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 Your imba starcraft 2 replays here!

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April 23, 2011, 04:15:52 pm
Reply #210

Offline kagemoth

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Re: Your imba starcraft 2 replays here!
« Reply #210 on: April 23, 2011, 04:15:52 pm »
Dunno man. I think he is doing well with the whole expand thing more or less. A bigger issue is his scouting i think. Kawe plays in the dark more or less all the time. He should force himself to get a ling or sumthin outside the opponents base more often so he can see when they move out and to do pokes so he can view unit composition.

But not to take anything away from Matt. I think Matt did sum pretty cool decision making.

Insanity doesn't run in my family. Rather, it strolls through, taking its time, getting to know everyone personally.

April 23, 2011, 04:59:46 pm
Reply #211

Offline Narw

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Re: Your imba starcraft 2 replays here!
« Reply #211 on: April 23, 2011, 04:59:46 pm »
Yawn, Kage. 3k minerals, 100 gas, 2 bases and total map control. Yes, he needs to expand.

April 23, 2011, 05:04:02 pm
Reply #212

Offline kagemoth

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Re: Your imba starcraft 2 replays here!
« Reply #212 on: April 23, 2011, 05:04:02 pm »
Look. You gotta compare it to the lvl they playing at ok , just saying expand more aggresivly doesn't help much if he isn't doing things more important than that. How is he supposed to just expand without knowing what his apponent is doing or when/if his apponent is moving out.

Insanity doesn't run in my family. Rather, it strolls through, taking its time, getting to know everyone personally.

April 23, 2011, 05:05:25 pm
Reply #213

Offline kagemoth

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Re: Your imba starcraft 2 replays here!
« Reply #213 on: April 23, 2011, 05:05:25 pm »
Man , can a mod give me the power to atleast mod my posts? It's rather frustrating posting and wanting to add sumthing but need to do a whole new post to do it :P
Insanity doesn't run in my family. Rather, it strolls through, taking its time, getting to know everyone personally.

April 23, 2011, 05:05:56 pm
Reply #214

Offline Sparrowhawk

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Re: Your imba starcraft 2 replays here!
« Reply #214 on: April 23, 2011, 05:05:56 pm »
Look. You gotta compare it to the lvl they playing at ok , just saying expand more aggresivly doesn't help much if he isn't doing things more important than that. How is he supposed to just expand without knowing what his apponent is doing or when/if his apponent is moving out.

Look. Learning to macro is the most important and basic thing to learn, not scouting.

April 23, 2011, 05:08:30 pm
Reply #215

Offline kagemoth

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Re: Your imba starcraft 2 replays here!
« Reply #215 on: April 23, 2011, 05:08:30 pm »
That is not very smart play .. I would prefer to justify an expansion rather than just throw them down randomly. Sure he can do it now , but it will fuck him up if he does that at higher lvls. Rather , do it right from the start :P
Insanity doesn't run in my family. Rather, it strolls through, taking its time, getting to know everyone personally.

April 23, 2011, 05:11:26 pm
Reply #216

Offline Narw

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Re: Your imba starcraft 2 replays here!
« Reply #216 on: April 23, 2011, 05:11:26 pm »
Look. You gotta compare it to the lvl they playing at ok , just saying expand more aggresivly doesn't help much if he isn't doing things more important than that. How is he supposed to just expand without knowing what his apponent is doing or when/if his apponent is moving out.

I take into account what lvl they are playing at, and i just give him advice on how easily he can improve. If you get into position where your minerals start stockpiling, you need to expand. Zerg units are ass cheap, you wont be able to burn that on 2 bases. There is no thinking process involved about this decision, you just NEED to.

Your advice about scouting is good there is no arguing about that. I do belive tho that if he just had more shit he would be perfectly fine.

April 23, 2011, 05:14:48 pm
Reply #217

Offline Daekesh

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Re: Your imba starcraft 2 replays here!
« Reply #217 on: April 23, 2011, 05:14:48 pm »
I said the same thing to Kawe while we were playing - he needs to expand more.  He should never be in the situation where a protoss has more bases than him!

I don't think either of us were scouting very well.

Man , can a mod give me the power to atleast mod my posts? It's rather frustrating posting and wanting to add sumthing but need to do a whole new post to do it :P

<delling> get a proper guild


April 23, 2011, 05:30:33 pm
Reply #218

Offline kagemoth

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Re: Your imba starcraft 2 replays here!
« Reply #218 on: April 23, 2011, 05:30:33 pm »
This was actually what i wanted to add to my previous post but sicne i cant mod my Posts(Damn your Rodger!) i have to make a seperate post.

This is an example of expansions taken due to scouting and other an example of bad scouting on my apponents side and why it's so much more important.

Fistly note i send a ling to tower and have the one near him taken at all times(he doesnt try to deny me either) I park lings outside his base and poke a few times , i see he is walling off , fine , have your 2 bases i will take a 3rd then and a 4rth a bit later. I send over lords very early to his top left to scout if he sends air to fuck me on my top left base. I send an over lord to the bottom right to make sure he can't sneak an expo on me. Note that i see his composition the 2nd he moved out. My plan for this game was to get mass muta ling and since i had 4 bases end up transitioning into broodlords.

