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 Raider Application - Druid (DPS) - Dejmiens

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November 30, 2017, 12:12:44 pm
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Raider Application - Druid (DPS) - Dejmiens
« on: November 30, 2017, 12:12:44 pm »
Hello, Iron Edge!

I am applying for the main raid.

Character: Dejmiens
Class/Spec: Druid (DPS)
Member Type: raider

Personal Info:

Hi my name is Damian and i'm from Poland, i'm 22 years old and now i currently study geology at the university. My studies are my passion i love minerals. I travel a lot and i spare time i watch movies and read fantasy books.


Balance 944ilvl because after i stopped playing retri paladin i needed a little change so i picked balance as my ranged char , my offspec is Guardian but i'm mostly use it when i need to do m+

I prioritize mastery over every other stat and secondary haste so i can have as many incarnation stacks as possible to maximalize my burst damage from this cd.  I use this pawn string ( Pawn: v1: "Balance Druid": Intellect=1, CritRating=1.45, HasteRating=1.6, MasteryRating=1.65, Versatility=1.4 ) but mostly i just sim with the new items to check out it's real boost.
For single target:
I pre cast 2 SW then i use my 2 dots and pop incarnation after that i cast 1 more SW and do 1 starsurge to get T20 set bonus haste after that i do full moon rotation and cast another SW at this moment i cast 2 starsurger and now i just pop all my 2 sw procs and 3 LS procs then i just repeat the process of spaming starsurge and spaming SW and LS with procs. I use weak aura to see how many stacks i got, how long will my cd last and when it will come back up( you can see it in my ui screen) ofc if i get leg wrists proc i use it asap so it won't go to waste with casting another starsurge.
For aoe i wear legendary ring and shoulders dot everything and spam starfall with lunar strikes it's rather easy rotation for this compared to single target
Here you can check my logs from old server:
And here from kazzak ( i was banned from any aoe on mistress coz we had to much cleave classes FeelsBadMan)


Some 100 alts but i use them mostly to farm raid for mounts etc


I have maxed alchemy for 2h flasks buff and to craft pre-pots and jewelcrafting not maxed but i can craft 200stat gems to i'm rather self suffecient. I also craft mounts like vial of the sands and panthers from jc

Raiding Experience:

I started raiding at the end of mists of pandaria cleared SoO on my Paladin and most of Wod content. In legion i was range officer on my old server on Burning Legion where we cleared
EN mythic 7/7
ToV mythic 2/3
NH mythic

Previous Guilds:

Inside Job on burning legion
After some inside problems with old guild master most of people left the guild and everybody went their own way.
Here on Kazzak after my transfer i raided in I Win guild but i couldn't stand constant slacking on every raid where on 3h of raid we really play about 2h because people afk or dc.

After that i raided in main squad in the guild HOAX until i had some problems with my studies and had to take break after coming back they already replaced me and now i'm looking for a new place where i can raid.


I'm avaible nearly every day from 6pm to 1am but in the weekends i'm up whole day. I don't have any problem with staying longer if we really want to push some bosses on the progression.


I'm used to play in english speaking guilds so I can speak fluent english. I have ts3  and i can listen to everything that my officers/RL are telling me. I have a microphone in my headset and i use it when it is needed

Computer / Connection:

I've got Y50-70 Lenovo laptop i'm running around 50fps on raid fights so there should be a problem with my pc. I don't have any internet problems and run around 50ms ingame


I use configured ElvUI, Shadowed Unit frames, Details!, DBM, GTFO and Weak Auras for raiding. Most of them is must have if you really want to raid notes and warning are usefull in raiding environment.

Other Games:

Online: Path of Exile, Overwatch, LoL, Conan Exiles  
Single: I love strategies so i don't want to post like 50+ titles to spam xd

Why Iron Edge?

I'm currently looking for a guild with 2 days of progression and from what i have read from your wowprogress page you look like 1 i would like to join :).

What can I offer Iron Edge?

 If i screw something up i'm always going to admit that and learn from my mistakes and those of others, i can handle constructive criticism and you can be sure that i will do everything to make myself a better player. I don't have any problem with prolonging raid if we are pushing boss for a kill. I can also do some tasks in the raid like marking etc because i have some expirience with that.

Where did I hear about Iron Edge?

From your wowprogress page

Last Words?

I'm looking for a friendly guild in which i could kill bosses and i'm sure you won't regret adding me to your roster ^^. I hope this application is better than the last one and i answered any question that you would have.

November 30, 2017, 12:26:34 pm
Reply #1

Offline Dejmiens

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Re: Raider Application - Druid (DPS) - Dejmiens
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2017, 12:26:34 pm »
Hmm it cut some of my raiding exp
I Raided in NH M and killed guldan but i didn;t killed every boss there because we had many people in guild and we rotated on some bosses.
In ToS i had to take a break from playing at 6/9 m coz of problems at uni.

November 30, 2017, 12:51:12 pm
Reply #2

Offline Tutan

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Re: Raider Application - Druid (DPS) - Dejmiens
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2017, 12:51:12 pm »
Hey dude,

I like your application,  our range officer is a busy guy and can't take a while to answer but he will get back to you soon.

Good luck!

December 01, 2017, 10:02:47 pm
Reply #3

Offline Rash

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Re: Raider Application - Druid (DPS) - Dejmiens
« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2017, 10:02:47 pm »
Hi Dejmiens,

I'd like to offer you a trial. You can poke an officer for an invite but before you do, please read this post carefully so you know what to expect from raiding with us.

Looking forward to seeing what you can do!
Rash - Holy Priest
Rashuwu - Mistweaver Monk
Porkkebab - Holy Paladin


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