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 PVP Application - Mage (DPS) - Blaestern

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April 16, 2014, 03:39:10 pm
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PVP Application - Mage (DPS) - Blaestern
« on: April 16, 2014, 03:39:10 pm »
Hello, Iron Edge!

Character: Blaestern
Class/Spec: Mage (DPS)
Member Type: pvp

Personal Info:

Marius Wollan
21 Years old
From Norway
Currently studying at a university.


I have always loved frost Mages and in the recent patches I feel like they just have gotten stronger and stronger. Very reliable burst class that scales a lot with skill level(Spamming Ice Lance *cough cough*). I just love the whole aspect of Frost Mage. Being really squishy with insane high burst, making it a kill or get killed class. Also very good at kiting.


I have a rouge on Outland-EU, I have played a decent amount on him.


Tailoring and Inscription.

Because: MONEY

No, just kidding. I have tailoring and inscription because I feel like it fits cloth users very well. The perks you get from the are just too good to be ignored.

PvP Experience:

Have played a lot of MLS, and some beast cleave actually. Got to around 2.2k rating in 3v3. Did not reach that high in 2s as I did not play that much.

Previous Guilds:

Have always played on Outland-EU, for some reason when I got back to WoW a couple of weeks ago all horde on Outland was gone. Have always played in top 5 guilds there both PvP and PvE.


Whenever suits me well. I have a very flexible schedule as I study online.


I have both Mic and Headset. Have lived and studyed in the US, so it would be a shame if I didn't know some english :( -,- ):. I also have teamspeak 3.

System / Connection:

I have a 4000$ computer and 200Mbit fiber optic Internet, end of discussion.


As I play PvP I try to keep my UI as simple as possible. I only use addons I feel is really necesserely for me to perform well in PvP. I have Gladius, Pitbull UF, Quartz, OmniCC, DR, Sheep Monitor (sometimes when I feel like it). And of course a bunch of macros (Target, Focus etc. ) (There is a reason why Mages are being called sheep bots when burst is on CD).

Other Games:

Have played almost everything there is. I enjoy playing League of Legends a lot.

Why Iron Edge?

Iron Edge seems like a very serious high level guild that puts a lot of work into getting better. This is excactly the type of guild I am looking for.

What I can offer Iron Edge:

Experience in PvP. I am very social person, I get really well along with almost everyone.

Where I heard about Iron Edge:

Contacted someone in Trade Spam, but heard about you guys long time ago.

Last Words:


April 16, 2014, 05:41:36 pm
Reply #1

Offline Aleynnah

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Re: PVP Application - Mage (DPS) - Blaestern
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2014, 05:41:36 pm »
Decent application! Have you got your experience on another char? I can't see that you have any experience really with this char.


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