I park a ling at his 3rd base position , when his army moves out the first time to clear my scout , so that when he pushes he cant just sneak an expo on me.

When he made his push i knew he had cleared my scouting ling there at his 3rd so i knew he was constructing a base , killed his giant deathball and countered with the mutas to harass and lings to deny this 3rd. Easy win.

I'm sure he assumed i had a 3rd , however he had no idea were my 3rd was or even that i had a 4th. He saw my composition late also , coulda held back a bit more and got more stalkers maybe. Up to the point were he pushed out he didn't really know what was going to hit him and that is how kawe is kinda playing right now.

Ofc my play wasn't too good either , i coulda got more upgrades and i coulda got that Greater spire earlier but this is jsut an example of decisions made through scouting.

Insanity doesn't run in my family. Rather, it strolls through, taking its time, getting to know everyone personally.

April 23, 2011, 05:57:38 pm
Reply #219

Offline Starbrow

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Re: Your imba starcraft 2 replays here!
« Reply #219 on: April 23, 2011, 05:57:38 pm »
This was actually what i wanted to add to my previous post but sicne i cant mod my Posts(Damn your Rodger!) i have to make a seperate post.

This is an example of expansions taken due to scouting and other an example of bad scouting on my apponents side and why it's so much more important.

Fistly note i send a ling to tower and have the one near him taken at all times(he doesnt try to deny me either) I park lings outside his base and poke a few times , i see he is walling off , fine , have your 2 bases i will take a 3rd then and a 4rth a bit later. I send over lords very early to his top left to scout if he sends air to fuck me on my top left base. I send an over lord to the bottom right to make sure he can't sneak an expo on me. Note that i see his composition the 2nd he moved out. My plan for this game was to get mass muta ling and since i had 4 bases end up transitioning into broodlords.

I park a ling at his 3rd base position , when his army moves out the first time to clear my scout , so that when he pushes he cant just sneak an expo on me.

When he made his push i knew he had cleared my scouting ling there at his 3rd so i knew he was constructing a base , killed his giant deathball and countered with the mutas to harass and lings to deny this 3rd. Easy win.

I'm sure he assumed i had a 3rd , however he had no idea were my 3rd was or even that i had a 4th. He saw my composition late also , coulda held back a bit more and got more stalkers maybe. Up to the point were he pushed out he didn't really know what was going to hit him and that is how kawe is kinda playing right now.

Ofc my play wasn't too good either , i coulda got more upgrades and i coulda got that Greater spire earlier but this is jsut an example of decisions made through scouting.

All this said, you're still on four bases because you expand more than him, which is much more important than knowing the exact time someone is taking their third.
Feral, a class of its own.


April 23, 2011, 06:19:25 pm
Reply #220

Offline kagemoth

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Re: Your imba starcraft 2 replays here!
« Reply #220 on: April 23, 2011, 06:19:25 pm »
Ok , maybe i worded it wrong sumhow and you haven't understood what i've tried to convey.

What i am trying to say is that the reasoning behind my expands are justified. I know what he is doing and mostly all my decisions stem from that.

You can play a robot game and then whine about imbalance very easily when you get stomped by sum toss or you can play with your head and actually beat the apponent through your superior decision making. Stratagey.

Kawe also often says to me that he is afraid of things like "what if he attacks now" and he also generally places a lot of spinecrawlers that aren't really neccesary. A LOT of this can be remedied by just forcing himself to see what his apponent is doing. It will allow him to start making decisions based on what his apponents are doing as apposed to playing a guessing game   ;D
Insanity doesn't run in my family. Rather, it strolls through, taking its time, getting to know everyone personally.

April 23, 2011, 06:39:43 pm
Reply #221

Offline Daekesh

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Re: Your imba starcraft 2 replays here!
« Reply #221 on: April 23, 2011, 06:39:43 pm »
Just casually strolling an overlord into the base every so often would be useful in Bronze!


April 23, 2011, 08:00:06 pm
Reply #222


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Re: Your imba starcraft 2 replays here!
« Reply #222 on: April 23, 2011, 08:00:06 pm »
Thanks for all the thought and input guys, I really appreciate it <3

April 23, 2011, 08:02:40 pm
Reply #223

Offline Starbrow

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Re: Your imba starcraft 2 replays here!
« Reply #223 on: April 23, 2011, 08:02:40 pm »
Yeah, about scouting as a zerg, you could just set a timer to go "Ding!" once per minute, and every time it does, you send a zergling to his front to see what he's doing. It's an easy way of forcing yourself to get more information.
Feral, a class of its own.


April 24, 2011, 12:55:49 am
Reply #224


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Re: Your imba starcraft 2 replays here!
« Reply #224 on: April 24, 2011, 12:55:49 am »
Silly game, 45m, me vs a terran. I make a lot of lings and blings. A LOT.


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