for some reason, becoming a social is not a problem for me and I understand this guild allows this.

What can I offer Iron Edge?

From a raiding standpoint, I can switch specs, roles, or class on demand - my playstyle is flexible and I will do all required research on every spec that I need to play before coming to a raid. I also tend to gear myself up through dungeons and possible out-of-raid actions and try to beat the minimum requirements before raiding starts. I have experience in raiding in the past with both cookie-cutter specs or hybrid specs to help the people who are having difficulties.

From a social standpoint I tend to make lame jokes in chat, gather loads of knowledge about specs/skills/mechanics/news and such and spill the knowledge if asked.
I'm generally easy-going, I avoid serious conflicts and touchy subjects, and I try to enjoy my time with people.

Where did I hear about Iron Edge?


Last Words?

Wow, I didn't know it was like that. Please don't kill me.

July 24, 2018, 09:29:26 pm
Reply #1

Offline Xormn

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Re: Weekend Raider Application - Monk (DPS/Healer/Tank) - Vechmes
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2018, 09:29:26 pm »
Hello Vechmes.

Firstly, i'd like to tell you that when you have some friends that want to apply to a guild, you should all make separate applications.

Secondly, we're quite full when it comes to melee, healers and tanks at the moment.

Good luck in your search!
Ba dun tss!


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