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 Archimonde Mythic Down!

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February 07, 2016, 10:45:11 pm
Read 33080 times

Offline Rash

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Archimonde Mythic Down!
« on: February 07, 2016, 10:45:11 pm »

Congratulations for killing yet another final boss of an expansion. Some people in the raid (*cough Romeo cough*) said that Archimonde was one of the easier final bosses we’ve had in a long time, but I disagree wholeheartedly. Regardless we were able to kill it and now we have entered the longest content drought in the history of World of Warcraft. So what’s next for Iron Edge?

Our New Forum!
If my estimations are correct, you should be reading this front page post on our brand new forum! The guild has just turned another year older (11 years now!) So we thought it was time it gets updated to the latest version on a brand new server. So we should be able to shitpost for a long time without any interruptions. We’ll also be taking steps in the near future to add new features to it, as well as simplifying its current layout and retiring some of the older boards we don’t use anymore, so keep an eye out for that!
You can see all your unread posts in the top right corner from now on. If you have any other questions about this new forum, please contact me, Grax or any other officer and I’m sure they’ll be able to help you out. I wanted to give Grax and Delling a special thanks. Grax for making this new forum happen, and Delling for hosting our forum and our Teamspeak for all these years!

The Iron Edge Summer Meetup!
The next Iron Edge meetup is scheduled to be in early June in accordance with the release date of the Warcraft Movie that’s scheduled to come out on June 3rd in the UK. So it’ll either be the weekend of June 3-4-5, or the week after, June 10-11-12. I’m hosting a meeting after the raid on Monday the 8th on TeamSpeak, so anyone interested in coming out to England this summer should attend it! We can perhaps change the date of the weekend if too many people are unable to attend, but I’d like to plan it as close to the Warcraft movie as possible.

What are we going to do in WoW?
As I’ve stated before, a lot of players will still be around during this content drought, including me. We’ll continue the raid for the foreseeable future, but after that I’d like to get back into my old passion: PvP. If you’re interested in joining the rated battleground team, let me know in this thread and we’ll see if we have enough people interested in slaying some alliance (or horde) in the near future.

A change in the leadership
Unfortunately Andreas (Valkyrie) is going to be taking a well-deserved break from raiding for the foreseeable future. Because of this, I am happy to announce that Ryan (Atlanteans) will be taking over his duties as healing officer while we farm the current content, and of course he will continue doing the job in Legion! Hopefully Andreas will be back for Legion to raid with us again.

Thank you all for a great expansion. I hope to see a lot of familiar and new faces at the Iron Edge Meetup this year, and I’m looking forward to playing WoW with you when Legion comes out!

Check out our nerdscreams for the Archimonde kill!
« Last Edit: December 23, 2018, 09:07:52 pm by Gaeios(Graxlos) »
Rash - Holy Priest
Rashuwu - Mistweaver Monk
Porkkebab - Holy Paladin

February 08, 2016, 06:35:56 pm
Reply #1

Offline Lycanus

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Re: Archimonde Mythic Down!
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2016, 06:35:56 pm »
interested in pvp on my warlock/hunter/warrior/paladin, prefer warlock or paladin.
*You guys are taking this way to seriously!*

February 08, 2016, 07:34:03 pm
Reply #2

Offline Drayne

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Re: Archimonde Mythic Down!
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2016, 07:34:03 pm »
We are like missing 3 people in the picture. (we can see half of moon and half someone else).

Nice photographic skills there rash.

February 08, 2016, 07:37:24 pm
Reply #3

Offline RomeoMustDie

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Re: Archimonde Mythic Down!
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2016, 07:37:24 pm »
fu drayne.

we did gj peps. but we must thanks to Rash for his leadership. Thank you bro.

February 08, 2016, 09:43:46 pm
Reply #4

Offline Jallurin

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Re: Archimonde Mythic Down!
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2016, 09:43:46 pm »
woohoo super duper the boss is down bing bong shit ass.. <3
and jes I am interested to do PvP and I know how much you love to read everything I write rash ;) so plz poke me back when you see this. because I have something to ask you

February 08, 2016, 10:04:43 pm
Reply #5

Offline Rash

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Re: Archimonde Mythic Down!
« Reply #5 on: February 08, 2016, 10:04:43 pm »
We are like missing 3 people in the picture. (we can see half of moon and half someone else).

Nice photographic skills there rash.

I didn't take the screenshot, if your eyes weren't so shit you could see who's standing in the middle of the picture and who is responsible. :)
Rash - Holy Priest
Rashuwu - Mistweaver Monk
Porkkebab - Holy Paladin

February 08, 2016, 10:27:04 pm
Reply #6

Offline Xormn

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Re: Archimonde Mythic Down!
« Reply #6 on: February 08, 2016, 10:27:04 pm »
I'd be interested in doing some PvP on my Death Knight or Disc Priest.
Ba dun tss!

February 09, 2016, 06:55:01 am
Reply #7


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Re: Archimonde Mythic Down!
« Reply #7 on: February 09, 2016, 06:55:01 am »
Good job and 2 consecutive kills....

Go team!

And CONGRTZ dirty Brit!!! luff you long time =P

February 09, 2016, 08:13:53 am
Reply #8

Offline Gaeios(Graxlos)

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Re: Archimonde Mythic Down!
« Reply #8 on: February 09, 2016, 08:13:53 am »
It is always nice when the second kill shows that he is now farm status and that the first kill wasn't just luck :)

Bears like alts!

February 09, 2016, 09:03:09 am
Reply #9

Offline Phoenixflame

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Re: Archimonde Mythic Down!
« Reply #9 on: February 09, 2016, 09:03:09 am »
Hey if we all had stacked closer and if some people had not wasted a lot of space with huge mounts, we would be enjoying a nice Screenshot now. But it's okay, only the people who were trying to get far away from me aren't on it so those people probably didn't want to be seen in public with me anyway.

Edit: Also, it appears we dont have to endure Shimmar's transmog on the screenshot. There really are only positives.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2016, 11:22:06 am by Phoenixflame »

February 09, 2016, 12:31:51 pm
Reply #10

Offline Shimmar

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Re: Archimonde Mythic Down!
« Reply #10 on: February 09, 2016, 12:31:51 pm »
Feeling the love - Thankyou phoenix. fyi; you can still see my character  ;D ;D

February 09, 2016, 01:52:48 pm
Reply #11

Offline Phoenixflame

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Re: Archimonde Mythic Down!
« Reply #11 on: February 09, 2016, 01:52:48 pm »
Oh god, you already made me blind

February 09, 2016, 02:16:41 pm
Reply #12

Offline Vivi

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Re: Archimonde Mythic Down!
« Reply #12 on: February 09, 2016, 02:16:41 pm »
Love the transmog shimmar, and love the gold you gave me last night lol  :D :D ;D ;) ;)

February 09, 2016, 02:36:31 pm
Reply #13

Offline Vejeta

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Re: Archimonde Mythic Down!
« Reply #13 on: February 09, 2016, 02:36:31 pm »
Lol shimmars transmogs... should make it a guild rule that he isn't allowed to offend our eyes with such atrocities!!!
You may have invaded my mind and my body...but there's one thing a Saiyin always keeps...his PRIDE!!!

Former angriest bastard on the internet.
Professional baby seal clubber

February 09, 2016, 04:04:09 pm
Reply #14

Offline Shimmar

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Re: Archimonde Mythic Down!
« Reply #14 on: February 09, 2016, 04:04:09 pm »
FUguys - Tutan said this one was good in the SS!  :(


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