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 Priest Application <B-Raid>

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January 04, 2010, 04:44:28 pm
Read 4347 times

Offline Xaero

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Priest Application <B-Raid>
« on: January 04, 2010, 04:44:28 pm »
Hello Iron Edge!


Hi, my name is Christian I´m 24 years old and living in Vienna / Austria.
After finishing school I was working 1 year for the Red Cross.
Then I started studying Law at the University of Vienna for about 1-2 years, after that I changed to English and american studies and Math.
Last semester I started Astronomy and I´m sure I´ll stick to that in future, it´s awesome ^^


This here is my Priest I Want to apply to you: Olmageddon
Armory Link :
I always raided as shadow but I have disc as offspec which I like to swap to every now and then as well :)
I am well aware that I have a PvP spec atm in both (disc and shadow) just because I left my old guild (articulo mortis) a few days ago, and there is nothing to do for me right now than doing some PvP own <3
I am sorry for that and I hope it´s not a biggy, but I ofc know how to spec for PvE =p (I can always respec to PvE if you want to see my talent choices)
This char was created on the 1st day WoW came out, so you can see I have been playing quite some time already.
My professions are : Enchanting 450/450 & Tailoring 440/450
I OFC have only the best enchants and gems on my gear at all time, may it be main/off or PvP spec

I need to add some explanation about my gear here, it sadly isn´t the best.
the reason for this is that I came back to WoW like 1 or 2 monthes ago again after taking a break of around 3 monthes.
I sadly missed out a lot of loot during my absent monthes obviously, and becuase of the break I took I lost my raiding rank in AM which made it hard for me to join the main raids again.
and this afterall was the reason why I left Articulo Mortis and trying to start a new chapter in IE with you guys :)
...but more about guilds and reasons for leaving later...

I do want to add here thou that skill still always beats the gear, and that (eventhou I was 3 or 4 tier gears behind on most guildys and even same class/spec) I still was outDPSing most ppl in farm raids I was able to join every now and then.
I do eventhou have the best available gear I was able to get! (I will try to always log out in my PvE gear so you guys can check it out)

but enough of this for now!


I have been and cleared almost every raid there is in wow:
MC / BWL / ony / AQ 20/40 / ZA / ZG / kara / gruul / maggy / TK / BT / sar / maly / naxx / ulduar
think that´s all might have missed smth thou O_o ..... I havn´t done all that on my priest thou, and not all on the lvl which they were made for ( means on lvl 80) but I know all raids and tacts for everything in and out, and I really love to go to the old vanilla stuff still, so I am always up for stuff like that :D

about what I cleared on the right lvl in the right expansion more here :

let´s start with my priest : Olmageddon (was created on the 1st day wow came out) been MC (cleared) / Ony (cleared) and some fail attempts on the other raids back then. have Anathema/Benediction and some highwarlord gear still from lvl 60, so not farmed afterwards when it was easy.

I have a warrior as well : Rend
he was my main when WOTLK freshly hit and have been raiding a lot on him in naxx and Ulduar until I made a mainchange from my warrior to my priest
(I was writing an application to you once on him but I withdrew it again because Articulo asked me to come back after sorting out some things and issues which made me leave at one point)

and my 3rd and last lvl 80 is a shaman : Sobo
really nothing special about him, I just was bored some day and thought "hey dude shammy is the only toon I have never tryed so I´ll give it a shot" and then suddenly he was lvl 80 lol. just bought that stupid blue BoE PvP gear for some fun but I Don´t really touched him eversince.

