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 Weekend Raider Application - Druid (Healer) - Sólace

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January 15, 2019, 09:15:38 pm
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Weekend Raider Application - Druid (Healer) - Sólace
« on: January 15, 2019, 09:15:38 pm »
Hello, Iron Edge!

I am applying for the Weekend Raid.

Character: Sólace
Class/Spec: Druid (Healer)
Member Type: Weekend Raider

Personal Info:

Hello there! (General Kenobi!)
My name is Olga, I am a 22 year old fake readhead and I'm from Greece. I am half Russian, so feel free to go full CYKA BLYAT RUSH B on me, I find it hilarious. I've been playing WoW for 8.5 years, albeit not always raiding, I was a noob for a lot longer than I'd like to admit. I basically grew up with the game.
 I love memes, gaming, reading books, watching funny but dumb videos on Youtube, metal music \m/ and joking around. I love animals, especially cats! I have a cute bread loaf of a kitty called Cleopatra.
I also work a part time job which doesn't affect my raid attendance (unless something comes up, which rarely happens) so my attendance will be near 100%. I am done with school or any studies as well.


 I prefer playing healers as I tend to do the best on them. My resto druid is 385 item level. I do not mind putting effort into boomie, however I haven't played it long enough to know much about what I'm doing (apart from AoEing). I would not consider the other two specs as offspecs because why would anyone play them?

 Hard to say, as a resto druid I prefer to balance my stats, taking whatever I have less of. I prefer item level over anything with the exception of specific socket gear where I will sacrifice a little bit of it. As for a rotation, well.... rejuvenation on whoever is taking/is about to take damage. Keeping Lifebloom and efflorescence up. Wild growth nearly on cd and use my Tranquility when it's called/planned for. I use the druid discord as my source of information for my class.
 I've been playing my druid since the last 2 weeks of EN. (got CE with it)
Here are my logs for the tier. They're not impressive but I am not one of those healers that stand idle when there isn't much to do. If there's nothing to heal, I will dps and help the raid group in that way.


 I have a 372 mistweaver monk and a 340 hunter that I only now hit max level on. I was an alliance player until recently so my horde alts aren't top-notch. I have used alts in mythic uldir however, a 376ish sub rogue which I used on mythic Zul (every kill we had, hence why my druid misses it) and a 372 priest which was used for a silly mother tactic, where we crossed 3 groups at once. Sadly I am not able to transfer any of those as I transfered my main already and it would be a hefty sum to transfer a second character.
Here are the rogue's Zul logs. Other than that it has 2 more very unimpressive kills on Taloc and Mother. It was solely taken to try and get me the dagger and some extra gear for Zul.


Herbalism/Alchemy. No special recipes, I leveled them for money making and so my flasks last longer, really. I had Leatherworking at the start of the expansion for the extra boost in gear.

Raiding Experience:

My raiding experience is as follows:
Warmane WoW private server: (scripted fights)
 7/7FL HC
 8/8 DS HC
 7/13 M. Up to Socrethar in prepatch on mythic on a priest healer so nothing impressive. Curve otherwise.
 7/7 EN M (CE)
 9/10 NH M
 3/3 ToV M (CE)
 8/9 ToS M
 11/11 ATBT M (CE)
That being said, I do have a guldan kill, however it was towards the end of Legion so it was not really important.

Previous Guilds:

 I was in a social guild on my old realm (Grim Batol EU) called The Dambusters which happened to have a decent raiding team, which, due to some drama from the GM's side, split away from the guild and the Raid Leader made his own, called Transcendence. We got up to Cenarius with the guild which disbanded, however we found one in need of people JUST in time to get Xavius CE, called Almighty Sisters. I have been with Almighty Sisters ever since, eventually becoming part of the officer team. I am very sad to say that after a long and (mostly) fun ride, the GM decided it was time for him to step down from leadership. The entire officer team wanted a break as well, including me so we set a poll for people to step up and help. I was willing to stay and help for the transition and so was the GM however since no one was up to the task, the guild disbanded.


 As previously stated, I work a part time job. I work mornings during the weekdays and afternoon in the weekends. My holidays are during Christmas, usually. I don't have anything planned just yet but my boyfriend should be visiting somewhere in april or may. We will still be able to play though.


