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 Adf - Undead Mage (60) Application

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October 08, 2006, 09:47:09 am
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Adf - Undead Mage (60) Application
« on: October 08, 2006, 09:47:09 am »
Greetings Iron Edge.
i am Adf, who is a Undead mage from Dunemaul. I would like to say that i made this application before it closed for mages. But i didn't have the time posting it. So I'll take my chances posting it now.

Who's the guy behind Adf?.
I'm 16 year old boy from Denmark, the country of beer and bacon. I don't have a girlfriend nagging my raiding, and I am having a normal day with lots of fun and sun with friends. But i still have plenty of time for World of Warcraft. My hobby besides Wow is skateboarding, which normally takes up the middle part of day time. Thats the real person behind Adf

I've played a lot of Computer games in the past, both single player based and Online based.

Now how did i end up on Dunemaul?
Just before World of Warcraft, i played a lot of JKA (Jedi knight: Jedi Academy), and in the clan i was in, a lot of people talked about WoW So i decided to give it a try while it were in Beta. I just fell in love with it. So when WoW came out in Europe i quickly grabbed me a copy, i started playing on Daggerspine with some old JKA friends, but they wanted to play alliance and i wanted horde. So i rerolled on a Medium populated server, which were Dunemaul, and everything pretty much went hand in hand from there. I joined a guild called Shadowlords, which pretty much just were a "Level your character up here". I even actually were close to join Iron edge at that time, but i had Friends in Shadowlord. When i reached level 60. I joined a guild called The Bloodguards, which were mainly focused on PvP. It didn't last more than a week. Some days after, i were the 4 to join the DMC guild. DMC were maybe the first guild on Dunemaul who did Pick up MC's with a mix of 39 total random people who never been to MC and 1 leader: Punky. He lead the raids. That started my raiding career. Well weeks passed and DMC eventually became a real raiding guild. It all went pretty good, until the MT left the guild and there were total chaos. After DMC were disbanded, I took a 1 year break.
When i came back i found one of my old friends from DMC, who were in the guild called Naughty By Nature. He got me into this new guild, which were on the same places as where DMC ended. In Naughty by Nature everything were nice. Until the summer. Most of core members of NbN had left on summer and guild was very inactive. I were gone for 3 weeks vacation when i came back there had only been 1 MC raid. So when i came home i took an unexpected 1 month break. When i came back i were kicked from NbN. But i came back into it. DMC had meanwhile killed Razorgore and had a lucky kill on Vael, and is still going good. But lately the guild is getting inactive. People don't show up, some leave, and it start to remind me more and more of the summer problems. So ind the end, the leader or NbN decided to migrate. He then gave the leadership to another who disbanded the guild cause it sucked. I mainly play World of Warcraft for progression. I love to see new things. and challenge some of the best things this game has to offer.

What is Adf's items and spec??  You can see most of my gear from there, and my spec. If you wonder why i have fire spec, but a lot of +frost damage items. Then its because that i almost just respecced, and haven't gotten any replacement for them, yet.

My Resistances(Totally unbuffed) are:

FR: 144
NR: 124
SR: 100

Respeccing is no problem for me. I can play with almost any spec as long as it benefits the guild.
I don't have an onyxia scale cloak. Naughty but Nature wouldn't give me one.

I have done MC, BWL, Ony, and Naxx attunements
I have experience in full MC, ZG, onyxia. AQ20 to Orrisarian, and up to Broodlord in BWL.

I still got a lot to learn about the harder end game, but i am willing to read much and i learn fast from trying the fights. You just tell me what to do, and it will be done.

So why wants Adf to join? What will Iron Edge get from that?
I want to join IE cause i only hear good thing about it. I don't know many from IE, but I've been told by Mattopiiska some of your raiding times, and i most say that they almost suit me perfect.

I almost try my best both in game, and also to get to the raid. Even if i have to skip some things to do so. Wiping is no problem for me, i infact love to wipe, its fun to learn new things.

I usually can play from 19.30 to 00.30, every day except Monday(sometimes i can play on Monday too). Of cause if i am sick one day i might not be able to raid from 23.30, or if i have to go to something that some day.


« Last Edit: October 08, 2006, 09:59:30 am by Adf »

October 08, 2006, 12:19:25 pm
Reply #1

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Re: Adf - Undead Mage (60) Application
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2006, 12:19:25 pm »
I find it amusing how you've got something like 100 frost damage from your gear, but you're 17/31/3 specced. >.>

Anyway, really nice application (You managed to include raiding times! ZOMG).
But the lack of endgame experience and gear doesn't help, and seeing as we are looking for people who are ready for the encounters in naxxramas, I'm afraid I'm going to have to turn this application down.
Read, comprehend, post.

October 08, 2006, 12:49:24 pm
Reply #2

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Re: Adf - Undead Mage (60) Application
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2006, 12:49:24 pm »
I wrote: "If you wonder why i have fire spec, but a lot of +frost damage items. Then its because that i almost just respecced, and haven't gotten any replacement for them, yet."

Well, good luck with Naxx :)


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