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 Raider Application - Paladin (DPS) - Presistan

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April 10, 2017, 06:33:36 pm
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Raider Application - Paladin (DPS) - Presistan
« on: April 10, 2017, 06:33:36 pm »
Hello, Iron Edge!

I am applying for the main raid.

Character: Presistan
Class/Spec: Paladin (DPS)
Member Type: raider

Personal Info:

My name is Ivar and I've been playing WoW since I was 15 but before that I played Runescape and other MMOs. I work at a electronics factory in Oslo and I recently got injured in a work related accident (box to the head from a faulty shelf) which has put me on temporary leave until September, so I'm able to spend as much time as I want on playing WoW.


I play Retribution Paladin MS and Protection OS, however I do not have even half as much in-depth knowledge in Protection as I do in Retribution, so there's not very much I can say about it.
As Retribution Paladin I'm 905eq (pretty low because I have low ilvl trinkets)

This question will be answered as Retribution as I'm a DPS player and there are no DPS specs for paladin other than retribution, I do however play protection for mythic+ and occasionally farm raids but I haven't done much research into effectively playing it so I'm not able to say anything about it.

Retribution paladins, while being a good DPS class are also a very powerful support class in many fights and can very often save the lives of other raid members during an encounter with their reliable off-heals, blessings and of course Lay on Hands.
I have been playing ret paladin for the last 6 years so I've grown very used to keeping an eye at my raid frames to determine if someone needs one of my blessings or some quick off-heals and I know most (Not all of the Mythic ones) fights very well and know when to expect to use my utility abilities.

The basic stat priority is Strength, Haste (Until 20%), Crit/Vers, Mastery.
That is only the VERY basic stat priority for ret paladins mostly used by casual players.
Ret Paladins have a rather "wobbly" stat priority that changes very often, so most dedicated ret paladins will sim their character after every upgrade to get the most accurate stat weights.

As for rotation and how it varies between bosses, it really doesn't change much (or at all, for most fights)
I will give a quick overview of my rotation and explain how it "changes"
JD = Judgement, WoA = Wake of Ashes, TV = Templars Verdict, CS = Crusader Strike, BJ = Blade of Justice
JD - WoA - TV - CS - TV -BJ - CS - TV - BJ - CS - TV - Repeat until WoA is off CD.
My AoE/Cleave abilities are the only ones that vary between bosses (except Blinding Light, which I only use on Chrono)
My cleave talent is Zeal which replaces Crusader Strike (CS) and my AoE talent is Divine Hammer which replacs Blade of Justice (BJ) so the rotation stays in tact and won't change (unless I spec into Consecration, which I only really do on Normal/HC Skorpyron)


At the moment I do not have any alts at 110 but I am currently working on getting a priest up, mainly to play discipline and holy.


I have herbalism and enchanting, herbalism to make some extra money from herbs I find and enchanting mainly to DE gear I don't need.

Raiding Experience:

Started raiding in late MoP because I wanted the heirloom axe from Garrosh, only cleared about 4 bosses in Heroic (one of them was Garrosh, still got the heirloom) and 11 in Normal.
In WoD I got into a casual HC guild that cleared 6/7 before disbanding, I was playing on a small realm at the time so there weren't many guilds, so I stopped raiding until BRF where I cleared 6/10HC before I had to temporarily quit due too some irl reasons, and when I came back it was already nearing the end of HFC, where I cleared 12/13HC (Never killed Tyrant) and then waited until Legion. In Legion I started raiding a bit more seriously with my previous guild from WoD and got 7/7HC before we disbanded because the leader didn't want to keep going. After that I started raiding with a Mythic guild (First Light) and got 7/7M and 1/3M with them (disbanded at 1/3M due too merger gone bad). After that I moved into another guild which got merged with Salty Murlocs the day after I joined, so I raided there and got 3/10M but many people weren't motivated to progress further and would only sign for farm raids (wednesday only, basically) and the two other raids frequently got canceled. After that I joined Purified and got 7/10M but realm/faction switched due too team issues.

Previous Guilds:

The Crimson Order - Played with them for the first two weeks of EN, then guild drama happened mostly due to one officer.
Fallen Consortium - Some people from the crimson order remade a guild and some of us moved there, leaders lacked experience so it was disbanded.
The Crimson Order - Heyy, we're back here again! Drama calmed down, everything was good and then the GM disbanded because he wasn't interested in running it anymore
Pixelated - Did one EN HC with them where the RL brought a large amount of trials that had to be ditched in order to make a 20 man grp (we were 29) I was one of the 9 that wasn't chosen
Illidari Cartel - I don't even remember being in that guild, never raided with them.
Manifestation - Was there for all the 4 raids that were set up during my time there, only two of them actually had 20 people, one had to be HC ToV because we couldn't get 20 and the other was supposed to be canceled until the GM decided 15 minutes after the raid was supposed to start that it wasn't being canceled after all, by then I had already started raiding with a friend and I was removed from the guild for not coming to it even though the guild only required you to be at 2/3 weekly raids, which I was. I believe I was kicked more because the GM didn't like me much even though I only had one interaction with him which was a Nightbane run where I got the mount and left the group thinking we were only supposed to do Nightbane and nothing else (to be fair, that's what it sounded like a Nightbane run was) and then he went off on me in /w because I misunderstood what he ment by Nightbane run. Got 4/7M with them.
Hey Bro/First Light - Disbanded after merger gone bad, got 7/7M | 1/3M with them.
Salty Murlocs - Raided with them because my previous guild disbanded and I needed a new one for Nighthold, disbanded at 3/10M.
Purified - Joined them after Salty Murlocs disbanded and got 7/10M including some Star Augur prog before finally realm/fac changing to Kazzak due to team issues.
Echo of Sylvanas - People started leaving shortly after I joined because every boss had to be essentially reprogged every week and people got demoralized so by the second week of me being it in over 5 people from the core team had left and the wednesday raid was canceled so even more left and I eventually left the day after too.