 I would say I am. I do have a microphone and I am able to use it and I certainly won't be shy! I do have a TS3 account though it's not currently installed on my pc. It's just a matter of a few minutes to get it all set up.

Computer / Connection:

 I am running an intel i5 6400, 8gigs of ram with a gtx1050. I only have a pretty shit HDD which I should be able to replace soon™ so my loads can be annoying. I used to have FPS issues in Legion with my old pc which was a piece of trash. I raided mythic with 10 FPS, it was a meme in my guild, however no such issues anymore. My internet connection is more often than not fine. I do sometimes encounter some lag issues but for a very short time and not always. So far I've only had to skip raid due to lag twice and once it was because of some issue between my ISP (Vodafone GR) and Blizzard Entertainment.


 I use DBM (I tried bigwigs but I couldn't really get used to it), dominos for my action bars, Exorsus raid tools, WeakAuras, AngryAssignments.

Other Games:

  I mostly play WoW. Sometimes I play League of Legends and Warhammer Vermintide 2 though so I'd totally be up for that. Be gentle with me though, I am pretty shit in league! :D

Why Iron Edge?

  I wish to join a friendly guild where I can make friends while also raiding and having fun. I do not wish to go back to raiding full time just yet, however I don't want to be fully out of it. I want to do heroic Dazar'Alor when it comes out for example and definitely a little bit of mythic and eventually hop into full time raiding once more.

What can I offer Iron Edge?

 I play multiple classes and I intend to level almost every single one of them eventually and gear them to an acceptable level. I am versatile and I do not mind maining or bringing whatever we need for a specific fight, after all I progressed uldir mythic on 3 characters. Priest on Mother, Rogue on Zul and the rest on my druid. So basically, you name it, I play it.

Where did I hear about Iron Edge?

I was checking a list of guilds with CE on WoWprogress that would accept Socials that do not intend to trial out for full time raiding right away.

Last Words?

I like the guild's name. :)
Also thank you for reviewing my application.
PS. I am the girlfriend of Zepe (the guy that actually contacted you about the guild earlier today)
Here is a cute GIF of a kitty I found on imgur!

January 15, 2019, 11:52:02 pm
Reply #1

Offline Solace

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Re: Weekend Raider Application - Druid (Healer) - Sólace
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2019, 11:52:02 pm »
One point I forgot to make in the guild section;
Like my boyfriend said on his application, we were in a guild called High Priest Ninjas in WoD, however I left because of a disagreement between me and the then GM which ended with me /gquiting. Long story short at the start of legion he made m+ groups for some reason. He made us do the m0s with the groups, our group's tank had to go and we finished them off with another. The gm and I argued about it and I left. They dropped the m+ groups a week later, however I could've handled that better, so I apologised. :D
Still the wind blows, calm and silent, carries news from a distant shore.

January 16, 2019, 02:14:56 pm
Reply #2

Offline Xormn

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Re: Weekend Raider Application - Druid (Healer) - Sólace
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2019, 02:14:56 pm »
Hello there.

Thank you both for posting. I would like to reiterate a few things:

1. The Weekend Raid pushes as much as they can for the mythic content. That doesn't mean we clear it with just 1 day/week.
2. Our raid teams are exclusive. Meaning that you can't just jump into any team whenever you think it would just suit you best. If you apply for one, you are most likely going to stick to it.

I will post this on both apps, just to make sure these points are understood by the both of you.
Ba dun tss!

January 17, 2019, 08:41:42 pm
Reply #3

Offline Solace

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Re: Weekend Raider Application - Druid (Healer) - Sólace
« Reply #3 on: January 17, 2019, 08:41:42 pm »
Understood and that's absolutely fine.
Also, a little embarrassing that I forgot this, but I noticed I did not include Uldir progression... Silly me.
8/8 M (CE) world 767 rank.
Still the wind blows, calm and silent, carries news from a distant shore.

January 17, 2019, 09:45:15 pm
Reply #4

Offline Xormn

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Re: Weekend Raider Application - Druid (Healer) - Sólace
« Reply #4 on: January 17, 2019, 09:45:15 pm »
Hello again.

It's fine, no worries. You can poke any officer for an invite.

Ba dun tss!


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