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 Mafia V - World of Warcraft Legion -

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October 24, 2016, 03:53:09 pm
Reply #375

Offline Hugman

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Re: Mafia V - World of Warcraft Legion -
« Reply #375 on: October 24, 2016, 03:53:09 pm »
Wait what
Kili was half the time putting he doctor save on himself?!?

Didn't think that was allowed, the wiki seems to think it's not normally allowed; but even if it is, that's a bit retarded right?

October 24, 2016, 04:22:01 pm
Reply #376

Offline Gaeios(Graxlos)

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Re: Mafia V - World of Warcraft Legion -
« Reply #376 on: October 24, 2016, 04:22:01 pm »
Paranoid kili is paranoid.

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October 24, 2016, 04:23:20 pm
Reply #377

Offline Gaeios(Graxlos)

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Re: Mafia V - World of Warcraft Legion -
« Reply #377 on: October 24, 2016, 04:23:20 pm »
In all fairness I would have murdered him night right after hugman.

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October 24, 2016, 04:48:49 pm
Reply #378

Offline Vorte

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Re: Mafia V - World of Warcraft Legion -
« Reply #378 on: October 24, 2016, 04:48:49 pm »
I thought the Doctor was either Yoica or Mouseh.
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October 24, 2016, 05:43:33 pm
Reply #379

Online Vejeta

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Re: Mafia V - World of Warcraft Legion -
« Reply #379 on: October 24, 2016, 05:43:33 pm »
Wow Killi,

You really was afraid to die wasn't you!

I read all the thread and thought Vorte played a blinder and after Phoenix and rash got killed off from the mafia team, I felt archz played it very badly and brought it to himself. However shame on the 2 modkills, if I understand it properly due to inactivity cost the townies the game.

Rash was proper quiet compared to his usual self and Phoenix, well if one of them was mafia the other would too considering their practically married after that spell during and up to release of legion 😆

Overall thoroughly enjoyed the reading and can't wait for the next game.

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October 24, 2016, 11:34:19 pm
Reply #380

Offline Fulskar

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Re: Mafia V - World of Warcraft Legion -
« Reply #380 on: October 24, 2016, 11:34:19 pm »
Wait what
Kili was half the time putting he doctor save on himself?!?

Didn't think that was allowed, the wiki seems to think it's not normally allowed; but even if it is, that's a bit retarded right?

From various Mafia wikis:

- Lay low, and avoid revealing your role unless completely necessary. - I think I did this pretty well, since Vorte just stated he was sure one of the other players were the Doctor.

- The most important basic strategy for a Doctor is to identify confirmed town members so you can heal them. As an added bonus, anyone who can be publicly identified as Town is more likely to be targeted by the Mafia. - I was pretty sure me and Mouseh were town, so I put the heal on us. After I didn't die in the first round to the townies it was clear that I wasn't Mafia from the voting, so I was sure I was due a lynch.

- Doctors are notoriously bad at protecting against Mafia kills when there is no obvious target; they are weak on their own. - It was quite obvious you were the Cop yes. But I gave the Mafia too much benefit of the doubt, I thought with the doctor still out it was obvious you'd be saved, I guess it wasn't really worth the risk for them not to attempt a lynch on you.

Please bear in mind this was:

1. My first time playing Mafia.
2. Every save I used was on town.
3. I never gave my identity away.

Wow Killi,

You really was afraid to die wasn't you!

Paranoid kili is paranoid.

Can you blame me? After that first day? Where the doctor was basically almost killed by the townies and only managed to survive because Shimmar was inactive? People really held onto the whole narration thing.

October 25, 2016, 01:01:21 am
Reply #381

Offline Hugman

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Re: Mafia V - World of Warcraft Legion -
« Reply #381 on: October 25, 2016, 01:01:21 am »
Several things.

Yes it was your first time, and some parts you did well:

Laying low, yes perfect. You did that very well, I though Vorte was the doctor, right up until he wasn't! That was good work.

Identifying town members so you can heal. Erm, not really, you put it either on you or on mouse, who in the early days, wasn't clear at all was town. It was only after like 3 days of voting and posts it was clear she was town. The main thing, was you didn't heal me, when I got the Mafia lynch, and I was very obviously either vocal town, or the cop. You put your heals on (at the time) unvocal "suspected townies", who didn't seem in any danger of being night killed (obviously you are never certain who the mafia will go for). But not saving the pretty clear cop, or if you look at it the other way, a very very vocal townie, who had just got a lynch, but rather on Mouseh, who at the time, had done two votes on phoenix, and a few posts, not clearly town. This was kinda bad.