then there is my beloved Warlock Asderil (my main in TBC) have been officer in 2 guilds (<the true mayhem>/ and <Intermission>) and then I joined <Deth Kult Social Club> the old <In Flames> after I gathered the gear to be able to be accepted there.
I have been in Kara/gruul/maggy/TK/BT/ZA on him on 70 ofc

my other chars on lvl 70 were a druid -> Alkon (full epic in feral/balance/resto and all that in PvP and PvE... which means my bank on him is stuffed with hundrets of epics) he sits onj lvl 75 now and will keep sitting there =p

then there is my hunter -> Alkono (full epic as well in PvE and PvP) lvl 70 still

further more I have a mage lvl 60, a twink warrior lvl 39 with best gear available, a rogue somewhere 40-50ish, and a paladin on another account lvl 70, but no special gear on him.

on all my alts I have kinda all professions spreaded there are : skinning/tailoring/enchanting/mining/LW/Engineering ... and all that on at least TBC skill cap (375) with a lot of special patterns/plans in it, may it be rare epics or stuff like Ony cloak for BWL, tailoring and LW got both.

that must have been it =p


I think about WoW history I have given you a good impression already above, and about guilds more here:
over the years I was on my chars in many guilds let me point out a few here :)
on lvl 70 times:
- The True Mayhem (was officer there) raided kara lol
- Intermission (was officer there) raided ZA/maggy/gruul/TK
- somewhen there was a guild merge with whatever guild I can´t remember, and I ended up in So What
- Bladestorm
and finally
- Deth kult social club (In Flames) was at the end to TBC, raided everything up to BT there until they made the server change which sucked

these guilds I was in on mostly my Warlock Asderil which was my main in TBC and/or my druid Alkon which was my main be4 my lock ^^

on lvl 80 times I only was in Articulo Mortis,
I was on my warrior there Core-raider (naxx & Ulduar times) which was the highest possible raider rank, and then I made the main change to my Priest where I became in a new guild ranking system Warlord which was/is still the highest raider rank, until I had the break, lost my rank and got left behind

Why I Want to join Iron Edge:

well obviously you are over the years constantly known as the best guild on the server! and since I am looking for a new raiding guild now and I´m not the worst player there is around I thought I would give it a shot and hope the best :)


well I am a quite exp. raider/PvPer on many classes, I know as mentioned kinda all raids and places there are. further more as mentioned as well I have many proffs, and can offer everything from there, as well my exp if anyone wanna go old vanilla stuff like MC or whatever, I know how and where preqs start and stuff ... oh and since I am student I have a lot of time hehe. raiding days/times whenever they are I can be there.

this really became longer than I wanted it to be, but I just wanted a kick ass application which you just can´t deny I hope! :)

I don´t know how to change colors and make any funky blinky stuff whatsoever, so my apologies about that! was trying hard to not make this look wall-of-text-like style which I didn´t manage I guess O_o
fav. pokemon: Gulpin, most pathetic looking one I could find =p

hope everything is said, hope you liked it,hope the reading was´t too boring and if you have any questions please let me know!

until then, Olmageddon :)

January 04, 2010, 05:59:01 pm
Reply #1

Offline Blackwhale

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Re: Priest Application <B-Raid>
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2010, 05:59:01 pm »
Hi, my name is Christian I´m 24 years old and living in Vienna / Austria.
After finishing school I was working 1 year for the Red Cross.
Then I started studying Law at the University of Vienna for about 1-2 years, after that I changed to English and american studies and Math.
Last semester I started Astronomy and I´m sure I´ll stick to that in future, it´s awesome ^^

i got sold after this part, we have the same intrests.

Great application, even if you didnt know how to make it flashy with hippie colors. Good luck and watch out for trolls
If pluto isnt a planet because its a dwarf, does that mean dwarfs aint people?

January 04, 2010, 06:19:24 pm
Reply #2

Offline delling

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Re: Priest Application <B-Raid>
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2010, 06:19:24 pm »
Aye, good application indeed!

I'm pretty sure the B raid are full on priests tho' -- they rejected a very good app recently... but you never know!

Now I run a tech website.

