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 Social Application - Warrior (DPS/Tank) - Khormogg

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January 01, 2022, 07:26:06 pm
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Social Application - Warrior (DPS/Tank) - Khormogg
« on: January 01, 2022, 07:26:06 pm »
Hello, Iron Edge!

I am applying to be a social member.

Character: Khormogg
Class/Spec: Warrior (DPS/Tank)
Member Type: Social

Personal Info:

Hi there,

My name is Timo, 34 years old and from Amsterdam, currently just started get back into retail WoW on a casual level and I must say I enjoy it a lot, except I really miss a community of people to play with :D
I used to raid really hardcore back in the days, but these days I don't have the time anymore. Hopefully I can join you guys and find a friendly and fun community again to play with :D


Currently playing as Arms, but I'm fine with everything tbh. But i must say my warrior is my main for so long so I'm really into warrior ;-)


Didn't really lvl it yet, but its mining/bs.

Raiding/PVP Experience:

I have been raiding hardcore from Vanilla till start of Cata, after that its been on and off like most people I guess. But have seen a lot in my years of playing WoW. Including multi server firsts, gladiator etc.

Previous Guilds:

Not sure if you want my guilds from back in the day? ^^ But the reason I left my last community was because everyone quit :)


Not sure if I can commit to a certain day or hour in the week, but I have time to play. Don't mind to fill in fur certain raids if you miss people ^^


I have a discord and yes I can listen and talk on discord ;-)

Computer / Connection:

Just bought a new pc with Ryzen 5800x and GTX 3080 :D


Aii I must say I haven't done that much with my UI, still something I have to make better but just started again so keep that in mind haha.

Here is the link:

Other Games:

Classic WoW, Warzone, RD2, DS2 and more :D

Why Iron Edge?

I searched in community find in WoW found your guild and saw the explanation on Wow progress and its felt friendly and organized, things I like!

What can I offer Iron Edge?

A experienced WoW player that is friendly and helpful :D

Where did I hear about Iron Edge?

WoW community finder.

Last Words?

Not really, just hope you have a spot in the community :D

January 03, 2022, 10:47:22 am
Reply #1

Offline Xormn

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Re: Social Application - Warrior (DPS/Tank) - Khormogg
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2022, 10:47:22 am »
Hello Khormogg,

You can poke any officer for an invite.

Ba dun tss!


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