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 [Hardcore Raid] Warrior (DPS/Tank) - Skymunken (XR) [Accepted]

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July 04, 2011, 10:13:04 am
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Hello, Iron Edge!

Character: Skymunken
Server: Outland
Class/Spec: Warrior (DPS/Tank)
Raid: Hardcore Raid

Personal Info:

My name is Anders, I'm a 18 year old guy from Denmark. I'm currently attending high school on my last year. I've been playing World of Warcraft since the closed EU Beta and have sticked with the game more or less ever since.


For mainspec I play Protection and I have Single-Minded Fury as my offspec. My protection gear is around 360 ilvl which is average for the beginning of Firelands. My Fury gear is slightly behind being composed mostly of ZA/ZG gear and T11 items.

My main spec is Protection which I play for the most part in raids. Stat prioritizing goes a little like [Mastery > Parry > Dodge], with Parry being slightly over Dodge because of Hold of Line talent. I try to keep Dodge and Parry fairly even though, while maintaining a slight more Parry. I chose to go with a more aoe friendly spec (Blood and Thunder & Thunderstruck) because I don't find it hard for me to maintain aggro while single target tanking, plus it makes my life with several mobs way easier.

About my rotation is again use a prioritizing system which goes something like [Shield Slam > Revenge > Rend > Devastate] while using Heroic Strike when above ~70 Rage. Shield Block is used on cooldown unless other is required for a specific boss fight.

On more than one target my priority switches to [Rend > Thunder Clap > Shockwave > Revenge] while using Cleave when above ~70 rage again. Because of Blood and Thunder it is very easy to keep Rend up on several targets.

My secondary spec is Single-Minded Fury which I also play very good. I haven't had a chance to play it very much in raids, and I'm still missing some Shoulders to have a full set for fury. When I'm in fury I try prioritize stats as follow [8% Hit > 26 Expertise > Strength > Crit > Hit (Hard Cap) > Haste > Mastery] so most reforging goes to hit and expertise early on. Currently I'm working on my fury gear (reforging & enchanting as of writing this application) so if it looks out of place give me half a day to get it sorted :).

For rotation I prioritize my abilities [Colossus Smash > Bloodthirst > Slam > Raging Blow], where if I used Titan's Grip, Raging Blow would be a priority over Slam. I try to keep Heroic Strike useage to a minimum because of easy rage starvation, therefore only using it above ~90 Rage.

If you have any questions and/or suggestions regarding either of my specs, feel free to ask.


Most of this was explained up in the Spec columm, if you have any questions, please ask :).


Skymunken 85 Rogue (on Dunemaul) which I played for almost 6 years before hitting a roadblock and simply needing to play something else or burn out from the game completely.

Skymunkenz 85 Shaman (on Dunemaul) I raided tier 11 with this guy and did a couple of hardmodes in 10 man.


I've chosing to go with Jewelcrafting and Minning.

Jewelcrafting gives more stats than any other profession so thats an obvious choice.

Currently I have Minning which there is no excuse to hold onto since it is a lesser profession in regards to stats and I will switch it to either Blacksmithing or Alchemy, I have not decided yet, but it will be fixed relatively fast.

Raid Experience:

My previous raid experience (Vanilla to WoTLK) includes the following:

Back in vanilla I cleared: Molten Core, Blackwing Lair, AQ20 and a bit of AQ40
In The Burning Crusade I cleared: Karazhan, Gruul's Lair, Magtheridon, Serpentshire Caverns, Tempest Keep, Mount Hyjal and 7 bosses in Black Temple before WOTLK hit.
In WOTLK I cleared: Naxxramas, Obsidian Sanctum (+3d on 10man), Malygos, All Ulduar Hardmodes (10 & 25man, post-patch), Trials of the Grand Cruser (10 & 25man, post-patch) and all of Icecrown Citadel on Heroic (10 & 25man).

In Cataclysm I have cleared:
Bastion of Twilight: 4/4 (2/5 on Heroic, with good experience on Cho'gall)
Blackwing Descrent: 6/6 (3/6 Heroic, missing Maloriak, Chimaeron & Atramedes heroic)
Throw of Four Winds: 2/2 (Only experience on Princes heroic, not killed)

Firelands: 1/7 (Killed Shannox)

Most of my experience pre-Firelands was as a rogue & Shaman, refer to my alts for achievements etc. this is the only Log I have available from our first Firelands raid with me tanking.

Previous Guilds:

I started as an alliance rogue named Acechill back in vanilla wow on the server Ravencrest where I spend the first six months of my time leveling up to 60 (I was slow, I know). It took me some time to adapt to the game since it was the first MMO game I had ever tried, but I got a hang of it pretty fast. I joined up with a guild called Elysium and spend a couple of months clearing Molten Core and Blackwing Lair. Sadly Elysium died pretty quickly afterwards and soon after disbanded with the release of Naxxramas. I spend my next months casually running Stratholme and UBRS while sometimes coming on raids with my friends guild thus clearing AQ20 and I was lucky enough to come on a raid into AQ40 killing the three first bosses. A real life friend of mine peasuaded me to migrate to Haumarush but after doing that I quickly became bored of the servers community and called it quits there (My gnome is still rotting there).

