Hello, Iron Edge!
Character: Ni?nor
Armoury: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/executus/Ni%C3%A9nor/advancedClass/Spec: Paladin (Heal)
Raid: Hardcore Raid
Personal Info:Hello there!
My name is Ren?, currently 18 years old and living in the medium sized town of leek which lies in The Netherlands. I just graduated and Im still looking for a study for the next couple of years (Hard to decide which one to choose really
) Besides WoW I like hanging out with friends and spending time with my GF. During the evenings you\'ll find me playing WoW
Spec:My current main specc is holy, which I have played since I started raiding karazhan during TBC. I\'ve played the holy speccs for around 2 years now. Healing through Kara, BT, SWP, Ulduar, ToC, ICC and also in the current raiding tier where I\'ve been holy for all normal fights + 7 on heroic! I\'ve always enjoyed the holy specc of paladins the most and I would really like to stay holy for the rest of my time in WoW.
I do have both Protection and Retribution offsets (Both sitting around 360 Ilvl I believe..some heroic mode gear here and there
) If I had to pick one of them for my offspec I\'d say that I like protection the most
I dunno..I know how to dps as a retri pala and such..but Ive never really enjoyed it
I rather dps on any of my alts:)
Alts:lll just name some of the alts I play the most
85 Hunter
85 Shaman
84 Rogue (Did alot of alt runs with this char during wotlk. Also did Algalon 10 and the UD10 Drake achi on this alt, fun times
Professions:I currently have Alchemy and Jewelcrafting on my Paladin. Both of these professions give me a substantial improvement to my character. Mixology and longer flask times from alchemy and the 3 imba gems from Jewelcrafting. However, I dont have anything really special for these proffesions
Raid Experience:TBC
Karazhan : Cleared
Magtheridon: Cleared
Gruul : Cleared
Zul\'aman : Cleared
SSC: Cleared
TK : Cleared
MH: Cleared
BT: Cleared
SWP : 3/6 after the nerf..(Unfortunatly)
Naxx : Cleared
EoE : Cleared
OS : Cleared + 3D in the 25 man version
Ulduar : Cleared - Drakes for both versions, also killed algalon in both 10 and 25;)
TotC : Cleared - Insanity for both 10 and 25 man versions. Realm first 25 man insanity
ICC : Cleared normal/6 bosses on heroic (Stopped playing for a while there. Achieved realm first drake on 10 man w/o the buff before I quit tho.
RS : Cleared (on my warlock)
BWD : 5/6 Heroic
BoT : 2/4 Heroic
Throne :0/2 Heroic
Previous Guilds:Ill start from the ones which are actually worth mentioning
Ars Magna Belli - I raided with these guys for a long time. From TBC untill the start of Ulduar. I left the guild because I felt that the progress hadnt been on par with what it used to be in TBC. Overall slacking and such made me want to look elsewhere.
Phoenix - I loved raiding with this guild. I raided with them from Ulduar untill ICC. We were like realm 230 during TotC times which was pretty alright
But a couple of weeks after we cleared ICC, I decided to take a break and spend more time on RL
(Also the point where I faction changed to horde! Yes, old alliance player <--
Blacklight - I started raiding with them in Cata. This guild...is average..we have decent progress but imo, this guild has never been to me what guilds like phoenix/amb have been. I do however, feel like I want to do a bit more than just 7/13 heroic while raiding 5 days a week. I always focus during bossfights..but unfortunatly the majority of this guild does not xP Hence why Im applying to your guild! =D
Availability:Im prettymuch available everyday from around 18:00 till atleast 24:00. I work on fridays/saturdays and sundays (till 21:00). I just graduated from exams so that wont be comming up anytime soon anymore
I will however be on vacation 2 times. The first time will be for a week, and the other for 4 days. These will take place in late august tho so that\'ll take a while
Communication:I think I know how the work my way around the english language in both speech and written english :)I dont have TS3 atm but I can install it w/o any problem
I also have a mic, dont use too often but Its a possibility
Internet Connection:My internet is always very stable..Im currently on executus EU and im always sitting around 40-80 ms..barely have lag spikes so that should be in order tbh.
Addons/UI:Currently using ElvUI for most my characters. A nice and clean UI, the way I like it because you can still see everything that\'s happening around you while healing/dpsing/tanking etc etc
Also using Grid+Clique/Bigwigs/Recount/Atlasloot in addition to ElvUI
http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/16/wowscrnshot062011000847.jpg/Other Games:Currently :
Forza Motorsport 3
F.E.A.R 2
Battlefield Bad company 2
Fable 3
Why Iron Edge?My current server is prettymuch dieing at the moment..there not even guilds who\'ve done 13/13 hc yet and most are stuck around 7. I for one, want to see more of this expansion and especially more hardmodes. I was browsing around on wowprogress and found your guild on the dunemaul realm section. I immediatly checked out your website and what attracted me was the proffesional look of the guild. The progress of your guild is on par with what Im looking for and your community seems like a really active one
(Also what im looking for in a guild besides progress: Nice people)
What can I offer Iron Edge?I can offer this guild a stable and active holy paladin who knows what he\'s doing. (Based on opinions of others haha, im not the arrogant type of guy). Ive got experience with the holy paladin class for roughly 2 years now and I always try to keep mistakes at a minumum (Preferably none ofcourse, but Im still a human being
)Im wont get mad when I get criticism, Im open minded when it comes to opionions of others in this game. Tips are always welcome:P Besides the raiding Im always very kind to other people and Im someone who is always willing to give others a hand when they need it
Last Words?Thank you for reading this application, I hope you\'ll enjoy reading it. Im looking forward to any responses!
Apply as a Social
Name, age, location, work/school, etc.
Why are you playing your current class/spec? Is it simply because it's strong or because you think it's fun?
Any relevant alts you have and their levels.
What professions do you have and why? Any cool/special recipes?
What previous raiding/PvP experience you have, Setups, Ratings etc.
Previous guilds and reasons why you left them.
Times at which you are available. Include things like work shifts, upcoming exams, holidays, etc.
Are you proficient in english? Do you have Discord and can you listen? Do you have a microphone and do you use it?
Do you have a decent computer? Do you have fps issues? What's your internet connection like? Is it stable? Do you have high ping to Kazzak? Do you lag? Do you disconnect every hour?
List any addons you use for raiding and why you use them. Also include a screenshot of your ui (this is mandatory) and list any relevant key bindings that are not shown.
What other games do you play?
Why do you want to join Iron Edge?
Friends? Wowprogress? Openraid? MMO-Champ? Battle.net? Trade spam? Somewhere else?
(Write the name of the owner of the dog in the picture above!)