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 Raider Application - Rogue (DPS) - Vulgor (XR)

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December 06, 2016, 05:56:19 pm
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Raider Application - Rogue (DPS) - Vulgor (XR)
« on: December 06, 2016, 05:56:19 pm »
Hello, Iron Edge!

I am applying for the main raid.

Character: Vulgor
Server: Tarren Mill
Class/Spec: Rogue (DPS)
Member Type: raider

Personal Info:

My name is Cedric, age 26. I live in Belgium. I  am currently employed at a consultancy firm, doing projects at various companies. In my spare time I play games and spend time with friends. At the bar or otherwise.


Assasination is currently best, so that is what I play. I've been playing rogue since TBC so I know it inside and out, meaning I play every spec on an equal level and can switch when our lords at Blizzard demand me to do so. Assasination AL is 33, I have 26 in Subtlety and 20 in Outlaw (hopin to not have to play the spec again). I only have one set of gear, seeing as I don't need to switch spec between fights. Current ilvl is at 873. It's on the low side, I know. I'm trying to farm gear through m+, but not a lot of people are willing to take rogues it seems. The Weekly Chest of Dissapointment also has not been kind to me.

As mentioned above, I have been playing rogue since TBC, so I am very familiar with how rogue feels to play. That being said, I always sim my character to acquire stat weights, which I use to determine further gear upgrades. It's general knowledge that crit and mastery are the go-to stats. After about 40-42% crit its value drops and the importance of vers goes up. This is purely for assasination, as this is the go-to spec and will be for a while.
Talent choices are more interesting however. Pure ST, Agonizing Poison is better, when above 100% mastery (give or take). Any fight that requires switching targets, Exsanguinate will be the default choice. 3 MA relics are bis across the board (or 2 if you have boots, which I do). Still farming for second MA though. Otherwise its Rupt dmg > Rupt crit > anything else. Poisoned knives gets a special mention for its interaction with AP, but I'm not sure if it's better than Rupture relics.
Rotation wise, keep rupture and garrote as close to 100% uptime as possible. Use vendetta and kingsbane, exsang off cd. Trying to line up cds wastes dps in general.
Anything specific you would like me to elaborate on, please tell me.


Shadow priest at 832 ilvl.
I would be transferring my character and am not sure if I will bring it along though.


Shadow priest at 832 ilvl.
I would be transferring my character and am not sure if I will bring it along though.

Raiding Experience:

I've been raiding (again) since MoP. Cutting Edge Garrosh (10m) and Archimonde. 6/7M Highmaul, 9/10M BRF. Before that, I raided in vanilla: Onyxia, BWL, some MC (not a lot).

Previous Guilds:

Stark Industries for the last half of HFC. Got kicked because "after content" raids were really boring and I missed a couple because of it. Before Stark i was in Vex Thal on Stormscale for a brief time (mutual dislike) and in Antics (also Stormscale) for 2 years (disbanded).
Currently I am in Stack of Trees on Tarren Mill. I switched to a 2day schedule because I couldn't invest the time anymore to raid more that that. I am looking to leave this guild now,  because they raid on Sundays, which wasn't an issue initially, but now I find it increasingly difficult to find spare time to raid in weekends.


As mentioned before, weekends are hard and I'm unlikely to be online during those times. Otherwise I have a normal mon-fri work week. Home around 17ish, eat with family, online between 19.00 and 20.00 usually until around 0.00. I don't have standard holidays, I take vacation whenever I please.


MI am fluent in English, I have TS installed on my computer and can talk.

Computer / Connection:

I composed my masterrace pc myself. It runs wow perfectly while also having other stuff open, like simcraft, obs, firefox, discord, ts, whatever. Specs: GTX970, I7-core @ 4.0GHz, 12GB RAM
My internet connection is stable. It's not the fastest internet available, but I have yet to experience lag or disconnects ingame because of it.


Bigwigs for boss timers
WA2 for self timers
Skada for in game fight info
Bartender for action bar customization
Grid for easy to use raid frames
Pawn for gear upgrades
Tidyplates for nameplates

Other Games:

Overwatch (I suck though)
Diablo 3
anything in my vast Steam library, although rarely

Why Iron Edge?

I can't commit to a many day schedule anymore because of work/general life, so I want to join a guild with few raiding days, that doesn't raid on Sunday, while still maintaining a steady progress and a fun atmosphere. This is one of the few guilds I found that meet those requirements.

What can I offer Iron Edge?

I can offer reliable performance that is fitting for an end game raider. Aside from that, I can guarantee, barring some fringe cases, that I will be on time for all raids. Outside of raiding, I can offer you my friendly demeanor and my knowledge of memes.

Where did I hear about Iron Edge?

Found the guild on wowprogress while looking for a 2day guild that does not raid on Sunday.

Last Words?

6 more to go bitch
 - some cat

I'll be back
 - Jesus

I always wanted to swim with dolphins
 - shark victim with poor eyesight

December 07, 2016, 11:28:00 am
Reply #1

Offline Phoenixflame

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Re: Raider Application - Rogue (DPS) - Vulgor (XR)
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2016, 11:28:00 am »
Hey Vulgor,

While your application is pretty good, it's also slightly late  :'( We have a lot of melee trials at the moment and not enough spots to realistically take another one. I believe we closed recruitment on wowprogress just a couple hours prior to your app.

Good luck with your further search! If you're still intereste you can always check our recruitment status from time to time.

December 07, 2016, 02:03:47 pm
Reply #2

Offline Vulgor

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Re: Raider Application - Rogue (DPS) - Vulgor (XR)
« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2016, 02:03:47 pm »
That is unfortunate. I might indeed check back from time to time if my search for another guild remains unsuccesfull.
Thank you for the quick reply.


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