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 Dem Anime of 2011

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January 02, 2012, 11:49:54 pm
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Dem Anime of 2011
« on: January 02, 2012, 11:49:54 pm »

now then with that out of the way let me talk about what in my opinion is the best anime... per season because fuck you
also i figured i recommend you some anime if you havent watched it
Winter 2011
Madoka: Dont think this comes as a suprise to anyone that i think think this is the best anime of the winter anyway
Korean zombie deskcar:no thats not the actual title its Kore Wa Zombie Desu Ka? and to be honest thats the only noteworthy anime i remember other then madoka but it was fun to watch anyway... oh right yumekui merry was also good but you realy should read the manga instead for that

Spring 2011
Tiger & Bunny:I personaly found this to be a very good show to watch funny too
Nichijou:To be perfectly honest it started getting good at around episode 10 at first i just stuck around because the animation was freaking godlike
Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko: because i am a SHAFT fanboy kinda so i end up watching most SHAFT shows but this one is nice regardless of that

Summer 2011
YuruYuri:Well this the only good show of Summer that i remember but my god i had so much fun watching this show it made my mondays not a shitty day to be working and i actualy looked forward to mondays... that shounds rather wierd and now that there is a second season announced its even better YAY

the other shows realy werent that interesting to me but if i was supose to recommend something i gues it would be Usagi drop for the HHHHHHHNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG

Fall 2011
Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon: Horizon for short this show... this fucking show i watched the trailer for this show and i was ready to hate it because of the disgusting Cowtits alone. What makes you want to watch the show then you might wonder? Well its because Kobayashi Yuu was voicing one of the characters there and bieng my favorite female VA i had to watch it just for her
Now i will admit that the first episode was... well not exactly good it had its highlights and its downsides (mostly trying to cram a cast of 30 people or so in 30 minutes) but it kept me watching. it also helped that the Subbing drama surrounding one of the groups subbing this was fucking hilarious but i talked about that in another thread enterily.
Anyway the characters kept me coming back to the show and the first 3 episodes or so were just there for character introduction and world building after that shit got down and it became more and more interesting. oh yeah its based of a Light Novel but you can take the "Light" With a grain of salt because the 7 novels so far come close to about 8000 pages or so (so dont throw those things at people)
one final tidbit if you are planning on watching this dont download hadena subs... that realy goes for any show they did just take commie or reinweiss
oh and second season (rumoured to be 24 episodes) starts this summer yes thats rather far away

Ben-to:while the premise sounds moronic (people fighting for halfed priced supermarket Ben-to) it just adds to the fun and made the show realy fun to watch
Persona 4: The animation: never actualy played the game i must admit but the show it self is actualy entertaining to watch and might make me buy the game.
Last Exile: Fam, The Silver Wing:While this is a sequel and i purpousfully left out sequels in the other seasons i still felt this one should be mentioned because you dont actualy have had to have watched the prequel but because you get to see some of the old cast you might want to anyway. also this show has some amazing fetish fuel.. that i wish i saved the picture of so i could show it to you
Fate/Zero:dont worry this show is the prequel to Fate/Stay night (i forgot where the backslash went) and it isnt done by deen so you dont realy have worry about the light novel bieng butchered (not that i read the LN)still though Saber is a fucking idiot so nothing realy changed in that aspect oh and second season coming this april

seems i talked alot about the last season probably because it was the most resent and the best one i had in a while
also talked alot about Horizon because i realy realy realy liked that show

But if you have a different opinion on what you think is the best anime of that season then go ahead and post it but remember
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