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 Resto shaman

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February 16, 2010, 09:19:22 pm
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Resto shaman
« on: February 16, 2010, 09:19:22 pm »
Greeting`s IE this is my (A)raid application

Personal Information:

My name is Vladimir,im 19year`s old,I Live in Belgrade capital city of Serbia..Im going to last year of 12.Belgrade Gymnasy..Im training free time i play wow,chillin with friend`s smoking weed,going to partie`s and lot of other crazy staff..Im relaxed and patient guy.

Character Information:

Character name:Littlejack,Tauren shaman,male,I’ve always played a healer. I’m not exactly sure why, I just feel drawn to it.
Im Miner and Alchemist tho` i never lvled alchemy since Wotlk came out i had it only for Trinket in sunwell time.
Armory Profile--->
and pug checker profile--->
Im Restoration 0/16/55 best spec for pve resto shammy.
I have 40Exalted Faction`s and around 8500Achivment Point`s..
Got around 140played days and 50played days on lvl 80.
This character is my main character tho i have 1more lvl 80char named Cyberdead blood tank Dk.

Gear/glyphs/enchants/gems comments:

Well first of all my gear is from Toc 25 to Icc 25..Glyphs i have glyph of Earth shield,Chain heal and Earthliving think thats best for restoraion shaman..water shield glyph is good too but ill go for more healing then for Mp5...I have all best enchants im spanding time and money on my gear trying to improve it from day to day..About gems im Going Streigh for haste..i think its most important for keeping people alive everyone can just spam but with a lot of haste i focus only doing effcitial healing instead of overhealing and that always proves on meters..

Previous raiding experience:

Naxx:Cleared spider wing (this is all done in tbc cuz i didnt played before tbc)

Tbc exp:
SSC:Cleared did q,
TK:Cleared did q Got Titel
MH:Cleared was attuned,exalted with em
BT:Cleared got neck,was attuned exalted with em
SWP:Cleared after nerf but did M`uru before patch nerf

Naxx:Cleared 10/25 Need 3achivment`s for glory for the raider
Os:Cleared 3d both 10/25
EoE:Cleared 10/25
Ulduar:Never Killed Yogg tho did almost All Hardmodes in 10man and some in 25man.
ToC:Cleared 10/25
Togc:Did 49tries on 10man...25man haven`t even tried
Ony:Cleared 10/25
ICC:10man 7/12 and 25man 5/12(Know Tacticks for all BOsses).I got boned in 10 and ive gone and made mass in 10n25

Addons i use:

Well first and most imporant addon for me is Vodoh/grid..can`t heal without him,there is also Recount,Omen,Dominos,xperl etc
here is a screenshot of UI---->

Raiding time:

Monday:Free from 14.00 to 00.00
Tuesday:Free from 14.00 to 00.00
Wendsday:Free whole day
Thursday:Free from 14.00 to 00.00
Friday:Free whole day till around 20.00 will go out hang with friend`s
Saterday:Free till 20.00 will go out
sunday:Free whole day
Tho if i can`t someday ill Informe someone or write on forum.

Previous guilds, and reasons for parting with them:

Started to play when Black temple hitted lvled fast got 70 joined some noob guild that do kz geared preety fast joined BridgeBurners did MH/BT we proggresed preety fast...but then guild master kicked our Main Tank that was good friend of main,a lot of ppl left so i left asswell,and applyed to ravenous..did Sunwell with em till wotlk then i joined bmf that was guild that my friend made alot of people i know were in there but guild disbanded then i joined Rigor Mortis did All wotlk contenst with em..but after 8months i took break and stopped playing wow...i started again guildless then some turk came to me on thunder bluff and ask me to help his guild he needed healer`s i become Classleader there...we cleared toc 25 and some bosses in still in that guild now but im only SERB in guild with all turk`s which aint easy...seeing only turkish in guild chat in annoying really...i had enough of /gchat on turkish tho i leared turkish a little bit :D

Reasons for applying, what I have to offer:

I`m looking for a good guild with a constant progress and your guild has that.A good guild has lots of skilled people and i would like to play with People my lvl of skill.
I`m mature and skilled player that know his class both in pvp/pve and any specc... u can aspect hardcore player that will be there on raidtime, will always be prepaired for raid..also i dont hesitate to spend gold on gems/enchant`s/flask`s pots etc...just to be alteast better a little bit then before...Spanding a lot of time on my gear upgrading it..

Recent log parse (optional):

Sorry i don`t have it but i linked some Screenshots for you to prove my healing..
----> ...On Festergut 25 i can do over 8k Hps.

Additional information:

Sorry for not making a little bigger apply but didn`t know what else to say.Hope i wrote everything you guys needed to know if something`s missing feel free to ask.
I Dont Know why do we play wow..when the end of earth is 2012 :P

February 17, 2010, 12:01:21 am
Reply #1

Offline Comrade Nox

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Re: Resto shaman
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2010, 12:01:21 am »
Naga stole my avatar. +1

February 17, 2010, 01:21:12 am
Reply #2

Offline Cojche

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Re: Resto shaman
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2010, 01:21:12 am »
Teretana bleja, bleja bleja, teretana bleja!
High functioning sociopath.

February 17, 2010, 01:33:54 am
Reply #3

Offline Sparrowhawk

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Re: Resto shaman
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2010, 01:33:54 am »
At the moment I'm going to deny your application. You don't really have the gear for this really, and I'm not impressed at your glyph/spec setup.. nor your gearchoices.


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