Anyway game is over now, you live you learn.

Just in case there is any confusion on this:

Wow Killi,

You really was afraid to die wasn't you!

Paranoid kili is paranoid.

Can you blame me? After that first day? Where the doctor was basically almost killed by the townies and only managed to survive because Shimmar was inactive? People really held onto the whole narration thing.

being a doctor and putting a heal on yourself, no way protects you from town lynch. You almost got lynched, fine, which was RNG day one. But then putting it on you? Why? you almost got lynched! Mafia would think, hey he almost got lynched, lets not waste a night kill on him, as he may get lynched the next today. If you put it on someone else, there was a chance you could have saved a town or special town. But you seemed to be in very very little danger of being night lynched the first few nights, yet you kept putting it on yourself, this is why they are saying you were paranoid. You could have saved (keep in mind this would take good guesses by you, excepting my night kill of course, that was pretty clear), either me, Tyler or Gaieos if you got lucky. The role is meant to help save the other townies (specially when the cop/other town special is still in the game) not just keep you alive to the end.

Saying every save you used in the game "was on town" when you half the time it was on you, and the other half on a "uncertain town" (excepting the night 4 on mouseh, as that point she was clearly town), just really didn't help keep the town alive. Every night kill they did, was on town other than whom you picked, except the night you died, which you couldn't have saved yourself, as you had just used it on yourself the night before. The Mafia was going for the people who were clearly town! If they go for the people who there is uncertainty on if they are town, they just help us by killing off the people "who could be mafia", and thus making it easyer to spot them.

This was pretty damm ineffective doctoing, and as a result, you saved no town. This was with no roleblocks on you! (which in a way shows how well you did at laying low, as they didn't even suspect you, while Rash was alive, but that was only one night!).

So in the future, think more about where you use your special town roles.

October 25, 2016, 01:33:44 am
Reply #382

Offline Mouseh

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Re: Mafia V - World of Warcraft Legion -
« Reply #382 on: October 25, 2016, 01:33:44 am »
No one was 'clearly town' at the start Hug. And for the night when you were killed he already said he overestimated the opponents.

And I wouldn't say that I was 'uncertain town' until the night 4, but thats subjective I guess, as is this whole damn game. And that's what makes it fun, isn't it? Different people with different personality and past experience in Mafia.

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October 25, 2016, 01:54:54 am
Reply #383

Offline Fulskar

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Re: Mafia V - World of Warcraft Legion -
« Reply #383 on: October 25, 2016, 01:54:54 am »
Firstly, I know that healing doesn't save you from a town lynch. What I meant was I felt I was due to be killed by the Mafia on the first night.

Secondly, I explained that I felt the obvious heal was on you and gave the mafia the benefit of the doubt too much in perhaps being tactical and going for someone else, that was a mistake. In hindsight I realise that they couldn't risk not attempting to kill you.

Thirdly, whatever the logic there might have been for the Mafia not to kill me on the first round, the only person I safely knew was town was myself. I'd rather save myself being killed off until I have more information to make better decisions later on in the game.

If you want to analyse reasons we lost you also have to take a look at how you gave away you were the cop. Even then there are still plenty of ways you could have died for example:

1. I can't put the save on a player two rounds in a row, while the chance is low, if I'd used it on you the turn before you outed Rash, you'd still have died.

2. If I'd have been lynched by town on day 1 or 2 or killed by mafia in night 1, there'd have been no doctor, you'd still have died. Fair enough, you might have been less aggressive then in going for Rash knowing there was no doctor.

3. Even if I'd have saved you that round, the next round we'd have just gone after Phoenix anyway and you'd still have been killed by Vorte in the next night phase.

You even said yourself you thought Vorte was the doctor, so you probably wouldn't have even investigated him soon enough to actually give us any more relevant info, rendering you a vanilla townie with impending death? Had you have been alive one round longer I don't think your powers would have been much use, had you have not given away your Cop identity and lasted more rounds we'd have gotten a lot more information about the Mafia.

In addition to that, there was a number of other things including 2 townies being modkilled, which I think contributed significantly to our loss.

October 25, 2016, 11:07:34 pm
Reply #384

Offline Grishnag

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Re: Mafia V - World of Warcraft Legion -
« Reply #384 on: October 25, 2016, 11:07:34 pm »
Having the town cop around for a day longer is better than trying to save a random towny, granted we didn't know he was the cop at that time, that bieng said he was the most likely target and he'd more than likely be killed the next night sure.

That however would mean hugman could claim cop and say who he checked and say yeah that boy he be town and you could save that guy the next night.

I would say the first night heal on yourself was fine because your logic is fine.
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