A month after Burning Crusade shipped I leveled up an orc shaman named Sarcafius on Darksorrow, but by the time I hit 70 the community there was dead again so once again I called it for a month. I returned to the game in the middle of 2007 where I leveled up a rogue named Hopesfall on the server Outland. Here I have been playing for the past 2½ years now in the guild High Infidelity. Quickly after joining we cleared our way through Kharazhan, Gruul's Lair and Magtheridon's Lair. We hit a brick wall in Serpenshire Caverns and Tempest Keep for a month or two but finally managed to get through. I had a break for a month again due to exams that school year and I came back to find the guild having cleared almost all of Mount Hyjal and also good going in Black Temple so I picked it up and got carried for a couple of weeks, but after that I quickly returned to the top of the damage meter (Tihi). We again hit a brick wall and never got further than past Reliquary of Souls, so we decided to call it till Wrath of the Lich King came out.

During the first half year Wrath of the Lich King we quickly cleared all of Naxxramas, Obisidian Sanctum and Malygos, but we sort of grew bored of the trivial content and struggled filling raids till Ulduar came out, but by the time we the Ulduar patch came out we had still not fully recovered from all the people quitting on us, so we had a hard time getting through Ulduar ending up not getting neither Yogg-Saron nor Aglalon down on 25man. Then the day came and Trial of the Crusader hit and we swiftly cleared 25man normal mode, yet again hitting a brick wall in Trial of the Grand Crusader, ending up only clearing it on 10man. Now we are struggling to get through Icecrown Citadel only having killed 1 boss on 25man during the first 4 weeks of its release.

After applying and getting accepted I migrated to Dunemaul and joined Iron Edge for Icecrown Citadel and Ruby Sanctum which I managed to clear all on heroic with them, and I had a real good time playing with everyone in the guild and I felt very comfortable. This pace kept going into Cataclysm, but sadly we did not have a good enough core at the time and had to split up into 10man groups which bumped me out a little bit. I tried keeping on head strong, rerolling my shaman to participate, and after a while we ended up in 25man again, but sadly I had to go on a long break because of the school year ending and a mild case of burn out. I kept raiding on and off with Iron Edge, but each time I was completely dissapointed in my own performance and felt that I was dragging the guild down, and opted to take a break from the hardcore raid to explore other possibilities by rerolling my alt warrior.

I ended up back on Outland joining some old friends from High Infidelity where I have been casually playing and raiding a little bit to keep my gear up to date, but now I feel like I am ready to come back and raid hardcore, feeling that I can finally give my fullest 100% again.


Mondays: 16:00-01:00
Tuesdays: 16:00-01:00
Wednesdays: 16:00-01:00
Thursdays: 16:00-01:00
Fridays: 16:00-01:00
Saturday: 12:00-07:00 (Whenever I really wake up, but its around that time)
Sundays: 12:00-07:00 (Same as above)


I find my english skills, both written and spoken, to be very good. I have both Ventrilo and Teamspeak 3 and I never go out of my way to voice my opinion unless it falls on bad terms and/or is not needed.

Internet Connection:

I play on a iMac 27" Late 2009 with the following spec:

ATI Radeon HD 4850 512MB

I run on a 20mbit internet line, and I rarely have problems with it.
I don't have any fps issues either running in 25mans.

(Ps. I know there will be alot of shit about my computer in the comments :P)


It is still sort of a work in progress as I work on it and try to keep it updated all the time. Many people are turned off at the thought of a minimalistic UI because they feel they can't see half of whats going on, but I find it more compelling to my playstyle than a big and clogged up UI.

For raiding I have DXE and oRA3 installed which is not shown in the screenshot.

Why Iron Edge?

When I first joined Iron Edge it had a very positive effect on me. I find that the community (not just the one playing World of Warcraft) is very nice, and I like the atmosphere that goes on in the guild. I feel very at home in the guild (also on the forums and IRC in general) and to raid with the guild once again, to prove myself to the guild, would be a very satisfying experience for me. I promise not to let anyone down.

What can I offer Iron Edge?

I find myself to be a very dedicated and skilled player when it comes to any game I play really. I spend much time on playing World of Warcraft and I take pride in being the best I at the class I am playing as it is possible to be. I always show up for raids fully prepared with consumables and knowledge of the boss encounters. I am a very friendly and social player as well, I can take jokes and I also know how to dish them out (Though most of my jokes are bad). When raiding I speak my mind if requested and I keep my focus on the boss encounter even on wipe raids where I keep my spirits high and always try keep others high as well. I take criticism very good and I listen to it so that I can improve my game play and hopefully help the guild achieve a new boss kill.

Where did I hear about Iron Edge??


Last Words?

I would like to thank you for reading through my application. Of course if you have any questions regarding my application, feel free to poke me on either IRC, or ingame. You can mostly find me on Outland on my warrior Skymunken, but if all else fails, I can give you my realid (though most of you probably already has it!).