I'm usually always available even if not logged into WoW. I don't have holidays or work shifts scheduled as I'm currently on leave so there should not be anything conflicting with any sort of mandatory guild events.


I'm very proficient in English and have no problems communicating whatsoever. I have TS3 (my own server, even) and can both listen and speak.

Computer / Connection:

Processor: i7-4690 CPU @ 3.50GHz (4 CPUs)
RAM: 21gb
GPU: ASUS GeForce GTX 1080 ROG Strix Gaming
Monitor: 1x BenQ XL2430T 144Hz 24 inch 2x ASUS VN247
Mouse: Roccat Kone XTD (800Dpi)
Headshet: HyperX Cloud II
Internet: 300up/300down

I have no fps or any sort of performance issues. My internet connection is stable and I have around 20-30 ping to Kazzak with very rare DC's that usually only requires a game restart (once a month at max)


UI Addons:

Raiding Addons:
Details! (for DPS meters)
Angry Assignments

Other Games:

I don't really play any other games a lot anymore, though I used to play a lot of CS:GO and Black Ops 3.
Currently waiting for Mount & Blade Bannerlord when it's eventually released in 2032.

Why Iron Edge?

I want to join Iron Edge as I believe it to be a good guild with dedicated players willing aiming to push through Nighthold and future raids. The raid schedule is also perfect for me, so that's a nice bonus

What can I offer Iron Edge?

I'm a dedicated player who knows my class very well and will use every available resource to improve my gameplay and become a better paladin,
also I don't really do much so I can show up to about every raid unless something really serious happens. I've played WoW as a paladin for 6 years now and I know when to use my utility/support abilities in a raid. I have a working mic and know the strats for most (not the last 2) of the bosses in Mythic NH and can quickly pick up and adapt to new or unknown strats.

Where did I hear about Iron Edge?

I found Iron Edge on WoWprogress when I sorted for guilds looking for Retribution Paladins.

Last Words?

I will gladly help Rash transition from just an aspiring homosexual to a full on homosexual. ;););)

April 10, 2017, 07:22:08 pm
Reply #1

Offline Vejeta

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Re: Raider Application - Paladin (DPS) - Presistan
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2017, 07:22:08 pm »
Hi Presistan,

Well detailed apply, i like that you've put the effort into this.

You have stated about the stat weights, yet you confuse me by going high on mastery, 28% versus 21% on crit, and 9% vers.

Everyone that applies to us here arent guaranteed a raid spot every fight and will face some bench time at some point or another. I noticed on your wowprogress page that you are not looking at guilds to recruit for bench, so with that said, if you find yourself on bench duty due to main roster is in would you rage and leave?

Also thats a hell of alot of guilds for 8 months of legion...

Good luck on the apply.

« Last Edit: April 10, 2017, 07:47:15 pm by Vejeta »
You may have invaded my mind and my body...but there's one thing a Saiyin always keeps...his PRIDE!!!

Former angriest bastard on the internet.
Professional baby seal clubber

April 10, 2017, 07:54:54 pm
Reply #2

Offline Presistan

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Re: Raider Application - Paladin (DPS) - Presistan
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2017, 07:54:54 pm »
You have stated about the stat weights, yet you confuse me by going high on mastery, 28% versus 21% on crit, and 9% vers.

While my mastery is quite high, It's not something that I purposefully aimed for as the three pieces I have equipped that give mastery (not counting my weapon) are either set piece (chest) socket (neck) or warforged (wrist). I sim very often to make sure that I'm using the best gear that I can and run very high iterations when simming and I've concluded that even though some pieces I wear give mastery, they are still the most optimal for me to use.

Everyone that applies to us here arent guaranteed a raid spot every fight and will face some bench time at some point or another. I noticed on your wowprogress page that you are not looking at guilds to recruit for bench, so with that said, if you find yourself on bench duty due to main roster is in would you rage and leave?

I know that guilds often can't or won't take certain people/classes and this is something that I'm fine with, what I put on my WoWprogress was more aimed towards guilds that specifically recruit people just to keep them on the bench and only bring them out if someone didn't show. I'm fine with being on the bench so long as that isn't my only purpose.

April 12, 2017, 11:31:01 am
Reply #3

Offline Shylar

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Re: Raider Application - Paladin (DPS) - Presistan
« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2017, 11:31:01 am »
I like the tmog. Its about time 1 paladin in this guild looked half decent..SHIMMAR
"I'm not gay, I just appreciate a good cock when I see one."

April 12, 2017, 12:22:24 pm
Reply #4

Offline Tutan

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Re: Raider Application - Paladin (DPS) - Presistan
« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2017, 12:22:24 pm »
Nice transmog indeed, you look like a dk!

Do you have any long for a wee looksy?

April 12, 2017, 12:24:33 pm
Reply #5

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April 13, 2017, 04:14:30 pm
Reply #6


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April 13, 2017, 06:08:14 pm
Reply #7

Offline Presistan

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Re: Raider Application - Paladin (DPS) - Presistan
« Reply #7 on: April 13, 2017, 06:08:14 pm »
On his former realm;

Let's just pretend that never happened

April 14, 2017, 02:37:42 pm
Reply #8

Offline Phoenixflame

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Re: Raider Application - Paladin (DPS) - Presistan
« Reply #8 on: April 14, 2017, 02:37:42 pm »
Hey Presistan,

I like your application, it's thorough, informative and shows effort put into it. I also like your answers to the curious questions from our resident ret paladin. My only remaining question would be what kind of "team issues" drove you away from Purified and made you switch to Kazzak (and of course to the only correct faction)?


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