Hello there,
I would like to have : Fists of Fury & Warboots of Mighty Lords
Fist of fury : There arent any other gloves that drop in FL which can be replaced over tier 11 these gloves are better than Tier 11 itself.
Warboots of mighty lords: The only boots that drop are from spider boss, they have haste and crit, haste is crap for paladins so thats a waste, the crafting boots give me hit and crit, so i can reforge gear to have more crit/mastery during the hit upgrade on the gloves.
Why not take shoulders/gloves/chest/legs for T12 and get the bonus?
The crafted gloves are better than the T12 gloves, it gives me more damage, the bonus i will get sooner or later anyways, from the T12 headpiece, which looks far cooler anyway!

See what u can do, will hear it!
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