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 Raider Application - Mage (DPS) - Mamae

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March 22, 2017, 08:52:15 pm
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Raider Application - Mage (DPS) - Mamae
« on: March 22, 2017, 08:52:15 pm »
Hello, Iron Edge!

I am applying for the main raid.

Character: Mamae
Class/Spec: Mage (DPS)
Member Type: raider

Personal Info:


Likes to watch movies/series and sports outside of gaming.


Currently playing frost with 49 traits because i only have neutral legendaries (no bis :( ) for anyspec and frost is the best to go.
I also have 54 traits in fire wich i still play on some fights.
900+ in both specs.

When i play frost its a very reactive gamestyle i would say.

But my opener consist of prepot into ebonbolt, flurry- icelance then i just start to spam frostbolt until procs happen basically and therefore i would call it reactive. Stat wise i go for 33% crit about 22-24% haste and trying to get some more versa.


I have an SP with 892 ilvl and 43 traits.


I have alchemy and enchanting to make pots and enchants. also a good moneymaker.

Raiding Experience:

I first started raiding in wrath where i did ToC and some heroic ICC bosses up until saurfang i think it was. Other than that i was pvping.
In cata i were also pvping but i did firelands and cleared normal and heroic except ragnaros, but outside of firelands i was only pvping.
In mop i did mogu'shan vaults clear before i went back to pvp and returned to raiding just before siege of orgrimmar release where i cleared heroic aswell as mythic when it came out.
in WOD i did highmaul heroic and 4 mythic bosses before taking a break to play some sports and jsut stay away from the computer for awile but i returned just before hfc release where i cleared heroic and all mythic bosses except manno + archi.
Now in legion i've cleared everything except mythic tov and my current nighthold progress is 4/10 mythic.

Previous Guilds:

My previous guild this expansion have been Lucid Dream wich i left because the gm is taking a break.
After lucid i were in a guild called elysian wich didnt really fit me to well personally.
Now im in Don't Release but im looking for a new guild because the leadership is also gonna take a break because of the nighthold burnout.


Im always available at this current time.


I would say im fluent in english but i prefer writing over speaking due to i tend to choke sometimes :)
I do have teamspeak and understand english perfectly and yes i due tend to speak if i need to ask something or answer one of your questions etc.

Computer / Connection:

My computer i would say is decent I5 CPU with 970 GPU 16 RAM

Looking to upgrade in the near future.

My connection is stable i rarely lag and almost never disconnect.


I use bigwigs, weakauras, elvui, details, angry assignments, lootcouncil.

I have some hidden bars for mounts, and invis :P
And on my priest i got hidden mass dispel etc. UI in combat, bigwigs bars over my healthbar.

Other Games:

Other than wow i play Counter strike and some old goodies like age of mythology etc.

Why Iron Edge?

I wanna join Iron Edge because i wanna move forward with my progression. aswell as you guys seem to have a very stable community wich my previous guilds did not have.
Raid times are good for me.
And we seem to share the same goals when it comes to raiding etc.

What can I offer Iron Edge?

I can offer consistancy (dunno if that is spelled correctly) coming prepared with flasks,food,runes,vantus etc and being punctional with raid times.

And sometimes i might pop out a good strategy that could be useful.

Where did I hear about Iron Edge?

Found u guys on wowprogress.

Last Words?

I can drink 1 litre of milk in 1 minute. Other than that thanks for taking the time to read my apply and i hope to hear from u soon.

March 22, 2017, 10:05:00 pm
Reply #1

Offline Mooneclipse

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Re: Raider Application - Mage (DPS) - Mamae
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2017, 10:05:00 pm »
Hiyo Mamae

Quite a decent application, but for the time being we are rather full on the mage department, and I am rather hesitant to bring any more into the raid for the time being.

If only we could invite you as our resident milk drinker, because this guilds milk game is super weak.

Good luck on your guild hunt, hope you find someone who will appreciate your particular sets of skills!  :)
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