January 04, 2010, 06:41:48 pm
Reply #3

Offline Ameliorate

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Re: Priest Application <B-Raid>
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2010, 06:41:48 pm »
Odd gear/gem choices.  You aren't hit capped.  You seem to be going for set bonuses instead or raw PP, four blue gems makes no sense for pre 3.3 above the two required for CSD.  For 3.3 I see no sign of haste gems which are valuable in a yellow socket.  Could you explain why?

January 04, 2010, 07:05:24 pm
Reply #4


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Re: Priest Application <B-Raid>
« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2010, 07:05:24 pm »
Great app, shame I know very little about shadow. :( Good luck.

EDIT: Make Meldir go boomkin on Dookie and bring this guy in? :D

January 04, 2010, 07:20:47 pm
Reply #5

Offline Xaero

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Re: Priest Application <B-Raid>
« Reply #5 on: January 04, 2010, 07:20:47 pm »
I can explain yes:
these Royal Moonshroud Bracers kinda was the last thing I bought to upgrade some lower ones, which I had the now missing hit on. (which were a big upgrade)
these bracers as well have a blue socket which activate 5 SP so I went with Purified DS.
you must have been looking wrong mate, I don´t have 4 but 3 blue combo gems, and that just because of the reason explained above.
then I only have one in my chest and in my belt, which were the original 2 ones.
now I didn´t change yet any of them to come down to 2 for CSD just because of the simple fact that I wasn´t raiding anymore so there was no urgent need for me to care about that or the missing 20 hit.
afterall these are so little changes which can be fixed easily

about the so-called "odd gear" as I have explained in my application I just wasn´t able to get my hands on any awesome ICC or ToC gear, so I just went for the "best available gear which was possible for me to get" may it be from emblems now or from craftables - this is what turns out to be the best setup for me atm. =p
afterall the gear only had to work for me for daily needs, like heroics or whatever.

you can be ensured thou that these little things will be changed to optimal when it comes to the point that I am standing in a raidgroup :)

January 05, 2010, 03:55:09 am
Reply #6

Offline Xaero

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Re: Priest Application <B-Raid>
« Reply #6 on: January 05, 2010, 03:55:09 am »
wanted to link you here some PvP and PvE fun I had tonight.

here we have an AB

and here I was ony 25, raid disband thou after 2 wipes.

I hope this shit works, I fail @ posting stuff =p

that is btw in my PvP spec

January 05, 2010, 09:00:50 am
Reply #7


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Re: Priest Application <B-Raid>
« Reply #7 on: January 05, 2010, 09:00:50 am »
well ur dps on onyxia proofs u can use ur mindseer short key

January 05, 2010, 12:47:43 pm
Reply #8

Offline kagemoth

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Re: Priest Application <B-Raid>
« Reply #8 on: January 05, 2010, 12:47:43 pm »
MyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyND SEaAarrrrr!!!! The Goggles do Nothing!
Insanity doesn't run in my family. Rather, it strolls through, taking its time, getting to know everyone personally.

January 05, 2010, 03:06:48 pm
Reply #9

Offline Grilldyret

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Re: Priest Application <B-Raid>
« Reply #9 on: January 05, 2010, 03:06:48 pm »
Agh, great application! But as Delling mentioned, we're quite packed with priests at the moment. We even have a backup/friend priest sitting around.. As much as I hate to waste awesome applicants/applications, there is simply no way I can see this working out :/

January 05, 2010, 04:08:21 pm
Reply #10

Offline Xaero

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Re: Priest Application <B-Raid>
« Reply #10 on: January 05, 2010, 04:08:21 pm »
thanks for your nice reply mate, I knew as well that you aren´t really in big need of priests.
still I wanted to try my luck :)

I guess I´ll turn to PvP then a bit.

thx a lot for your time guys, GL in future!

January 05, 2010, 06:25:16 pm
Reply #11

Offline Sertth

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Re: Priest Application <B-Raid>
« Reply #11 on: January 05, 2010, 06:25:16 pm »
I thought i was reading the new "big whine thread" until grillys post...
Sertth - B Raid Fury Warrior


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