Kind regards,

« Last Edit: July 17, 2011, 11:58:31 am by TTaM »

July 04, 2011, 10:13:59 am
Reply #1

Offline Skymunken

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Re: [Hardcore Raid] Warrior (DPS/Tank) - Skymunken (XR)
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2011, 10:13:59 am »
God damnit, I forgot to add: I don't mind playing either spec as a main spec.
[21:03] <Globox> how mad are you on a scale from 1 to Idra Skymunken?

July 04, 2011, 10:16:21 am
Reply #2

Offline Mouseh

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Re: [Hardcore Raid] Warrior (DPS/Tank) - Skymunken (XR)
« Reply #2 on: July 04, 2011, 10:16:21 am »
Character Audit:

1 empty glyph slot
6 unenchanted items
 Jewelcrafting: 3 unused Chimera's Eye


"Leela's experiencing the greatest joy a woman can feel: worshiping some low-life jerk."

Bender, Futurama

July 04, 2011, 10:17:13 am
Reply #3

Offline Skymunken

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Re: [Hardcore Raid] Warrior (DPS/Tank) - Skymunken (XR)
« Reply #3 on: July 04, 2011, 10:17:13 am »
Yes, thats because of my fury gear as I stated in the application, should be fixed within the hour.
[21:03] <Globox> how mad are you on a scale from 1 to Idra Skymunken?

July 04, 2011, 10:26:12 am
Reply #4

Offline Kendoki

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Re: [Hardcore Raid] Warrior (DPS/Tank) - Skymunken (XR)
« Reply #4 on: July 04, 2011, 10:26:12 am »
We are the preservers of the balance, now and forever, as Malfurion lies in the Dreaming. Never forget this.

July 04, 2011, 10:27:08 am
Reply #5

Offline Skymunken

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Re: [Hardcore Raid] Warrior (DPS/Tank) - Skymunken (XR)
« Reply #5 on: July 04, 2011, 10:27:08 am »
So rude.
[21:03] <Globox> how mad are you on a scale from 1 to Idra Skymunken?

July 04, 2011, 10:34:26 am
Reply #6

Offline Daekesh

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Re: [Hardcore Raid] Warrior (DPS/Tank) - Skymunken (XR)
« Reply #6 on: July 04, 2011, 10:34:26 am »
You'd need to be raiding to be able to reply like that, Kendo!


July 04, 2011, 12:12:54 pm
Reply #7

Offline Rucious

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Re: [Hardcore Raid] Warrior (DPS/Tank) - Skymunken (XR)
« Reply #7 on: July 04, 2011, 12:12:54 pm »
Owned kendo.
GL skymunken!!! But do we have a spot for another warrior mr.matt?
Revenge is a dish best served cold.

July 04, 2011, 12:38:01 pm
Reply #8

Offline Archz

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Re: [Hardcore Raid] Warrior (DPS/Tank) - Skymunken (XR)
« Reply #8 on: July 04, 2011, 12:38:01 pm »
Silly skymonkey, wb!

July 04, 2011, 12:40:33 pm
Reply #9

Offline Doomslay

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Re: [Hardcore Raid] Warrior (DPS/Tank) - Skymunken (XR)
« Reply #9 on: July 04, 2011, 12:40:33 pm »
would be nice to have you active in the guild again mate - regardless of the character. :)

July 04, 2011, 12:43:02 pm
Reply #10

Offline Hugman

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Re: [Hardcore Raid] Warrior (DPS/Tank) - Skymunken (XR)
« Reply #10 on: July 04, 2011, 12:43:02 pm »
So it is a warrior now?

Not a rogue.... or a shaman?

How long before the grass is greener?

July 04, 2011, 12:58:27 pm
Reply #11

Offline Skymunken

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Re: [Hardcore Raid] Warrior (DPS/Tank) - Skymunken (XR)
« Reply #11 on: July 04, 2011, 12:58:27 pm »
Its not always greener on the other side, that I have learned. But I'm really enjoying player warrior both as tank and dps, and I really see it stick.
[21:03] <Globox> how mad are you on a scale from 1 to Idra Skymunken?

July 04, 2011, 01:12:01 pm
Reply #12

Offline delling

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Re: [Hardcore Raid] Warrior (DPS/Tank) - Skymunken (XR)
« Reply #12 on: July 04, 2011, 01:12:01 pm »
Gets my vote, as long as he shows that he actually has even the tiniest amount of movement-related skills.
Now I run a tech website.

July 04, 2011, 01:12:55 pm
Reply #13

Offline Skymunken

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Re: [Hardcore Raid] Warrior (DPS/Tank) - Skymunken (XR)
« Reply #13 on: July 04, 2011, 01:12:55 pm »
Gets my vote, as long as he shows that he actually has even the tiniest amount of movement-related skills.

I don't know how the Shadow Trap thing got out of hand, I wasn't THAT bad, maybe once or twice, but not more than that.
[21:03] <Globox> how mad are you on a scale from 1 to Idra Skymunken?

July 04, 2011, 01:14:09 pm
Reply #14

Offline delling

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Re: [Hardcore Raid] Warrior (DPS/Tank) - Skymunken (XR)
« Reply #14 on: July 04, 2011, 01:14:09 pm »
The fact that you think it was just 'once or twice' says a lot :P
Now I run a tech website.


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