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 60 rogue application

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November 12, 2006, 02:27:57 am
Read 3014 times

Offline holysiggi

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60 rogue application
« on: November 12, 2006, 02:27:57 am »
Hello there Iron Edge :)

Character Name: Holysiggi lvl 60 rogue Undead

/played: 60 days, 43 days in lvl 60

General Gear:
Also got 7/8 NS and 3/5 ZG set.

FR Unbuffed and FR Gear:
I have 192 FR unbuffed and 154 NR unbuffed. My FR/NR gear stands on CTprofiles.

Your current Specc.
My current specc is 16/35/0 (combat)
Assassination: 16
Subtlety: 0

Improved Eviscerate: 3/3
Malice: 5/5
Murder: 2/2
Relentless Strikes: 1/1
Lethality: 5/5

Improved Sinister Striker: 2/2
Lightning Reflexes: 5/5
Deflection: 5/5
Precision: 5/5
Riposte; 1/1
Dual Wield Specialization: 5/5
Blade Flurry 1/1
Sword Specialization: 5/5
Weapon Expertise: 2/2
Aggression: 3/3
Adrenaline Rush: 1/1

Prequests complete:
I have done all Prequests, MC/BWL/Onyx and Naxx.

Previous Experience:
ZG: Cleared
Aq20: Cleared
MC: Cleared
BWL: Cleared
Onyxia: Cleared
AQ40: Up to sartura, included killed him Smile
Naxx: Anub and Instructor

Previous Guilds:
My previous guilds are Naughty by Nature and Aeon of ancient.
I left naughy by nature because i thought we had a bit bad progress, but i regret that now Sad I had many many friends there, and enjoyed nbn very much. But just some days after nbn got disbanned, and i'm pretty sure Arb is the reason.
Aeon of Ancient:
I got kicked out by aeon of ancient. They thought i never wanted to go naxx, they complained that i always went offline when they should raid naxx. But that aint true.. I had heave lag and god disconnected. The internett went down and i tried to fix it 1 hour, but with no luck. So i needed to wait till next morning till it was up again, when i logged in i were kicked. I was really suprised tbh..

Why do you want to join us?
The reason i want to join Iron Edge is because i want to raid endgame instances with nice ppl wich gives 110% on raids. Iron Edge is a very nice guild wich many nice ppl's :) U also got a nice atmosphere, and i belive u can give me the feeling i want from this game...

What can you offer the guild?
Well u can be sure of that i will give 110% on EVERY raids, and i am active rogue wich got the skills in instances u need  ;) I'm also a kind person and a nice teamplayer. I just hope i can get the chance to prove it to u...

What do you expect from the guild?
I expect that the guild keep the good atmosphere and nice ppl within the guild, and keep going getting better etc..

Which days of the week can you play and whats your average weekly playtime?
I can play every day, when i get back home from school till i go to bed..In weeekends i usually going out.. Saturdays im going out for sure, fridays i can raid mostly..

About myself:
My name is Sigve, i'm 16 years old and live in norway in a city called "stavanger." It's a very beatiful city tbh, but oh dear i hate the weather, its raining man, halleluja  ;) Well my favourite sports is football and Volleyball. I actually were a football player myself but after 6-7 years i did quit. I also were a volleyball player, but i had to quit 1 year after i started because of an operation. I'm going on highschool wich its kinda boring, especially when i need to wake up that early :O But i'm gonna be a cook, we make food at school etc, very fun.. My favourite football team is Manchester United...

Some other Info:
I can use Vent/Ts, i can also communicate with u guys there, i have a mic so.. I belive my english is good, and i hope u all understand me clearly..

This was all about me, contact me Ingame if u want more information

Greetings Holysiggi


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