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 Flinthoof, feral tank/dps group b application

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January 24, 2010, 11:00:14 pm
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Offline Flinthoof

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Flinthoof, feral tank/dps group b application
« on: January 24, 2010, 11:00:14 pm »
Personal Information

Hello all, im Wesley van den Berg, 20years young and living in the Netherlands and playing a feral druid in wow called Flinthoof.
Next to wow im still going to school learnging for Security in Zwolle. Next to school, gameing i also do fitness and going out almost every saturday.

Character Information


A while ago i'v asked Shiftey if they were looking for a feral tank for group A, but he told me that all spots were taken.
He did told me that group b was looking for a feral tank since 1 left. Now im hopeing that i could fill that spot cause i cannot raid in group A anymore for 5 days a week due school and other stuff.

Gaming (optional) and World Of Warcraft history

Started to play online games about 5/6 years ago, it all started with Medal of Honor: Spearhead, a friend *Cinn* came to me with it and told me i should play it to so i tryd.
I wasnt the best player but i had fun with some ppl and i joined their clan, to nad i wasnt realy active on the ladders and cups cause i was not the best player. I quit MoH:Spearhead after "Cinn" came with a new game, World of Warcraft.
This all started about a year of3 ago. My first character ever was a Dreanei shaman on Tarren Mill, i quickly changed to a human warrior, and after my warrior reached somewere in the 40's i switched to a human priest.
lvled my priest to lvl 49 and i changed from server and made a undead rogue "Zéb". Once i hit lvl 40/45 i changed server again and i took my rogue with me to Dunemaul to rejoin Cinn/Noovaa again and lvled my first character to lvl 70.
I also joined Red sun Rising and started to raid with them in Karazhan and met alot of cool ppl their, next to raiding i lvled alot of chars to lvl 70 but i never realy geared them and left them alone
After a while i started on my druid (flinthoof), i leveled that to 70 in notime and found out that i was made to play it and was gearing it very quickly, rejoined RsR in kara/gruul and had my fun tanking it all.
RsR became very inactive begin summer so i left and joined Root togheter with other RsR members. Even with alot of good members and clearing 4/5 bosses in notime root wasnt here to stay long and it got disbanded, so i was guildless again.
Tryd my luck with Equilibrium but that didnt work so i rejoined RsR again. Luckely we were raiding a few times a week while we had alot of fun the other days.
Than Wotlk came, with a few Tier 6 items i started to lvl my druid as resto and hit the 80 as one of the first in RsR. gered up in heroics, and slowly we started in Naxx10 when we had the man, a while later we were going to naxx25 but got stuck due
problems with getting people online etcetc, Anyway to make a shorter version i jump over the Ulduar were we cleared 10 and we got to hald uld25, i was going to leave RsR once more but they gave me and Anxieux the option to lead a second 10man Uld
wich we took and started to recruit new ppl, got a 10man very quick and started to clear uld, we even cleared uld faster than group 1, when we both cleared 10's we merged togheter and started on uld25, started very good, progression very good but again
members started to slack when we did not going that fast as useuall. people left, so Anxieux and i left to, we both joined Ravenous and joined them them in totc, cause of my inactivity i had to leave Ravenous and got guildless, though they promised me i coulc reapply
and rejoined when i was done with my internship, but i got denied. Still looking for a good raidingguild and still had the "free spot" in group b from shiftey in my head i just had to try it and started on this application and well y, here is the apply.

Why do you want to join Iron Edge?
I always wanted to join a guild were i could raid atleast 5 days a week, but now im busy with my internship (wich will end the last week of januari) i had the choice to find a guild were i can raid 5days a week and quit fitness and other private stuff,
Or try to join group B and raid 2 days a week and still be able to fitness etcetc... so it was a easy choice.

What can I offer to Iron Edge?
All i can offer you is a skilled and geared feral tank or dps, social/nice/helpfull/having fun etcetc.. I have no special gifts were some guilds are looking for.

Last words?
I hope i told you guys everything i could and i hope i can prove myself, if you have any questions just /w me ingame on Flinthoof, Lucífér or Zéb.
E-mail me on or add me on X-fire; Zebsta (dont forget to tell me you will add me ir i prob will denie it).

Thanks for taking time to read my application and i hope to be a part from Iron Edge soon.


January 25, 2010, 11:28:02 am
Reply #1

Offline Gaeios(Graxlos)

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Re: Flinthoof, feral tank/dps group b application
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2010, 11:28:02 am »
It must have been a while ago you asked shiftey since we have a ton of tanks atm :(

Bears like alts!

January 25, 2010, 01:19:09 pm
Reply #2

Offline Kendoki

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Re: Flinthoof, feral tank/dps group b application
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2010, 01:19:09 pm »
Fukkn Shiftey
We are the preservers of the balance, now and forever, as Malfurion lies in the Dreaming. Never forget this.

January 25, 2010, 02:26:20 pm
Reply #3

Offline Shiftey

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Re: Flinthoof, feral tank/dps group b application
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2010, 02:26:20 pm »
That was a while ago indeed, recently I told you to speak to hugman or grilly for spots :)

January 25, 2010, 04:44:26 pm
Reply #4

Offline Flinthoof

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Re: Flinthoof, feral tank/dps group b application
« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2010, 04:44:26 pm »
y it was a while ago, about 3/4 weeks i guess, i actualy cant remember that conversation with you Shiftey but i guess we did.

But since i was still inactive untill the end of januari i didnt realy checked everything out every day. And now my internship is almost over im looking for a good and active raidguild for 2 maby 3 days a week so i still have time for other private stuff.


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